Star Conflict 1.4.2 Discussion

49 minutes ago, Weylin29651 said:


The bug is that the first one gives you 0.3 Iridium for every GS spent. The second one gives you 1.3 Iridium for each GS spent.

Thus, it’s cheaper to salvage two small ones, as opposed to one large one.


Indeed, all as intended. To have more iridium at once will be more expensive.

I can’t understand the logic… Don’t you want to encourage larger purchases?

Okay, I don’t really want to spam this forum, but I need to know this.


Is this a bug or not?


3 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

Phoenix and Reaper components are gone, as it was declared before.

just … peachy , i had 449 reaper parts and just needed the last one for the pvp win today. are the parts i already collected lost forever or do i have a chance to get the ship with them?

one ship part to build but its too late and 449 parts vanished lol

very unlucky

3 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

Iridium is much easier to get now ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Now you can get iridium in the following activities:
    Spots with rare trophies (purple) in the search trophies after the battle in PvP, PvE and Co-op
    As a reward for owning a location in SecCon
    The final reward for the weekly tournament
    For the top places on the leaderboards

Increased the amount of iridium obtained when dismantling parts
    When disassembling parts for GS, the player can get double the amount of Iridium

in other words: “give us more of your money, so you can get an everso-slight increase in a rare currency, because we’ve removed every other means of getting it more than 1x a day.” 

Can I please get a Defender ship? :stuck_out_tongue:

I want the Precursor.

I read that in the next update, there might be some restrictions with character limits in a way that any resource above that limit will be lost permanently!

Since I am resource hoarder, with some of my resources over 10k or 100k in numbers, I must know, if I will be affected!




Hopefully the limit is for 5 digits, like 99999

Also, I have yet to see a mission that allows us to get Neo/Beryll every 3 hours.  And i still am stuck with those stupid “collect 50 of x resource during trophy search” which can no longer be completed, because you “Geniuses” removed those from search.

One big problem: Can’t sell actual parts for things, only blueprints.

And no, dart/garg/dessy module parts don’t count.

The difference of whales and non-customer is increasing with this fail patch.
My thought of reducing non-payer to second class people was true with this fail trade system…

Aside from marathon quest, where do we find Brook parts? And please, please, please, do not answer where or how do we NOT find them. 

(And if you want to keep this change, you should chande the marathon quest aswel. because 10 wins when you play alone or with random people it can be a pain)

1 minute ago, Nizelien said:

Aside from marathon quest, where do we find Brook parts? And please, please, please, do not answer where or how do we NOT find them.

At the moment, the only way to get them is to do the missions. No longer can you get parts from loot. (Super sad, I know.)

42 minutes ago, Koromac said:

I read that in the next update, there might be some restrictions with character limits in a way that any resource above that limit will be lost permanently!

Since I am resource hoarder, with some of my resources over 10k or 100k in numbers, I must know, if I will be affected!




Hopefully the limit is for 5 digits, like 99999

If you have above this number then you don’t care about loosing some anyway

Wait… Why will there be resource restrictions?

Quick question:

When will you fix this endless looping Spec Ops music that overlays any other music and plays at the same time? Seriously everytime i play spec ops this one music keeps playing all the time even when the mission is done and i´m back in hangar or play any other mode.

Onliest way to solve is reloging.


CinnamonFake (Posted 55 minutes ago)

Brokk, Archelon and Stingray parts were not changed. They’re can be found and still the same.



Rare Resources
    Ship part missions are now updated once every three hours.
    Ship parts , neodium and beryllium are no longer available in trophy search after battle


In summary it is harder to get the parts of the destroyers (I have a bad r8 and r11 XD) the trade of the items is, more difficult in the Spanish chat I want my special ship r11 from empire but I lack the activator And another good part I hope to get it this month

Finally! An update and failure to see the new ships ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

I’m so much - to uninstall the game 

-----cruise nerf (i’m bored of this free nerf on speed and rotations )

------guard continuosly stop all the map with a module 

------ no real thark’th nerf 

this game risks to lose all italian population, we are bored of this situation, now play for me and my friends is a stress no a fun thing to do.

Finally some nerfs to Cruise Engine and a buff for Catalyst Injector. For the first time I’ve actually been using that thing now.