Star Conflict 1.4.2 Discussion

Please explain this bug? (In attachment)

Look at ratio of Iridium:GS

This is present in trophy search more prominently, but warehouse was easier to access to show the issue.


12 minutes ago, Rob40468 said:

Withdrawing GS from tournaments literally killed the joy for me. Nobody will fly it anymore. First Thar’gas put one nail, now this added another one to the coffin.

Wait, there is no Sunday’s GS Tournaments? I need to read the patch notes again…

37 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:

Iridium is much easier to get now ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Now you can get iridium in the following activities:
    Spots with rare trophies (purple) in the search trophies after the battle in PvP, PvE and Co-op → again mostly only 1 time per day. Since i started again i have NEVER seen another alien artifact in the blue nodes again so “pointless”
    As a reward for owning a location in SecCon → But only 2 times per day by wining in PvP (if it haven´t been changed) so another “pointless” part
    The final reward for the weekly tournament → Is a mode i won´t really play cus of PvP (and i hate PvP anyways)
    For the top places on the leaderboards → Uhm… maybe you did overlooked my post but i said that i won´t have time to be part of top place leaderboards

Increased the amount of iridium obtained when dismantling parts
    When disassembling parts for GS, the player can get double the amount of Iridium → Uhm sure… yes but honestly then the contracts would need an rework too for obtaining the vouchers a “bit easier” then currently cus i need to fly my R15 ships for the contracts.

So in theory my Iridium earnings are reduced to the 1 single daily stuff (ok 2 daily stuff when i consider the Sec Con part). So where exactly is the point here? Players who do enjoy PvP and tourneys and have the time to gain points for the LB are way better placed then others now.

I don´t only talk here about me cus this counts for all players who have an RL they need to do stuff. Basicly i have per day ~4 hours to play. How should i stay “competetive” with this less time/day? Obtaining Iridium is crucial here cus otherwise the market will be “1-side driven” by the ones who have the time and stuff to earn the Iridium in order to open the crates and so have an “constand flow of tradable items” at their disposal.

And OS… well i don´t say anything else to this (cus i did it already) BUT you maybe have forgoten that some places now will be overrun by players and so the nodes won´t respawn quick enough to please everyone. I just was “trying” it out and after 17 mins flight time in a sector with ~5 other pilots i only found 1 neo and 1 bery so yeah… well thought idea in this case.

CinnamonFake, give us Nightingale events back. I need more ship parts! I am currently at 95/400.

10 minutes ago, Koromac said:

CinnamonFake, give us Nightingale events back. I need more ship parts! I am currently at 95/400.

I have 370/400  ![:crazy:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/crazy.png “:crazy:”)



“Where is the bug there? The amount of iridium obtained when dismantling parts was increased”

The bug is that the first one gives you 0.3 Iridium for every GS spent. The second one gives you 1.3 Iridium for each GS spent.

Thus, it’s cheaper to salvage two small ones, as opposed to one large one.

It’s not just me. A lot of people are confused, why they can’t buy exclusive blueprints for Dart and Gargoyle.

Trading System as presented included this screenshot: Some may call it “false advertisement”.



As you can see, Boson Cannon is listed on the buy option. If those items are not yet available, please, edit the screenshot, or remove it.

The best way, like I already mentioned before, is that you can add at least items that are listed on the screenshot.


3 hours ago, MightyHoot said:




It’s not an advertisement, it’s just an artwork) And it also teases some of the future elements, which will be available for trading.


More excuses!

Listen, the only thing that I want to trade is one missing blueprint. You know this, since I have been telling you this for months!

I can only assume, that you all conspired against me. ![:00:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00.png “:00:”)  There is no other explanation. Evil (S)Targem! ![:00222:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00222.png “:00222:”)

No GS from tournament? Oh well, bye bye last gamemode of star conflict that consistenty provided fun (despite thar’ga spam to a certain extent…)



Resource restrictions

Added a limit on the amount of resources for production in storage.
Resources exceeding the limit are lost.
This does not apply to resources acquired for GS, including as part of packs.


I saw this in the first version patch info, does it mean this new feature will be implemented in future updates?



and these new modules, will they come out soon as well?

GS are now the currency for market, and can’t be given as a prizes any more. Otherwise there’s a damger of market crash. With some new additions, like aticipated trading system, there’ll always be some restrictions for the game’s ballance.


I understand that but what about ppl that get gold from you for translating, moderating, etc? Won’t that cause the same problem? I hope you thought this to the end.


3 minutes ago, millanbel said:

No GS from tournament? Oh well, bye bye last gamemode of star conflict that consistenty provided fun (despite thar’ga spam to a certain extent…)

But this gamemode has not been changed, ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) just rewards

Why was my styx turned into a green jericho guard?!

3 minutes ago, Doomb0t said:

But this gamemode has not been changed, ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) just rewards

A lot of the incentive to spend a lot of time forming up an 8 man wing and waiting for the numerous countdowns came from the rewards. It felt like you were actually fighting for something very valuable! (even though it was only a very small amount of GS).

Just now, millanbel said:

Why was my styx turned into a green jericho guard?!

How many times did you fly in alien sectors recently? I heard some aliens can be contagious. 

Frankly speaking, we just did what Fox asked.

4 minutes ago, Doomb0t said:

How many times did you fly in alien sectors recently? I heard some aliens can be contagious. 

Frankly speaking, we just did what Fox asked.


I think if the trade between pilots can use the credits,the trade system will more useful for every new pilots.

14 minutes ago, Doomb0t said:

How many times did you fly in alien sectors recently? I heard some aliens can be contagious. 

Frankly speaking, we just did what Fox asked.

Fox asked for an Alien Hunter frigate, but not this. xD

9 minutes ago, ONISANCHU said:

I think if the trade between pilots can use the credits,the trade system will more useful for every new pilots.

True, but that will never happen.