Star Conflict 1.3.9 Discussion

BTW, nobody talked about it, but : 

The price of the premiums ships is now much higher then it used to be.


80 parts for a r5, it takes easily 4K GS to get, up to 8K if you have bad luck for something that used to cost 1k3. End game premiums can cost 150 euros if you want the special mod now, when it was around 35 before.


The cost of a premium ship represented already a huge amount of money, but it increased even further. I know you guys need money, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to make even a starter premium cost 20 buck, when there is more then a hundred of premiums in game. 

So I just found out that the Thi’lith beam is a bit weird around destroyers. It will deal about 2-3k damage per shot, unlike the 300 on every other ship, but that the same time, two shots means you are out of energy. I assume that this is because it also hits all of the modules that are within the cone of effect. This is a very interesting mechanic and I like it a lot. Though the weapon is still useless in PvP aside from being slightly more effective against destroyers.

1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

So I just found out that the Thi’lith beam is a bit weird around destroyers. It will deal about 2-3k damage per shot, unlike the 300 on every other ship, but that the same time, two shots means you are out of energy. I assume that this is because it also hits all of the modules that are within the cone of effect. This is a very interesting mechanic and I like it a lot. Though the weapon is still useless in PvP aside from being slightly more effective against destroyers.

What is not effective against destroyers…

10 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

What is not effective against destroyers…

All of the basic weapons (beams, rails, plasma), as well as anything that doesn’t pierce or explode.

The Thi’lith beam is particularly useful because it directly attacks the destroyer modules, which can over time deal much more damage than the weapon is capable of. The T5 destroyer modules deal INSANE damage to the destroyer when destroyed. XD

Though the beam is still blocked by their shields, so that takes more effectiveness away.

1 hour ago, kotexdiana said:

anyone have thi’lith baem what do you think about it ? it is killing good or you die before they ? ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Dmg realy need to be improuved (next update i hope) cause yea most of the time you’ll get a assist or you’ll just die :confused:

3 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

Dmg realy need to be improuved (next update i hope) cause yea most of the time you’ll get a assist or you’ll just die :confused:

There will be a significant buff to the Thi’lith beam in the next patch.

Just now, TheDarkRedFox said:

There will be a significant buff to the Thi’lith beam in the next patch.

Good to heard 

Someone used a destroyer in the pve but then I got past him because I was killing turrets all day while he followed the cargo XDXD Game mechanics are fun!

15 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

There are many bugs introduced: Shield havoc isn’t visible(or barely)…

I noticed shield havoc effect is now different (has some sort of electricity effect), but dont recall not seing it. I’ll pay attention to it about being visible or not.

13 hours ago, g4borg said:

yeah, i wasn’t whining tho. I don’t give a rats behind about auto-aim weapons. I just stated I understand that. So should you. After the same principle, as you just told, people are whining, and should just do it, you should accept them. Not seeking to argue, since your point is valid from a certain angle anyway. I find it interesting to hear, you and JC see no problem in it for you, and you perceive things to be happy, but then, suddenly, people still complain. And I can understand some of those complaints.

I was generally criticizing that some of these problems are recurring themes, because honestly, it’s each time the same mistake in a different color.

I saw that competitiveness in PVE can also just become plain stupid. I saw teams struggling with the 2.5k xp mission in the previous events. People aren’t lazy, people just get bored, and bored gaming makes you bad. Ok some are lazy and bad. I can be.

And the stuff, which is event based, and not released, and hard to farm without events is also stacking up. Also, in the past two years, PvP players were clearly not treated equally in resource income. Of course I recognize that it is kinda just the same complaint from the other side now, in some of the posts complaining about being forced to PvP, and I am somehow empathic to that, somehow I am not; But in common, I find it cool, if generally stuff in the game is achievable by multiple game-types, since almost 99% of the game is in fact not game-type exclusive (and most really game-type exclusive items like the open space scanner are GS items…), which I was indirectly hinting at.

I agree on some things, dont on others. But i apreciate having a rational discussion from your end (discussing aint always bad), we need more players pointing problems this way.

6 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

All of the basic weapons (beams, rails, plasma), as well as anything that doesn’t pierce or explode.

The Thi’lith beam is particularly useful because it directly attacks the destroyer modules, which can over time deal much more damage than the weapon is capable of. The T5 destroyer modules deal INSANE damage to the destroyer when destroyed. XD

Though the beam is still blocked by their shields, so that takes more effectiveness away.

Its great to take out shields since all hits go to it. Energy drain should be reduced a bit imo; i was at fire support with voltage and multiphase generator along with an engineer spamming energy emitter mk4, but i was constantly running out of energy after 2-3 shots when facing the cruiser or shooting the demoman.

25 minutes ago, Papitas said:

Energy drain should be reduced a bit imo; i was at fire support with voltage and multiphase generator along with an engineer spamming energy emitter mk4, but i was constantly running out of energy after 2-3 shots when facing the cruiser or shooting the demoman.

Agreed. If a destroyer waltzes in front of you while firing, one shot will drain all of your energy. Even with two leak stabilisers I’ve been left with <200 energy after a shot from full energy. I say the the new energy cost mechanics are awful and need to go. This weapon doesn’t need any more limitations.

3 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Agreed. If a destroyer waltzes in front of you while firing, one shot will drain all of your energy. Even with two leak stabilisers I’ve been left with <200 energy after a shot from full energy. I say the the new energy cost mechanics are awful and need to go. This weapon doesn’t need any more limitations.

i forgot i was also with E7 implant (+40% cap volume) ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) I like the drain mechanics a lot (since it allows great dmg output while spending cap, kinda like engineers heals), although for this case the energy drain should be lowered

For all the guys disconnecting upon seing a destroyer to get the mission at ellydium raid:


The destroyer pilot was a very good one, but after dying at the end of round 2 and seing i had a bit more score, simply disconnected. This time i flew with a friends account in his patriarch while using HB mk2 (that wasnt the only thing mk2). As you can see i did not only went for turrets…

Now do it in your average run of the mill ship that others are using. :wink:

14 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

BTW, nobody talked about it, but : 

The price of the premiums ships is now much higher then it used to be.


80 parts for a r5, it takes easily 4K GS to get, up to 8K if you have bad luck for something that used to cost 1k3. End game premiums can cost 150 euros if you want the special mod now, when it was around 35 before.


The cost of a premium ship represented already a huge amount of money, but it increased even further. I know you guys need money, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to make even a starter premium cost 20 buck, when there is more then a hundred of premiums in game. 

I’ve talked about this at length. Frankly, it makes me suspect the game might be failing. Why else would they have to price gouge so badly?

The energy idea is cool, finally a 1 vs crowd weapon, #thisissparta comes to mind. Needs a lot of tweaking tho.

IDK if it’s good or not, you tell me, I spent 5k GS and got 120 prem parts (4x5 and 2x1 packages).

And regarding the BPS, just find 3 random players willing to cooperate, that’s all. It’s a shame seeing soo much soloing in a MMO game.

It’s not really about the patch itself, but I’m quite fond with the music that you guys used on the little loop video to present the new alien weapon.

Can anyone please tell me what the name of the song is? ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)



3 hours ago, Papitas said:

For all the guys disconnecting upon seing a destroyer to get the mission at ellydium raid:



What the heck, how did you get a bery AND a r15 ship part? 

You’re supposed to get beryllium in r11, and this ship in r15 

Edit : My bad, I see beryllium everywhere. It’s not



1 hour ago, Swifter43021 said:

What the heck, how did you get a bery AND a r15 ship part? 

You’re supposed to get beryllium in r11, and this ship in r15 

Edit : My bad, I see beryllium everywhere. It’s not



search.jpg.ce0e5d4ef3955eeaafe79b8a3108b9d1.jpg That’s impure silicon…


So devs, can we maybe get an ETA on the fix patch? Can it be released -soon-?