Star Conflict 1.3.9 Discussion

I’m just along for the ride until the alien ships are growable. I really don’t care one way or another given that it is a short weekend event.

A lot of talk about PVE being the only option for obtaining the new weapon. I get it, a lot find PVE dull and even the guys who play pve exclusively cant compete with someone who understands how to get points and ‘win’. But ffs stop whining, those who can will and the others just have to wait to buy the BP as before (I assume). Its a pretty low bar for a few days early access and understandable to have some kind of hurdle to jump to get it. Otherwise over the weekend every game mode is filled with new weapon fighters as players test it out.

As for the PVE games themselves an event like this gets players moving for once, i have never seen so many PVE matches where every player actually tries. Instead of the noble pve’rs cry of ‘my team sucked’ it has changed to someone was ‘point stealing’. Well boohoo! PVE had a competative element in it for a weekend, made it interesting for a change. Not a single complaint from pve players when they had thier lazy asses carried while i ground out a brokk. Now suddenly their ships are able to move and fire and be generally more effective, i just can not see how that can possibly be a bad thing.

As for the weapon, best described as a directional guard pulsar fitted onto a fighter. Wierd and pretty uneffective. For such crippling energy loss i would expect a little more damage but i wouldnt like to see that either as it is a pulsar with instahit mechanic. Atm every single other weapon that could be put on a fighter is a better choice to make the kill. So no tears please, if you cant manage to finish the mission or afford the BP cost then you are not really missing anything. Well not about the weapon at least.

If 1 win, it also means that 3 loose. It makes your own teammates your enemy. If friendly fire was allowed, I’m sure some would kill their allies to have the 1st place.


Last time, it was a good mission. The 2500 requirement made players help each others by intentionally not ending the mission to let them farm points. Here, it’s the opposite. They want to steal for points.

I don’t see how in a coop game this is a good thing.

6 hours ago, g4borg said:

If the item I get is useful for PVE, and its only obtainable by PVP and the game doesnt offer trade*, I completely understand the reluctance of someone who prefers PVE for wanting it obtainable in both. And the other way around. If items are useful only in a specific mode (if there are any like this), I don’t mind, it only be obtainable by those specific means. But there sure is more solutions to this, than telling others to stfu.

Like git gut in creating an economy ingame which works, and offers obtainable goals, by challenge, not by forced boredom.

I like PvP. I don’t like to be forced to play PvE to get stuff, which is for PvP. I don’t mind, if it however is a faster route for specific challenges, but only optional. That’s why I like e.g. stuff like monocrystal drops, and I think best thing for everybody is, if nobody is forced to do anything he or she doesn’t like.

Edit: and yeah, cooperative pve gaming should probably not do competitive rewards. It shouldn’t be so hard to get averages which scores are good enough. Last time it was a braindead farmfest. To be honest, I rather blame, that u guys sometimes just estimate “mission numbers” wrong. Beating high scores should be achievement oriented. For the glory. For bling. Not to just unlock game items. But that’s just my opinion, it’s not a rant.

*) To clarify, this is the difference of MMOs offering pve raids for loot you can _trade_. Without that locking something in another gamemode doesn’t make sense.

Truth is, if you did all the PVP missions, you have more than enough to make the gun…and the BP purchase is not that expensive. No one is forcing you from playing a single PVE mission that doesnt grant you content you could not get by other means. However PVE players have to play more than a few PVP missions to get the resources to craft the weapon…and the weapon is mostly oriented for PVE. So i stfu cause im for the rewards, not the pleasure to play PVP…none of these missions are obligatory, its simply people forcing themselves to get something they want fast and crying cause they dont like the access way. That people could simply step away and await for other means to get the rewards, just how i stepped away from receiving the GS rewards from dreadnoughts, cause im not willing to play PVP and I am NOT FORCED to do them. Im often polite in this matters, but after seing so much whining i got sick. Its true, this is a whiny community, a one that will never be pleased no matter what; you can tell on how contradictory some speeches can be.

Something i shouldve replied you before: the new gun could use more dmg.

2 hours ago, JCNB said:

A lot of talk about PVE being the only option for obtaining the new weapon. I get it, a lot find PVE dull and even the guys who play pve exclusively cant compete with someone who understands how to get points and ‘win’. But ffs stop whining, those who can will and the others just have to wait to buy the BP as before (I assume). Its a pretty low bar for a few days early access and understandable to have some kind of hurdle to jump to get it. Otherwise over the weekend every game mode is filled with new weapon fighters as players test it out.

As for the PVE games themselves an event like this gets players moving for once, i have never seen so many PVE matches where every player actually tries. Instead of the noble pve’rs cry of ‘my team sucked’ it has changed to someone was ‘point stealing’. Well boohoo! PVE had a competative element in it for a weekend, made it interesting for a change. Not a single complaint from pve players when they had thier lazy asses carried while i ground out a brokk. Now suddenly their ships are able to move and fire and be generally more effective, i just can not see how that can possibly be a bad thing.

As for the weapon, best described as a directional guard pulsar fitted onto a fighter. Wierd and pretty uneffective. For such crippling energy loss i would expect a little more damage but i wouldnt like to see that either as it is a pulsar with instahit mechanic. Atm every single other weapon that could be put on a fighter is a better choice to make the kill. So no tears please, if you cant manage to finish the mission or afford the BP cost then you are not really missing anything. Well not about the weapon at least.

Cant agree more. I even had fun competing with a guy for score; it was very close and i barely won, i PMed him congratulating him for such challenge and he replied in similar way (instead of angry or what ever).

Can anyone tell me what exactly is “Become the most effective pilot in PvE mission Ellydium Raid”? 


13 minutes ago, SuDoKu said:

Can anyone tell me what exactly is “Become the most effective pilot in PvE mission Ellydium Raid”? 


It means be at the top of the after-battle player list. You must kill the most and do the best in the battle. Your “efficiency” stat when you press tab needs to be the highest out of all four pilots in the match.

Thank you, then look the third player.  ![:):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/).png “:):”)

Third player killed a lot of enemies but probably got no turrets or objectives. Missile turrets mean points! 

Trust me! I tried it too. Yesterday evening i just played this mission. I have r6 ships. Then the teammates came r8-10 ships and i was the third.

I rushed it in my reaper yesterday XD Curved HB and octopus missiles, coupled with speed, meant I could get to the turrets faster than those stupid destroyers people like to fly. Got top in 3 matches after doing only 5 total.

I am very happy about the last patch, obviously. 

I am somewhat dazzled with what determination you introduce more and more components and make this as chaotic as possible. I can see a pattern here. Seriously, can you stop pretending that nobody plays this game and make a humanoid friendly enviroment. The more things you add the more obvious it gets. I get it, this is f2p but that doesnt require adding an absolute chaos just to have extra transaction. (btw im not saying this because i want to get them badly or sthn, i just comment on the broke status quo)

You fixed 1 core problem (squads) and now the good old tradition contiues,

Hacking gravihole was a bug? Im just glad im goin on holiday, i can’t handle the level of history repeating. Probably you saw the amount of ECMs in games and this is the rebalance.


Ninja sighted: Stasis no longer turns off pulsar.


Get a gunship, especially with cruise, and farm the turret till the end(especially in 2nd phase) and turn back to start. Farm again.

3 games on Ellydium, 3 wins. 1st game with 150 points more as 2nd. 2nd game with over 400 points more as the 2nd and 3rd game I was over 1400 points better as the second.

All three games had a destroyerpilot. I had none destroyer in my slots.


There are many bugs introduced: Shield havoc isn’t visible(or barely)…

Hi …
i want to give my congratulations to whom have this idea…
It is very easy , and normal for any other ship ,to compete  destroyers to be first in that contest, as the fire power is almost the same…
And as in almost any battle there are at least one or two destroyers what more easier for someone who don’t have , or don’t like to have destroyer ship to win…
What more simple ??? He will play thousands of pve games , in case to be lucky not find destroyer in the team…

Congratulations again…

it is very smart…

It must be focused on missile turrets and laser turrets…with an engie or fast gunship is achievable fast…better than with a destroyer…I used Styx R9, for better survavibility and more firepower with attack drones (got 1st place 3 times from 4 attempts).

53 minutes ago, VoRtek said:

Hi …
i want to give my congratulations to whom have this idea…
It is very easy , and normal for any other ship ,to compete  destroyers to be first in that contest, as the fire power is almost the same…
And as in almost any battle there are at least one or two destroyers what more easier for someone who don’t have , or don’t like to have destroyer ship to win…
What more simple ??? He will play thousands of pve games , in case to be lucky not find destroyer in the team…

Congratulations again…

it is very smart…

Edit: not sure what you’re talking about actually, after rereading

Destroyer ?

Nah. 5,5K DPS ion emitter command (to get assist).





I hate doing this, but I got my blueprints in 3 pve. Didn’t bother to help in phase 1 and 2 because stupid  mission.

12 hours ago, Papitas said:

Im often polite in this matters, but after seing so much whining i got sick. Its true, this is a whiny community, a one that will never be pleased no matter what; you can tell on how contradictory some speeches can be.

yeah, i wasn’t whining tho. I don’t give a rats behind about auto-aim weapons. I just stated I understand that. So should you. After the same principle, as you just told, people are whining, and should just do it, you should accept them. Not seeking to argue, since your point is valid from a certain angle anyway. I find it interesting to hear, you and JC see no problem in it for you, and you perceive things to be happy, but then, suddenly, people still complain. And I can understand some of those complaints.

I was generally criticizing that some of these problems are recurring themes, because honestly, it’s each time the same mistake in a different color.

I saw that competitiveness in PVE can also just become plain stupid. I saw teams struggling with the 2.5k xp mission in the previous events. People aren’t lazy, people just get bored, and bored gaming makes you bad. Ok some are lazy and bad. I can be.

And the stuff, which is event based, and not released, and hard to farm without events is also stacking up. Also, in the past two years, PvP players were clearly not treated equally in resource income. Of course I recognize that it is kinda just the same complaint from the other side now, in some of the posts complaining about being forced to PvP, and I am somehow empathic to that, somehow I am not; But in common, I find it cool, if generally stuff in the game is achievable by multiple game-types, since almost 99% of the game is in fact not game-type exclusive (and most really game-type exclusive items like the open space scanner are GS items…), which I was indirectly hinting at.

Just to make things clear, the task for PvE could have been better, that’s all.

anyone have thi’lith baem what do you think about it ? it is killing good or you die before they ? ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

3 minutes ago, kotexdiana said:

anyone have thi’lith baem what do you think about it ? it is killing good or you die before they ? ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Nice concept, no damage

It will be buffed tho