Star Conflict 1.3.9 Discussion

1 hour ago, Koromac said:

I got a new weapon - Rank 15, Mark IV and it’s absolute crap… I couldn’t even kill one Biomorph Scout with it.

To buff the new Alien weapon - it’s already in our plans for nearest update.

How about make it an actual beam instead of that extremely slow pulse thing? XD

And I have yet to see any projectiles fly from it. Thought that may just be my wonky graphics card.

Yeah the alien fighter weapon is xxxx. I tried it on several ships and none worked. For a weapon with that short range, the damage should at least be doubled, similar to a singularity cannon. I tried to make a high speed tackler with it, since the auto-aim is good against squirmy ceptors, but I could never break their tank. Oh and the firing on multiple targets isn’t very good since you rarely get two ships in the targetting circle. I suggest making it more: “has a chance to jump from one target to the next in range and deal damage to both”.

Haven’t tried the weapon, but how does the insane spread affect targeting/attacking?
And when can we expect a fix to the totally fufu broken PvE/Spec Ops MM squading?

It’s not insane spread. It’s like the special recon weapon pretty much. Except with a really cool animation!! I’ll try and make a video for you.

10-15 degree of spread is insane. That’s so… not even meson/blaster can compete with such aim at planet - hit his sun - spread. So I’m asking how the hitdisposition is.

42 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

10-15 degree of spread is insane. That’s so… not even meson/blaster can compete with such aim at planet - hit his sun - spread. So I’m asking how the hitdisposition is.

The weapon is homing on the locked target. The insane spread is where you can target the ‘extra’ ships in the line of fire. Simply have the cross-hair over the ships you want to fire at and then fire… and tickle them.

Ah! Thanks for the answer. Now I can abandon this weapon. Maybe if you have like 6 adds in a group it could work, but then you would be out of energy…
Yeah! Can’t wait for the nonsense mission: Kill 5 player with this weapon! -.-***

It does have potential. I can see it used as a close range shrapnel cannon type weapon. But shrapnel has way more damage. So should this weapon.

I’ve only been using the 5-9 version of the weapon, so I can’t really access a full build with it, but from what I have done, crit builds on a gunship are the only way to make this weapon work for you in it’s current state, however even then you’ll only just be able to scratch the back of a guard whilst under the effects of overdrive.

2 hours ago, TheDerpNukem said:

I’ve only been using the 5-9 version of the weapon, so I can’t really access a full build with it, but from what I have done, crit builds on a gunship are the only way to make this weapon work for you in it’s current state, however even then you’ll only just be able to scratch the back of a guard whilst under the effects of overdrive.

I tried that and it didn’t work either. Just too low base damage. It was doing like 700 crits on a cov ops.

Oh wow i didn’t get it yet but as i read this gun look terrible …x) i was thinking after sawing the picture of the gun that will be a sort of electro cannon but no more closer to a singularity luncher but with auto-aim i still have to figure it out my self

Don’t Like the weekend event. PvE is about teamwork, and this doesn’t promote teamwork. 

16 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

The R14 Empire dessy was shown in the background of several of the latest event posters. In full colour in one or two of them. The rest in either mesh or outline.

Where are the full color pics?? :open_mouth:

14 hours ago, Ironquest said:

Rank 1-3 PvP does not count for the daily Alien tech research tasks, and it looks like Co-Op also doesn’t count for these daily tasks.

There is no daily OS task in this phase either.

The only (non repeatable) PvE mission might as well be a labled as PvP mission, since you have to fight against your own team to be the “most effective pilot”.

Leviathan zone got cleared, so no need for extra raids untill next phase. Also, dont tell me youve never competed against another player in PVE (for getting more synergy/creds). I see this PVE mission as a GIT GUD incentive for those players that wait to be carried in every single PVE map (those who die in the first minute and dont revive).

13 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

With all honesty, playing only PVE, or any other mode, is like attaining a drivers licence for the pure joy of just going straight ahead without turning left or right, which leads only to crashing into a tree eventually. Be open minded and explore every option and not just one.


Also i dislike the tasks for PvE, that mode is about teamwork and not sealclubbing, again.

There has been only 1 mission for PVE in 11 days of PVP and OS missions during phase 2 (where 2 have been for PVP and 1 for OS). Phase 1 was 99,8% PVP missions… following what you are saying about variety: we need more PVE missions!! I dont like PVP but i have to suck it up and play the daily missions for getting the reward, people see 1 mission for PVE and start bitching around. Dont like PVE? dont do the mission. Want the rewards? do the mission and stfu.

5 hours ago, millanbel said:

Yeah the alien fighter weapon is xxxx. I tried it on several ships and none worked. For a weapon with that short range, the damage should at least be doubled, similar to a singularity cannon. I tried to make a high speed tackler with it, since the auto-aim is good against squirmy ceptors, but I could never break their tank. Oh and the firing on multiple targets isn’t very good since you rarely get two ships in the targetting circle. I suggest making it more: “has a chance to jump from one target to the next in range and deal damage to both”.

Its meant to be effective shooting 2-3 targets at the same time, not easy to do with low range, so horizons/range implant is great to make this better. DPS aint good, but with some crit chance buffs it gets its mayor dmg boost. I imagine this weapon to make surprise attacks over cluster of ships covering behind an obstacle: since this weapon also targets buildings and objects, you will clear all drones and heal stations. Another use you can give it is for close quarter dogfighting (curved reflector) in order to “perma pulsar” that extremately agile ceptor…hits very low dmg, but it has a huge aim assist.

23 minutes ago, Papitas said:

There has been only 1 mission for PVE in 11 days of PVP and OS missions during phase 2 (where 2 have been for PVP and 1 for OS). Phase 1 was 99,8% PVP missions… following what you are saying about variety: we need more PVE missions!! I dont like PVP but i have to suck it up and play the daily missions for getting the reward, people see 1 mission for PVE and start bitching around. Dont like PVE? dont do the mission. Want the rewards? do the mission and stfu.

If the item I get is useful for PVE, and its only obtainable by PVP and the game doesnt offer trade*, I completely understand the reluctance of someone who prefers PVE for wanting it obtainable in both. And the other way around. If items are useful only in a specific mode (if there are any like this), I don’t mind, it only be obtainable by those specific means. But there sure is more solutions to this, than telling others to stfu.

Like git gut in creating an economy ingame which works, and offers obtainable goals, by challenge, not by forced boredom.

I like PvP. I don’t like to be forced to play PvE to get stuff, which is for PvP. I don’t mind, if it however is a faster route for specific challenges, but only optional. That’s why I like e.g. stuff like monocrystal drops, and I think best thing for everybody is, if nobody is forced to do anything he or she doesn’t like.

Edit: and yeah, cooperative pve gaming should probably not do competitive rewards. It shouldn’t be so hard to get averages which scores are good enough. Last time it was a braindead farmfest. To be honest, I rather blame, that u guys sometimes just estimate “mission numbers” wrong. Beating high scores should be achievement oriented. For the glory. For bling. Not to just unlock game items. But that’s just my opinion, it’s not a rant.

*) To clarify, this is the difference of MMOs offering pve raids for loot you can _trade_. Without that locking something in another gamemode doesn’t make sense.

This event or PVE mission to get blueprints for the new weapon is a big mistake, because it pits players against players in a game mode needed of teamplay, at least from my point of view. I’m tired of players farming efficiency in PVE, but i understand i can’t change that, so i deal with it. But this mission is taking this farther than needed. I have been able to win with no destroyers in sight, but it’s sad to see players using weapons with the only purpose to get the last shot.

Even if it turns insane because of random players with no clue what’s happening, i prefer instead of this mission a PVE mission, more harder than usual, and request all players can’t be killed to be completed.

53 minutes ago, ntboble said:

This event or PVE mission to get blueprints for the new weapon is a big mistake, because it pits players against players in a game mode needed of teamplay, at least from my point of view…

Even if it turns insane because of random players with no clue what’s happening, i prefer instead of this mission a PVE mission, more harder than usual, and request all players can’t be killed to be completed.


Exactly my point of view…

i was so excited for the new weapon but when i finally got it i was so dissapoint. The new weapon have a huge lack of damage. Also we need more OS activity it was fun kill the scouts in leviatan 

Poor low lvl player they have no chance :confused:

All I’m saying, a mode like PvE should be about co-op, would make more sense if it was like noone should die or else you wont get the bps, rather then being a killsteal prick for some random points. There were better options for PvE.