Star Conflict 1.3.9 Discussion

The most important thing on the r14 picture, is that modules are 2 top 2 bot. 

And if you take a look a the previous destroyers, all destroyers of  share the same pattern. 


I guess Empire will be 2 top + both side on back

And Fed 2 top + both side on front. 

Yup pretty much, i wonder if they will be bigger tho  ![:):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/).png “:):”)

I notice that with a 2top 2bottom config the angle of firing is not perfectly strait it look like there is a sort of «zone» where only bottom gun are able to shoot

just wanted to say thank you folks for telling me about AVG, downloaded launcher everything works fine now

4 hours ago, Papitas said:

I dont play PVP either, but i make an exception to get all the goodies. You will have access to the live crystals later, but i ensure you it will be much harder than doing these missions. Im confident life crystals will be used in other situations than the hibrid weapons.

I’m here for the PvE, and i’m not going to get lured into the meatgrinder by something shiny. But this is my choice, and everyone else has to make their own choice.

I keep it simple, i’m not asking for something extra or special, i’m only asking for the same rewards in PvE tasks, and that’s it.

If that’s not possible, then why should i keep on paying and playing?


Edit: Erm, why was the daily login reward changed?

With the previous container, there was at least the small chance of getting something usefull from it every day…

Play rank 1-3 pvp if it allows for live container, since it’s mostly bots anyway.

5 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

The jerry dest look huge tho (at every aspect i hope ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) ) can’t wait to see the 2 other!

–>more hype

There’s a picture with the empire R14 floating around the forums somewhere… lemme try and find it…

The R14 Empire dessy was shown in the background of several of the latest event posters. In full colour in one or two of them. The rest in either mesh or outline.

It was shown in the ultimate destroyer contest.



The only destroyer that hasn’t been shown is the R14 Federation one.

4 hours ago, RennieAshII said:

Play rank 1-3 pvp if it allows for live container, since it’s mostly bots anyway.

Rank 1-3 PvP does not count for the daily Alien tech research tasks, and it looks like Co-Op also doesn’t count for these daily tasks.

There is no daily OS task in this phase either.

The only (non repeatable) PvE mission might as well be a labled as PvP mission, since you have to fight against your own team to be the “most effective pilot”.

With all honesty, playing only PVE, or any other mode, is like attaining a drivers licence for the pure joy of just going straight ahead without turning left or right, which leads only to crashing into a tree eventually. Be open minded and explore every option and not just one.


Also i dislike the tasks for PvE, that mode is about teamwork and not sealclubbing, again.

PvE and PvP are two different roads, but both should lead to the same destination.

PvE, PvP and Open Space are just main roads that lead to separate things, depending on what you need.

You guys are just going to have to accept that there are many people that want to play for things other than PvP, in this, and other games. Even in games where devs will talk about how important PvP supposedly is to the game, the game will still often be almost all PvE, with just some token PvP here, and there. That is especially true after the game has aged, as even if it was more PvP oriented earlier on, that will have proven not to be the most sustainable model in a game that has both, which this game has had for a long time.


For me, my main problem with PvP in online games are the PvPers themselves. If they lose in 1vs1, it’s excuses, and accusations, in team PvP, if your team loses, insults, and blaming abounds, even if that person was the one ignoring objectives, trying to go lone wolf, and had the lowest score. They will constantly go on about how “superior PvP is to the easy, and boring PvE content,” plus how “PvP is the only thing that provides any challenge in the game,” then take their level capped, geared to the teeth chars, team up with others using the same, and gank lone newbies in the newbie areas if the game allows for it. When engaging in PvP with people you know, especially when you’re all in the same room, that are just viewing it as a game for fun, not some all important something, PvP can be fun, but not with far too many of the people that flock to PvP in a game. To make matters worse, there’s all the people that cheat, as there pretty much always are those that do. Many games, especially in those that link PvP, and PvE will sell things so that the wallet warriors are at an advantage, rather than everyone being on an equal playing field, with skill alone being the deciding factor. Then there’s lag, as you can always count on there being some lag in online games.



About the new weekend task:

The last one was fine as it was just a points thing, with that one it was possible for two, or three of the team to get enough points, maybe even all four. It required you get X points ten times, and was completely doable in 10-15 wins, whether you went in with PUGs, or arranged groups. With this one it basically works out that if doing PUGs you keep one destroyer in your hanger, if you see no one else has a destroyer, you use that, and presto, easy first place. I’ve seen people disconnect from the match at the start if they see other destroyers, since if you swap out your ships, you can queue up for another round. If you go in with arranged groups, everyone just takes a turn using their destroyer till everyone has finished the task. Doing it the way you did it this time was a bad idea.

20 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

Cool ^^!

That make me think, is there more new pve campaign in comming?

We have a plan for it for a long time, Targem was good back in the days, making singleplayer games with story ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)  But we still have not enough ppl to do it.

15 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

More than likely all hotties for jitters and crashes.

It is. Bug fixes.

12 hours ago, Firely said:

Couple weeks ago on Reddit you said something like “big update is coming in autumn” - can we get a preview, please? Like - will open space be affected? Is craft becoming more accessible without direct purchases of components? (for example during 6 months I got 1/200 of beryllium required for a L11 destroyer) and so on

p.s. what was wrong with the scanner? It worked fine last week.

Big Autumn Update means new content ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) About scanner, in this case bug report is needed, if it’s not made yet

8 hours ago, Ironquest said:

I’m here for the PvE, and i’m not going to get lured into the meatgrinder by something shiny. But this is my choice, and everyone else has to make their own choice.

I keep it simple, i’m not asking for something extra or special, i’m only asking for the same rewards in PvE tasks, and that’s it.

If that’s not possible, then why should i keep on paying and playing?


Edit: Erm, why was the daily login reward changed?

With the previous container, there was at least the small chance of getting something usefull from it every day…

Live crystalls will be one of the important resources in the game later, you will be available to get it in PvE as well.


Getting the best score is bad.
Again you show how hard you can fail.
5th day rewards. Totally crap.
1-4th day reward changed to totally crap.
Why should I need 5-25% more credits?
The synergy is something, but again 5-25%?! To gain the additional synergy you need to have oh wait between 4k-200k to farm. Not to mention this buff is only 3h. With the previous system you sometimes get a) Mono b) Mk4 low level kit c) free synergy and d) free craft ammo. Especially a and b is something of use with c) for low level/not liked ships.
But now? All day rewards are meh crap.
These changes are really bad.

5 hours ago, TheDerpNukem said:

It was shown in the ultimate destroyer contest.

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The only destroyer that hasn’t been shown is the R14 Federation one.

Ehw yea true forget that one, look epic only fed dest is missing then

Alright, got the new weapon and I have to say… it’s absolute rubbish. It does 224 thermal damage to a target, has below average crit chance and a high modifier. If the weapon itself did the actual stated damage of 1100 thermal damage (mine is mkII) to a single target and did the lowered damage of 224 to additional targets then it would be usable, but right now it is not worth the mono crystals.

I got a new weapon - Rank 15, Mark IV and it’s absolute crap… I couldn’t even kill one Biomorph Scout with it.

I have reason to believe that the weapon is not performing as intended. Wait for more to obtain it and complain about it and we’ll see what happens.