Star Conflict 1.3.9 Discussion


Welcome to discuss [Star Conflict Patch 1.3.9](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30881-star-conflict-139/)!

Ellidium project missions will be available once again tomorrow! ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Damn it, tomorrow I leave because I’m going on holiday, so I won’t be able to test the update and get new weapon…

It seems really cool, tho.

Also, I think the league changes are great. Keep it up! 

Looks great, singularity looks more deadly now.

It looks like the weapon in the mini movie is mounted on the new rank 14 Jericho destroyer.

The spatial scanner seems a bit twitchy, the rest is kewl ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

34 minutes ago, Sor_cz said:

It looks like the weapon in the mini movie is mounted on the new rank 14 Jericho destroyer.

Mini movie? Did I miss something?

41 minutes ago, Sor_cz said:

It looks like the weapon in the mini movie is mounted on the new rank 14 Jericho destroyer.

Very much so.

New weapon yay! Now we only need to find out its drawbacks. o.o

21 minutes ago, ShonFrost said:

Mini movie? Did I miss something?

The show of the new weapon at the start of announcement.

Okay, so I played a little with the Ghost and Kite-E. Here are my thoughts.

That new weapon is just… ew. By the time it builds up to a reasonable firing range it’s already about to overheat and if you let go of the fire button it instantly drops back to 600m range. There’s no way to keep the range up, making it borderline useless.

Banshee module is broken - the project fires out of the back. As such, I was unable to get any meaningful feedback, save that it just doesn’t work as it currently stands.

Conclusion: Fit it as a regular Gunship instead.

The Avalanche charges seemed ineffectual to me. I’m sure I was hitting people, I just never saw any kind of payoff. It seems to work like a faster charging plasma web, which does raise some interesting questions about its role. I had quite a bit of success tagging Tacklers and then laughing as the orbs ruined their cloak.

Conclusion: Bit of a niche craft. Not really worth bothering with once you unlock plasma arc though.

How can we get the BP for the ‘Thi’Lith’?



4 minutes ago, Sinaka said:

How can we get the BP for the ‘Thi’Lith’?

Mission for it will be available tomorrow, and it will be PvE ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

" Ellidium project missions will be available once again tomorrow!"


What about daily PvE tasks for Xeno-Expert containers at the Broker?

Or is this going to be another round of PvP tasks only again?

The new weapon looks so cool!

But the daily reward nerf isn’t. And iI’m looking forward to see what’s the “optimised spacial scanner”. 

Did you fix asteroids?

26 minutes ago, Ironquest said:

" Ellidium project missions will be available once again tomorrow!"


What about daily PvE tasks for Xeno-Expert containers at the Broker?

Or is this going to be another round of PvP tasks only again?

New mission for weapon blueprint will be PvE. For Xeno-expert container we had OS activities alongside with PvP.

Whoever worked on the optimization of the Spatial scanner just give them a big hug. That feeling when I was scanning and I could jump between sectors within 5 sec instead of 30+… almost made me cry. 

22 minutes ago, Sinaka said:

Whoever worked on the optimization of the Spatial scanner just give them a big hug. That feeling when I was scanning and I could jump between sectors within 5 sec instead of 30+… almost made me cry. 



It’s really, REALLY disturbing to see how bugged that thing is now.

It is alive now, it choose if he wants to show data or not. I once had a mineral right in front of me, and it said for around 5 second that there were nothing at all in the map.


And it looks like the mysterious container respawn time have increased a bit since my old “track” used to allow a constant loot, and now I have a gap.

3 hours ago, Sor_cz said:

Looks great, singularity looks more deadly now.

It looks like the weapon in the mini movie is mounted on the new rank 14 Jericho destroyer.

In case you haven’t caught a screenshot yet:


1 minute ago, TheDerpNukem said:

In case you haven’t caught a screenshot yet:


  Reveal hidden contents



Holy sh*t that the new jerry dest!!  ![:00:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00.png “:00:”)

Just now, EndeavSTEEL said:

Holy sh*t that the new jerry dest!!  ![:00:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00.png “:00:”)

It seems to be judging by the shape and theme. Just wish coub was a higher quality so I could zoom in without pixelating that masterpiece of a ship.