Star Conflict 1.3.10 Discussion

Next gun will be esspecially interesting ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

If you hold the level of getting better with each weapon, the 4th will be slightly OP, the 5th totally and the 6th will annihilate anything.
Thilith is totally unbalanced against destroyer. A gunship(or just a fighter) ripped 5 modules within 5s.
Does this tracking of module give multiple damage sources against the shield of destroyer?
And does the same happen vs. engies(As drone could count as target)???

On 23.07.2016 at 7:11 AM, TheDarkRedFox said:

xxxx is part of assignment, so that’s that. Not sure why computer is censored. I noticed that earlier as well.

You will love to hear that xxxx is actually not censored in the game but assignment is. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

2 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

If you hold the level of getting better with each weapon, the 4th will be slightly OP, the 5th totally and the 6th will annihilate anything.

Our aim is to make weapons with different mechanics, not to do OP stuff. If something is not good at the begining, it will be tweaked in the near future)

Just by the sound of it, id say that the new module needs to be passive instead of active. It seems like an off-shoot of the “alien defence module” sort of.

Poor destroyer look like everything is make to blew them away ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

The new weapon IS OP.

Best game ever in PvP.

11 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Thilith is totally unbalanced against destroyer. A gunship(or just a fighter) ripped 5 modules within 5s.
Does this tracking of module give multiple damage sources against the shield of destroyer?
And does the same happen vs. engies(As drone could count as target)???

Even with mods/implants to boost cap volume and regeneration, all your energy goes away at the 2nd shot. The weapon considers each subsistem of the destroyer as a target (if the subsistem is destroyed, the weapon will still fire at them spending energy, but will deal 0 dmg, since destroyed parts absorb any non explosive/piercing dmg at the proper spot/angle), same for engi drones. You can deal multiple hits to a single target with a single shot if there are targets behind it (in radar).

Actually I’ve found that the fewer dessy parts are left, that the less energy is used and the less damage you deal to the dessy. Also before the shields go down. All of the damage that would have been thrown at the modules goes in to one large hit to the shields. The mechanics are just like if the weapon considered each module to be a different player and if anything gets in the way, the thing in the way takes the damage.

39 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Actually I’ve found that the fewer dessy parts are left, that the less energy is used and the less damage you deal to the dessy. Also before the shields go down. All of the damage that would have been thrown at the modules goes in to one large hit to the shields. The mechanics are just like if the weapon considered each module to be a different player.

thx for the correction ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

"It’s time to start the third project."

Well, it looks like its fourth…

1 hour ago, Horten_IX said:

"It’s time to start the third project."

Well, it looks like its fourth…

Where is this mistake? Can you provide the link, please? Can’t find it(  7a6db8902609c1272516322a3669.png

Not to be the bad guy: But why should Thilith be allowed to do that? I mean tempest was fixed/corrected to NOT aim anymore each module with 2 additional missiles against the same destroyer.

What I love: The Q.Q because of the Ellydium Outposts/the damage buff. :smiley:

Never had so much fun to listen to the Q.Q in TS for:
a) Joining the sector and get autotargeted by the Outpost
b) Get killed from another yellow player that OS the other yellow guy with the damage buff.

So funny. (^.^)

And can one explain HOW explosives are calculated against destroyer modules? Laser/non-piercing need to aim at the module - get fast destroyed.
Piercing seem to just need a few shots to destroy the module in its path.
Explosives are… very strange in this regard. Either they have % based value of their damage calculated vs. the module hp OR have a plain % base chance to destroy the module OR have a % chance to damage the module to reduce it by again % based value of their damage OR every explosive have their own values…


Will there be alien based rank 14 destroyers? Seems like all this tech would make a nice variety in designs.

Xénon > the new weapons are clearly made with the purpose of destroying destroyers. The bounce, the rotation reduce, or the “target everything in an area” are especially useful against them. 

While tempest lunch is the opposite. It’s made to attack multiple targets, not heavily focus one single ship. And tempest is salve of multiple explosive missiles, therefore they damage modules too. 

As for explosive damages, destroyers have a 200% damage modificator to explosion damage. Missiles, singularity, coil, all of these deal tons of damage to the destroyer (and with the area of effect, modules too). 

Tempest Launcher should be revamped. In my opinion, if there is only one target, then those missiles should all follow one target. If there are more, then they should split.

No swifter. It’s creating unbalance. Either you make all work the same way or you destroy the balance.
And I doubt you understand what I ask.

If you are smart enough you can hit a destroyer with all of your remaining tempest missiles,prediction might not be that easy,but they have the same explosion radius as the mortars and considering how big the destroyer hitbox is then it might not be that hard to hit them,with some luck you can destroy their wormhole and multiphase,so the likelihood for them to survive will be low.

20 minutes ago, Koromac said:

Tempest Launcher should be revamped. In my opinion, if there is only one target, then those missiles should all follow one target. If there are more, then they should split.

and then reduce dmg by 80% to make it balanced…

21 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

No swifter. It’s creating unbalance. Either you make all work the same way or you destroy the balance.
And I doubt you understand what I ask.

you need like 18000 dmg to destroy most T3 destroyer mods (based on plasma arc results). Apparently mods dont have any explotion bonus dmg, so multiply how many coil shots you need (18 without crits). Its possible that it also require LoS.