Star Conflict 1.3.10 Discussion

I have never seen English general chat being half as vulgar as it was this afternoon. e.g., “I’ll slide my tube sock inside your mom’s fish taco”. Or, for example “as­shole” is surprisingly not filtered, while “nipple” is. In fact, “nip” as a substring is banned completely, which is the reason behind “sniping” being filtered.


In other news, you can now say “night” without being filtered. Hurray.

30 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

It is not the highest out of inty weapons, but if you maintain the fire rate well and build it well, you can rival 2nd highest inty dps with it.

Then how is it OP?

7 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Then how is it OP?

Where did i say it is OP?

1 hour ago, ShonFrost said:

The weapon is simply INCREDIBLE. And fun. And, I hate to say it, broken.

You didn’t say it, but broken=OP, non?


But regardless of who said or meant what, this weapon is fine as is and needs no changes aside from fixing the wall ricochet issue.

Sometimes it is really hard to believe that you and Koromac arent related…

15 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Sometimes it is really hard to believe that you and Koromac arent related…

We aren’t? That’s news to me!

1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Unless, of course, that is all for moot and you “super vets” know some secret equation or something.

multiply dmg per maximum rate of fire, then split by 60. Thats the super formula ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

You cannot write :



3 minutes ago, RennieAshII said:

You cannot write :



Ass is part of assignment, so that’s that. Not sure why computer is censored. I noticed that earlier as well.

3 hours ago, RennieAshII said:

You cannot write :




I got a dream, a dream in which we all can curse to infinity and beyond! Freedom for the F bomb!

4 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

xxxx is part of assignment, so that’s that. Not sure why computer is censored. I noticed that earlier as well.

Because it contains “pute”, a french word.

11 hours ago, xKostyan said:

It is not the highest out of inty weapons, but if you maintain the fire rate well and build it well, you can rival 2d highest inty dps with it.

True. The only target this weapon isn’t effective against is guards. If they activate kinetic resistance, you can barely scratch them. 

Mm has i read it’s a fun weapon but not the best for a intercept, for now those alien weapon can’t rivals with other gun’s we’ll see how the dest one goes

Nice to see the censorship system was coded by an eight year old. I’d hate to have a system that can distinguish between expletives and ordinary speech. 

You also can’t say “ridiculous” because it contains “culo”, which is “xxxx” in Spanish.

Which just makes it all the more ridiculous.

6 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

Mm has i read it’s a fun weapon but not the best for a intercept, for now those alien weapon can’t rivals with other gun’s we’ll see how the dest one goes

It will combine the previous weapons: instant beams in a cone that home to targets and reduce turn rate and strafing speed by 50%, where close targets will receive additional hits from chain lightning, each hit will make the lightning bounce to a nearby target untill theres no target in range. Reduction in turn rate and strafe can be stacked and refreshed on each hit (even if its from a bounce).


10 minutes ago, Papitas said:

It will combine the previous weapons: instant beams in a cone that home to targets and reduce turn rate and strafing speed by 50%, where close targets will receive additional hits from chain lightning, each hit will make the lightning bounce to a nearby target untill theres no target in range. Reduction in turn rate and strafe can be stacked and refreshed on each hit (even if its from a bounce).

I’m for it.

What we need is a burst high fire rate weapon that shoots 10 spheres in an arc radius, then has to recharge, say 10s.

Also, slash beams.

And where are the cluster bombs? Explodes releasing lots of little homing projectiles, nearest ship.

Halo launcher mkII fires ring of increasing size as it moves further away, also dealing less dmg. Thickness of ring adjusted for balance. Deals dmg if intersect with ring.

Gattling gun with charge up delay, very high rof, quick overheat

6 hours ago, RennieAshII said:

What we need is a burst high fire rate weapon that shoots 10 spheres in an arc radius, then has to recharge, say 10s.

Also, slash beams.

And where are the cluster bombs? Explodes releasing lots of little homing projectiles, nearest ship.

Halo launcher mkII fires ring of increasing size as it moves further away, also dealing less dmg. Thickness of ring adjusted for balance. Deals dmg if intersect with ring.

Gattling gun with charge up delay, very high rof, quick overheat

I’d like something like: 

Oversized laser with slow barrels that deals 8000 thermal damage/s. It needs to charge up before firing (3 seconds). The beam lasts for 4 seconds, then it instantly triggers overheat (5 seconds cool down). The dps would be pretty high, but that is countered by low turn speed. 


Thermonuclear bomb launcher.

Launches a slow moving (600 m/s base speed) miniaturized nuclear bomb, than explodes when it reaches max range (base range: 4.2km), dealing 8k damage in a 300 meters range. The force of the nuclear explosion generates an expanding EM shockwave (max expansion 0.8km) that deals 2k to every ships that intersects the sphere. RoF: 20 shoots/minute. Spread: 1.5 degrees. Overheat: after 4 consecutive shots. 5 seconds cooldown. 


11 hours ago, ShonFrost said:

Thermonuclear bomb launcher.

How to never allow the enemy team to capture a beacon by ShonFrost. 


A main weapon with 800m radius explosion damage is even worse than a black hole.