Star Conflict 1.3.10 Discussion


Welcome to discuss [Star Conflict 1.3.10 Patch](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/31013-star-conflict-1310/)!

Jesus Christ Cinnamon!The Exa’kar aura is BROKEN,I LOVE IT! Best game ever 10/10-IGN

    Wait, so now no-one can use any profanity in the game? Why can’t those of us who are adults go ahead and turn the filter off? This is ridiculous. I don’t even know what else to say about it. Wow.

41 minutes ago, deadbeatsaint said:

    Wait, so now no-one can use any profanity in the game? Why can’t those of us who are adults go ahead and turn the filter off? This is ridiculous. I don’t even know what else to say about it. Wow.

Star Conflict is still 12+. So it’s better to keep teenagers away from swearing on all levels. Express your thoughs with politeness and there’ll be no problem ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

46 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Jesus Christ Cinnamon!The Exa’kar aura is BROKEN,I LOVE IT! Best game ever 10/10-IGN

i knew, that you guys will like it :slight_smile:

I think it would be good to do a recap with the ninja changes:

-Cap dreadnought has new shield visuals for the Major Calibres and Captured Missile Turrets,lookin good,



-Nothing new on Fire Supports and Defence Contracts

-There is a new alien module you can craft,the Energy converter.

If there is anything else I will find I will update this.

What is this  Exa’kar thing?

Just now, Sinaka said:

What this  Exa’kar thing is?

Increases damage by 100000%.

The Dag’tnith and the Ti’lith are lemons, I’m not really interested in interceptors, I won’t waste resources to build them. 

The one weapon we should 've received and we didn’t get is the the turbophaser. According to the story that’s a Jericho prototype despite that, only the biomorphs and the scouts have it.

I just hope that the destroyer weapon will be good.

14 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Increases damage by 100000%.

Didn’t help much.

Just now, Sinaka said:

Didn’t help much.

What else do you want to know?It lasts for 80 seconds and you can kill the defiler by yourself in a few hits.


Just now, Sinaka said:

Okay, never mind. Found it.

Now have fun killing the Defiler all over,hopefully the task will be something like killing 5 Defilers for one Live crystal container.

5 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Now have fun killing the Defiler all over,hopefully the task will be something like killing 5 Defilers for one Live crystal container.

just wait for Monday

Yay a kinetic weapon for inties. o.o
Is this Exkar the energy module or are they different? If it isn’t the same, what is this energy module doing?

To Leviathan: It’s strange that there are 2 Defiler flying around without killing the little outpost and transporter. o.o

5 minutes ago, Doomb0t said:

just wait for Monday


3 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Yay a kinetic weapon for inties. o.o
Is this Exkar the energy module or are they different? If it isn’t the same, what is this energy module doing?

The new module is the Energy Converter,acts as a Multiphase Shield Adapter but deals thermal damage back proportional to the damage the ship receives.

Sounds like an active module. Is this correct?
Does it have range?
>>The ship you’re using to fly into battle must be of the same rank as the components being collected or higher<<
I’m not sure if I like this or not.
Currently I’m farming components for the phoenix and getting neodium(… already have over 500 of them) and reaper parts. So now I have to fear to get even things I don’t even want to farm?
To make it short:
a) With R8 I can Rx - 8 components
b) With R8 I can R7 - 8 components
c) The opposite: R8 - R10? components


2 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Sounds like an active module. Is this correct?
Does it have range?
>>The ship you’re using to fly into battle must be of the same rank as the components being collected or higher<<
I’m not sure if I like this or not.
Currently I’m farming components for the phoenix and getting neodium(… already have over 500 of them) and reaper parts. So now I have to fear to get even things I don’t even want to farm?
To make it short:
a) With R8 I can Rx - 8 components
b) With R8 I can R7 - 8 components
c) The opposite: R8 - R10? components


It is active,the range is 4km.

I dont know too much about the loot mechanics so I cannot really help you there much.

33 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

The new module is the Energy Converter,acts as a Multiphase Shield Adapter but deals thermal damage back proportional to the damage the ship receives.

This is so cool. It would be amazing on a tank-based command fighter. Can’t wait to experiment with it. I’m downloading the patch now, so I’ll test some stuff and then I’ll report back my thoughts  ![:012j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/012j.png “:012j:”)

Just one question: where is the quest to obtain the blueprint? I can’t find it.