Star Conflict 1.3.10 Discussion

Sound for me a ‘splash’ weapon. Seem to deal 50% of its damage to anything in its ‘splash’ radius.

At least a decent weapon.

Now a damagebuff to thilith and you have a magic trio.

10 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

At least a decent weapon.


Decent? It’s amazing. On the Kris AE it’s a killing machine. 

Still waiting for the dest weapon! I only pick up the blueprint, any video to see how it is ? ^^

Great Job guys! Cinnamon congrats to your team. The game is getting better and better. I just loved the changes on lvl 7 Pumpking and Titan Paint Job… I hope you extend this to all ships and all levels.

Also I’d like you bring back the opportunity to acquire the Alien Invasion Paint Job  (one of the best in my opinion). PLEASE BRING IT BACK!

RamboX [BORG]





1 hour ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

Still waiting for the dest weapon! I only pick up the blueprint, any video to see how it is ? ^^

Outrageously fast pew pew green machine gun that deals kinetic damage. Upon hitting enemy, one bit will break off and hit other enemy for about 50% of original damage. Super effective against engineer stations and destroyer repair drones.

Though the weapon’s effect doesn’t seem to work 100% of the time.

5 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Though the weapon’s effect doesn’t seem to work 100% of the time.

It has a range and LoS checks to proc

The weapon is simply INCREDIBLE. And fun. And, I hate to say it, broken.

It completely removes the need to aim when you dogfight near a beacon!

It’s very simple. Just stop trying to aim at your enemy. Turn yourself to the beacon and shoot it. Easy. Your DPS will be much higher than if you tried to hit the crosshair. 

2 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

It has a range and LoS checks to proc

Doesn’t need LoS for the bounce to hit, as it can hit through objects within its 400m radius.

2 minutes ago, ShonFrost said:

The weapon is simply INCREDIBLE. And fun. And, I hate to say it, broken.

It completely removes the need to aim when you dogfight near a beacon!

It’s very simple. Just stop trying to aim at your enemy. Turn yourself to the beacon and shoot it. Easy. Your DPS will be much higher than if you tried to hit the crosshair. 

Not true. The DPS off of the shrapnel is not nearly that of the main projectiles.

Just now, TheDarkRedFox said:

Not true. The DPS off of the shrapnel is not nearly that of the main projectiles.

But the average pilot (me) misses more than half of his shots when trying to hit a dogfighting interceptor. So, you have an overall higher damage if you hit the beacon.

1 minute ago, ShonFrost said:

But the average pilot (me) misses more than half of his shots when trying to hit a dogfighting interceptor. So, you have an overall higher damage if you hit the beacon.

Lol wow. The you need to do some target practice with AdamWest or someone. 50% is -incredibly- low for effective dogfighting.

(and I say AdamWest because if you can hit them more than twice in a row then you are in the green. XD)

But I see what you mean. I guess for some it would be slightly easier.

2 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Doesn’t need LoS for the bounce to hit, as it can hit through objects within its 400m radius.

I guess LoS check did not make it to live  ![:005j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005j.png “:005j:”)

3 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

I guess LoS check did not make it to live  ![:005j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005j.png “:005j:”)

Nope. Though if it was pushed, it would make the “ricochets” essentially pointless.

2 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Lol wow. The you need to do some target practice with AdamWest or someone. 50% is -incredibly- low for effective dogfighting.

But I see what you mean. I guess for some it would be slightly easier.

Well, the Sk’Rah isn’t a good dogfighting weapon imo. With an RF I’m much more effective against other inties. So, it’s easier to just shoot a static target. But, I find it to be a cheap tactic, so I don’t do it often.

5 minutes ago, ShonFrost said:

Well, the Sk’Rah isn’t a good dogfighting weapon imo. With an RF I’m much more effective against other inties. So, it’s easier to just shoot a static target. But, I find it to be a cheap tactic, so I don’t do it often.

I say “if it works, use it.” But whatever floats your goat.

Imo the Rah is really one of the more worthy weapons. It has good proj sped and RoF, fair damage if you hit constantly, and very nice range. This is balanced by the lower than average damage output and the fact that it needs crystals and a blueprint to make it.


I like it! ^^




Pro tip for those who have it/plan to make it: This weapon combined with the 'Xar buff in Leviathan will rek the Defiler in about 20 seconds or less depending on the build. The ricochets destroy the emitters so it makes it safe to fly around.


It’s very satisfying…

6 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

… the lower than average damage output …


27 minutes ago, xKostyan said:


Have you not seen it? It’s DPS on a decently fitted ship is only around 1.8-2.1k.

Though the DPS in PvE is perfect

I see you still havent learnt how DPS is calculated. It is about time though

6 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

I see you still havent learnt how DPS is calculated. It is about time though

Well the numbers on the weapon are essentially invalid. The actual damage after both resistance and critical hits is what the real DPS is, I know. But I have yet to find a build that is too dreadfully OP. Maybe I just can’t with the 6-10 one…


Unless, of course, that is all for moot and you “super vets” know some secret equation or something.

It is not the highest out of inty weapons, but if you maintain the fire rate well and build it well, you can rival 2d highest inty dps with it.

Compared to other weapons its DPS/M is decent.