Star Conflict 1.3.10 Discussion

I think that it’s more than x1000 damage. I’ve had damage in the hundred-millions easy. Not tried a super crit-build yet.

I have a Mauler build that crits like 250%. It’s cray cray.

OK, I played some more matches today, and the profanity filter is just stupid. Especially when it deletes a whole tactical message to your dumb team just because you said “that xxxx***** beacon”. Also, I think in progress matches should not count toward W/L ratio. Today I started playing the r10 matches (since the profile update), and I got 2 detonation matches that ended in 20/30 seconds because my team just had 1 station remaining, and team battles where my team was already down by 5. And no matter how hard you try, no matter if you kill 7 enemy ships in the 2 and a half minutes you play, you can’t turn the tide of games. And, I can’t even blow off some steam in chat because I can’t swear anymore… 

Get premium parts from A.Gage with ships with higher rank than ship parts you get it’s nice. This way i haven’t to drag other players to lower levels . It’s better, but it isn’t perfect.

The thing is bothering me is… Why should PVE map “Defence contracts” needs to be easier for ranks 6-10? It was easy before. 

I just got a BIG RED WARNING THAT I’M BEING OBSCENE because I wrote the word: sniping.

10 hours ago, Storm_HUN said:

I just got a BIG RED WARNING THAT I’M BEING OBSCENE because I wrote the word: sniping.

Because playing LRF is obscene. 

But obviously, their system ban everything that contain a part of a banned work. 

For sniping, the banned work is nip I guess? 

So what they are saying is: “Unless you’re just saying ‘hi’ or ‘+’, then you should use some other form of communication such as TS or Raid or something.”

Remember the bacon days? They actually banned the word bacon and it was hilarious seeing new players try to figure out why.

1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

So what they are saying is: “Unless you’re just saying ‘hi’ or ‘+’, then you should use some other form of communication such as TS or Raid or something.”

Remember the bacon days? They actually banned the word bacon and it was hilarious seeing new players try to figure out why.

This is madness! Who decided that we need this and why? It’s probably because of toilet humor, isn’t it?


Chat is now a trap,

watch your back,

men in black

will come for YOU.

32 minutes ago, Koromac said:

This is madness!

Madness? No… THIS IS SC!!

5 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I think that it’s more than x1000 damage. I’ve had damage in the hundred-millions easy. Not tried a super crit-build yet.

I have a Mauler build that crits like 250%. It’s cray cray.

The bonus from the artifact is 100 000% damage for main weapons only.

Anyone else having trouble completing the mission? I’ve finished 9-10 crimsons in well under 9 minutes and still only have 2:5 that I did earlier.

i made 4 games and got 2 points, i didnt recieve point when i died(use dupli)

Ok,Crimson speedruns?heh

4 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Anyone else having trouble completing the mission? I’ve finished 9-10 crimsons in well under 9 minutes and still only have 2:5 that I did earlier.


1 hour ago, blurcak said:

i made 4 games and got 2 points, i didnt recieve point when i died(use dupli)

It’ll be not counted, if pilot dies during mission.

Ok,task done,the weapon is nutz,get some crit on it and solo the Cruiser like its nothing!

If you got any questions about the weapon now its the good time to ask!

8:58 is why not under 9 mins?

Can someone record a video with the new gun? im in the school and i really wanna see how it work XD

4 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:


It’ll be not counted, if pilot dies during mission.

Lol well that explains it. I always self-destruct after the match for bonus kills. XD

I really like this weapon. I bought one rank 15, but now I don’t have enough live crystals for the next module on Monday!

Sk’Rah does not deal ricochets when hitting a wall. Only when hitting an entity. (Enemy, ally, beacon, drone, etc)

The only problem I can identify on this update are the boost packages on leviathan map.


Powerful damage bonus that allows to kill the Defiler

Well it is powerful damage alright.

The problem here is the abuse. So honestly lets all get to leviathan to have free kills on pilots that have no “station protection”.

Considering that this condition is not enough to be removed, lets say it is not user friendly. For instance I don’t want to switch all the time between station protection on/off. I want to play and have a fair fight. Well with the boost is not happening

It is hard to kill skilled pilots on OS. Now the fastest ship knowing the location of the boost, with no skill required, just a needs a single lucky shot. This is Abuse and I politely ask to reconsider and instantly remove these boosts until they do not affect p-vs-p situations to the extend they do.

Thank you for reading