Star Conflict 1.3.10 Discussion

Thanks papitas. That’s at least something I can work with.

Xenon >How is that not balanced? 

Those weapons are made to kill destroyers, it’s obvious. They are less effective against other targets then the old guns, but more effective against destroyers. So why isn’t it balanced? 

Especially since the tempest deal aoe damage. So it means that a missile for each modules also deal damage to the destroyer itself. While the new weapons are single target. They can damage mods, but damaging a mod won’t also deal damage to the destroyer > balanced.

Where is it stated that they are made to kill destroyers?

>>They can damage mods, but damaging a mod won’t also deal damage to the destroyer > balanced.<<

Eh no? Thilith deal double damage in this regard.
Dealing damage to the destroyer + its modules.
And if you have your shields up as one, it’s purely damage against destroyer which exceed 3 times the weapon damage of the gun.
And after you ripped the modules, you dealed twice damage to the destroyer hull. So NO. It isn’t balanced to say one thing is allowed to target single instances of something and another not.

They don’t need to say it for players to know that those weapons are made to kill destroyers. All the new weapons have a specific feature great against destroyers and a bit less effective against other ships (especially the Thilith with a very low dps). 



Eh no? Thilith don’t have an explosion radius as far as I know. 

So even if it target all the mods, the destroyer don’t receive those extra damage (unless the shield block it, but then the module don’t receive any damage). Also, it is blocked by the static shield. Even better, it cost a buttload of energy. Unless you have 600 energy regen per second (and you don’t), you end with no energy in a few second.

While a missile have an explosion radius.One missile can damage a module AND the destroyer AND the static shield at the same time. 


I don’t see how you don’t understand the difference. 

Also, a missile can only target a ship. Tempest target only ships. While lasers can target everything. And Thilith target everything. 

Finally, it’s a feature specific to this weapon. If all weapons needed to do the same thing, then we’d have only one weapon available. Diversity. 

Thank you, guys, for all the feedback! It has been taken and will be considered. As always, we welcome you in the future patch discussions! ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)