Squads in Star Conflict

I completely agree, the devs should realise social features to do with playing together are good for the game, and work on more ways of allowing players to play together in and out of pvp.

Letting friends play together as a team in a team-focused game? Nonsense!




Na, the russian corps would abuse that. Like that corp that got banned ages ago for farming weekly highest efficiency by queuing opposite teams and taking turns capping beacons repeatedly

Punish people who abuse instead of taking it away from everyone.  :fed014:


2 ppl squads should be able to play vs randoms, 3 ppl squads should be able to play vs 2 ppl squads and so on… Thats it. + Cr0’s system of rewards. Cr0 my friend here some more ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Yes please.

There is another drawback to the fact they removed squads. You can’t train people anymore.

There is another drawback to the fact they removed squads. You can’t train people anymore.

You still can; you just need 10people more for making a custom battle

You still can; you just need 10people more for making a custom battle


That would be funny like a weekend in Colorado while it don’t stop snowing and you also got the flu.


Apart jokes, we made it in some rare occasions but it become quickly boring.

There is another drawback to the fact they removed squads. You can’t train people anymore.

False. You can train them in open space. :slight_smile:

False. You can train them in open space. :slight_smile:


From my point of view, OS could be an option, but PvsAI is a bit better. If PvsAI s too easy then don’t fit your ship with fully upgraded modules.

Oh yeah, right. We could totally teach people how to picking daisies in open space.


Guys please. I was talking about team tactics, and teamplay. Playing against mobs or killing people doing their daily missions is useless

Oh yeah, right. We could totally teach people how to picking daisies in open space.


Guys please. I was talking about team tactics, and teamplay. Playing against mobs or killing people doing their daily missions is useless


No xxxx OS is useless.


I’d suggest custom battles, if only those were worthwhile either. Only good for 1v1s.

I support this. I think we should have squads back in the game one way or another - Being able to play teams against teams in PvP 24/7 - Via matchmaker


I don’t care if it’s only in T5 , or you make a squads only mode. As long as we get it functional and can start competing again.


Thanks !

All squads stuff is better to keep in one place for now

Welcome https://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/27364-allow-squads-from-the-same-corp-to-vs/