Squads in Star Conflict

Important things:


-allow squads of 4 (or more) in pvp


-allow more than one squad per side in pvp


-allow squads of 2 to join games in progress


-reward players for playing in squads with currency that doesn’t advantage veterans (extra synergy and credits, veterans don’t need more of this, new players do)

Suggested bonus: 2x rate of synergy and credit gain while in squad


-make it easier to make squads and invite players to squads (additional UI options)


This should improve the game experience for all players and make it easier for new players to group up and play pvp together. Addition options for inviting people to the squad should work alongside current options, not replace them. The problem of waiting times for squads can be reduced by putting more squads in the queue, achieved through offering good rewards for playing in squads.


Ideas for UI changes:

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4 men squad? Have been discussed/requested/FORCED several times and always ignored (IGNORED, not rejected). Don’t even try it.

i like the whole idea of a squad player search, without the need to add him.

i like the idea of bonus income like this, especially since it also helps if people encounter more defeats. even if i lose in a squad, i get credits and synergy.


it also shows, that this game wants you to cooperate.


this is exactly what this game needs to focus on; also to gain more attention for team players.


of course opening the squad menu could be omitted by direct invite.


simply +9001



+9002 :slight_smile: This is a great idea. I support it. If they implement it, I’ll play daily basis again.

Yes plz

That sure would be awesome.

4 men squad? Have been discussed/requested/FORCED several times and always ignored (IGNORED, not rejected). Don’t even try it.


If the devs have said they are going to do something, there isn’t much point in suggesting it to them, since they are already working on it. It seems much more reasonable to suggest things that they haven’t said they are working on, so they can see there is demand for it.

Nice one CrO in addition to this allow 2 man squads to play vs random team.



Rewarding people for playing in squad is the best solution!




Please everyone share this and get all your friends, your sister, your grandma and your dog to upvote and comment in agreement!




Allow the squads, whatever it takes +16





Rewarding people for playing in squad is the best solution!




Please everyone share this and get all your friends, your sister, your grandma and your dog to upvote and comment in agreement!


My dog hates this idea dont ask him, stupid dog.

+1 for the idea, screw JC’s dog.

Heh hmmm… 





+1 for the idea!



And another thing I would add to this: Squads in OS. This would go well together with another suggestion that was made about OS missions for squads.

Also, there could be a map function for Squad detection or something like that.


And another thing I would add to this: Squads in OS. This would go well together with another suggestion that was made about OS missions for squads.

Also, there could be a map function for Squad detection or something like that.


Well there are squads in OP. Wings even! But there are no group missions, and there are chances you get separated and put on different servers, so squad v squad fights are very difficult to organise. When I was back in GoD, we managed to have one, but it had a really complicated process.


BTW while trying to find videos for wing battles (I remember we made some) I found this funny one - notice the old A1MA…


Well there are squads in OP. Wings even! But there are no group missions, and there are chances you get separated and put on different servers, so squad v squad fights are very difficult to organise. When I was back in GoD, we managed to have one, but it had a really complicated process.


True, but don’t forget that OS rework is coming with some new structures owned by corps so that might give us a chance to spawn at the same place and in same instance.

True, but don’t forget that OS rework is coming with some new structures owned by corps so that might give us a chance to spawn at the same place and in same instance.


Who said that?