Squads in Star Conflict

Who said that?

I did. And this blog here: https://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/29583-developer-blog-from-february-4th-evolution-of-‘sector-conquest’/?p=352425  :fed002:

Oh I see! I had completely forgotten about that :slight_smile:


And another thing I would add to this: Squads in OS. This would go well together with another suggestion that was made about OS missions for squads.

Also, there could be a map function for Squad detection or something like that.


I completely agree, the devs should realise social features to do with playing together are good for the game, and work on more ways of allowing players to play together in and out of pvp.

You have my +

Giving the +






inb4 “no”

Since we are daydreaming here I would also like to see squads from same corp facing each others… ^_^’ 

Since we are daydreaming here I wuold also see squads from same corp facing each others… ^_^’ 

Na, the russian corps would abuse that. Like that corp that got banned ages ago for farming weekly highest efficiency by queuing opposite teams and taking turns capping beacons repeatedly

4 men squad? Have been discussed/requested/FORCED several times and always ignored (IGNORED, not rejected). Don’t even try it.

If you want something, it never hurts to keep asking for it - even if it seems like it’s going nowhere. If your idea has merit, more people agree with you as time goes on and get on your side - but only if you persist. More voices join your own, and soon enough, you’ve got a lot more sway because there’s an army on your side - not just a rabble. If you keep at it, there’s always a chance. If you give up, that chance disappears.


Don’t shoot down his idea just because it hasn’t happened yet. IBM did that to DOS because they had no future vision - only the present at that time - and look what happened with Microsoft dominating software for decades.


An idea whose time has come, cannot be stopped. If the majority demands it long enough, even the developers of this game, with squads as they’ve been since mid-OBT, will be forced to change.


+1 to the OP


Don’t shoot down his idea just because it hasn’t happened yet. IBM did that to DOS because they had no future vision - only the present at that time - and look what happened with Microsoft dominating software for decades.


Thing is I got bored from seeing the same topic coming up again, and devs just rejecting it. :[ (I am bored from devs rejecting it) But I hope something will happen. I am surprised this got so many votes.

Thing is I got bored from seeing the same topic coming up again, and devs just rejecting it. :[ (I am bored from devs rejecting it) But I hope something will happen. I am surprised this got so many votes.

It’s a good thing!


Vote it up yourself if you still have a glimmer of wanting this to come back.


If you’re already here posting, might as well give it a thumbs up. What’s it hurt?  :002:

 What’s it hurt?  :002:

It hurts my finger and my mouse when I click.


Jk (very obvious) I voted.

Na, the russian corps would abuse that. Like that corp that got banned ages ago for farming weekly highest efficiency by queuing opposite teams and taking turns capping beacons repeatedly


And that’s exactly the way of thinking that took away from the game features, instead of punishing who spoils such thing.

What if I told you that there is already a way to spoil something like that ? And it’s much more rewarding than random pvp… 

I m giving you all the ++++ I have.


here are some more good sir:



In the words of Shia LaBeouf…


























Here are some more + signs for you!

We need squads so the useless pugs will finally learn to play.


It’s embarrassing watching pilots suicide over and over because they seem to think if you run headlong into a wall of dakka enough people will take pity and give you a free kill.

It would seem a easy fix, just bump 3 and 4 person squads up one teir level

 and in t5 pvp expect to see squads.

Problem solved


2 ppl squads should be able to play vs randoms, 3 ppl squads should be able to play vs 2 ppl squads and so on… Thats it. + Cr0’s system of rewards. Cr0 my friend here some more ++++++++++++++++++++++++++