Squads And Teamwork

Ive got a couple friends together and we LOVE this game. We play together quite often using the in-game squad function. It’s really barebones, but its the beta so I wont complain. However, I have some suggestions that could potentially encourage, and generally enhance the overal squad function.


  1. Enhanced command functions- Something i noticed was lacking. My suggestion would be to add an ability for the squad leader to effectivly mark targets for execution. If Im the squad leader, im expected to call out targets. In big dogfights, this can get difficult. Adding the ability to mark targets on your squadmates HUDs through a hotkey would make large group play more enjoyable. Also going into the tactical map and marking objectives for squadmates would be a bonus.


2.Rewards- Think BF3. if I heal someone on my team team, I get 10 pts (I think). However, if I heal a squadmate i get 30 pts (I think). I believe there should be a flat minor bonus for helping squadmate. maybe 90 pts for assisting a squadmate with a kill vs 80. this could fit in with my suggestion with command functions. Maybe give squadmates a small bonus for destroying a target marked by the squad leader.


  1. General HUD suggestions- Ive seen posts before but ill throw my spin on it. Sometime after a dogfight you’re disoriented and you lost the objectives. this is caused simply by the becon markers being too faded. I suggest on option to make the objectives stand out more.


Thank you dev team for taking suggestions. Anyone else have any better suggestions, I welcome it. I just want star Conflict to be the best it can be.

After reviewing, i need to add something


Rewards- the bonus points wouldnt get added to the leaderboard, that would skew it. add it at the end for the small but beneficial xp/money boost.

Is there any difficulty for you and your friends to get into formations?( if you do that) maybe they could add a kind of… flight assist for squadron formation? These assists to help auto adjust speed as a group or position to the leader? I guess it sounds abit lazy. xD and you wont be in formation long, since you’ll begin engagement. 


Edit: They could also add a kind of slight bonus to being in formation?

maybe it would be enough to put a gold box around your squad leader?

a A diamond instead of a squar?

The biggest thing needed with squads. Larger sizes. 4 is just too little honestly. Gets us stuck in 2-3 squads and unable to play together. Also why is a corp limited to 20 people??? Limiting interaction in online games is bad. I’m here on the forums since playing alone while the 4 guys from my group play is boring.

The biggest thing needed with squads. Larger sizes. 4 is just too little honestly. Gets us stuck in 2-3 squads and unable to play together. Also why is a corp limited to 20 people??? Limiting interaction in online games is bad. I’m here on the forums since playing alone while the 4 guys from my group play is boring.


you can upgarde corp… and squads 4 man is an issue as of now

I believe that larger than 4 man squads should be implemented for something like clan wars or terratory wars which was mentioned in the FAQs. As of right now I just want a couple more complex squad mechanics.

I believe that larger than 4 man squads should be implemented for something like clan wars or terratory wars which was mentioned in the FAQs. As of right now I just want a couple more complex squad mechanics.



id be cool to have sub faction in your corp as well like assign postions. like squad 2 leader and then have people under him and stuff like that would be really neat.

Like departments inside of the corperation, sort of like Face of Mankind. More structure, I like it.



I l

+1 from me for OP’s post.

Being able to see squad names at the corner of the window when squad players are out of the field of view would help greatly. Right now, you have to turn towards green arrows without knowing which squad player you are turning towards.

Thats a good idea too!

My wife and I are both thinking that Star Conflict could be really fun as an E-Sport (not sure if anyone would want to watch, but I’d sure be fun to play!). Right now we’ve been working together through squads, but ultimately I’d like to see something more permanent. Maybe the Corporations, but those seem like they can get too big… anyway, still looking around the forums to see if there’s something in place that could work.


Names on the edges would be HUGE when playing with the squad.

I’d rather have numbers on the edges, and numbers associated with the squad list. IE: Squad leader is #1, next name under him has a #2 preceding it, etc.


This is how they do it in Planetside 2 and it works well. The leader doesn’t have to memorize names and take time to read names on the minimap - he/she simply says “3, go to A”


It’s efficient, it’s fast. Even cooler though, is that they have multiple squads that can form a PLATOON. Each squad has 12 players, so that’s a lot of players to keep track of. Each squad is color coded, so when looking at all the numbers on the minimap, you can quickly tell if they are in your squad or not.


Finally, their squads are named as such: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta. 


So if I was platoon leader I could say “Charlie 1-6, take C, The rest of Charle hold positions. I want all of Bravo to go to B. Alpha and Delta, team up to take A”


It makes communications fast and effective, and it’s a lot easier for people in the leadership positions to manage things.


I understand that with a squad size of only 4 it’s not as hard to keep track of everyone. But if there were ever larger squads I’d rather have numbers on the sides than names.

Like departments inside of the corperation, sort of like Face of Mankind. More structure, I like it.







L.E.D Forever, Baby! 


On topic:


+1 in account of initial post, +1 for better squad mates markers.


Only thing I would add on top of it is fast command menu to issue commands to the squad on the fly. I know it’s somehow already in the game with automated radio messages but I would rather have choice what command I want to give.


Also +1 for supporting squad naming formula similar to PS2. It really works.

+1 for FoM and L.E.D would give +2 but hey, +1 is all I can do sorry :)! (brings back so many memories *fawn*)


On topic, I agree with most of what has been discussed here, but believe that there is too big a focus of squads as a corporation only device. Remember that you can also form squads without belonging to a corporation

Squads (or whatever group mechanism that allow players to queue up together on the same side) should be as large as whatever the game mode’s maximum number of player for each side.

Squads (or whatever group mechanism that allow players to queue up together on the same side) should be as large as whatever the game mode’s maximum number of player for each side.

This ^.