Squads And Teamwork




L.E.D Forever, Baby! 

I was FDC!


Anyway, i noticed a lot of people would like larger than 4 people squads. I think it could be a good idea if better group mechanics were set in place as well.


These are all good ideas, keep em coming!

I was FDC!


Anyway, i noticed a lot of people would like larger than 4 people squads. I think it could be a good idea if better group mechanics were set in place as well.


These are all good ideas, keep em coming!

ye… FDC… can’t really say I’m a fan of them since they acted like their own private police force, demanded from L.E.D that they might abuse drugs and illegals and even started incidents over being scanned. And most of that was not a problem with the leadership but with the goon squads. I really wasn’t surprised when I heard that FDC got disbanded and went bandit.


Anyway I can defineatly second the higher then 4 people squads. That’s also something I’ve seen a lot.

Squads should be the PRIMARY focus of the devs now. Since the LARGE influx of player due to steam, players want to play and fight in the same squads in groups of sometimes more then 4. 


Sometimes i will organize 2 squads to hit start at the same time, so either A. Share Wins. (Attack everyone that is not in your corp and farm points) B. be on one side. (Which is equally dumb as then there’s no competition. (win every time)


They need to raise it by another 4 members and have matches to match up with other squads to make everything balance. Along with improved HUD and commands for leaders, it should allow for tactical play. Not everyone being Aces…and hobknockers…

Squads should be the PRIMARY focus of the devs now. Since the LARGE influx of player due to steam, players want to play and fight in the same squads in groups of sometimes more then 4. 


Sometimes i will organize 2 squads to hit start at the same time, so either A. Share Wins. (Attack everyone that is not in your corp and farm points) B. be on one side. (Which is equally dumb as then there’s no competition. (win every time)


They need to raise it by another 4 members and have matches to match up with other squads to make everything balance. Along with improved HUD and commands for leaders, it should allow for tactical play. Not everyone being Aces…and hobknockers…

oy, don’t give away our squad secrets or they might add countermeasures to squads starting at the same time xD

ye… FDC… can’t really say I’m a fan of them since they acted like their own private police force, demanded from L.E.D that they might abuse drugs and illegals and even started incidents over being scanned. And most of that was not a problem with the leadership but with the goon squads. I really wasn’t surprised when I heard that FDC got disbanded and went bandit.


Anyway I can defineatly second the higher then 4 people squads. That’s also something I’ve seen a lot.

And from my experience the LED couldn’t get Sh*t done ever, but we should stay on topic



Squads should be the PRIMARY focus of the devs now. Since the LARGE influx of player due to steam, players want to play and fight in the same squads in groups of sometimes more then 4. 


Sometimes i will organize 2 squads to hit start at the same time, so either A. Share Wins. (Attack everyone that is not in your corp and farm points) B. be on one side. (Which is equally dumb as then there’s no competition. (win every time)


They need to raise it by another 4 members and have matches to match up with other squads to make everything balance. Along with improved HUD and commands for leaders, it should allow for tactical play. Not everyone being Aces…and hobknockers…

I like it


I think the 4 man squad is fine by me, 2 is too little and 5+ is too much.

And from my experience the LED couldn’t get Sh*t done ever, but we should stay on topic



I like it





I also agree with the second less important statement (as in I like it without the +1)