Speed-Tacklers w/ Drones.... WHY???

yeah but good pilots with terrible ping will be decent/bad. which is how we were.


Also, this is in no way true. Look at RicePirate. He lives in NZ, and 99% of the time has shittier ping than any of us, and still he is one of the best pilots I know.

that is because he plunders everyones rice

He won’t steal my quinoa!

Your statement is flawed, as I was on top of that match, with 200 ping and some occasional packet loss. (And packet loss isn’t always the servers fault, I was loss-free for most of that game. It might be your xxxx internet).


There are two solutions to dealing with lag:

  1. Don’t fly interceptors

  2. Fly interceptors and learn to compensate


Point being, just because you have high ping or packet loss doesn’t mean you can’t win. I played a good 4 games in a row with OWL where the other squad (we were in 2 3-man squads playing against each other in T5) beat my squad when we were in a US server.

point number 1 is how i roll. frigs can generally ignore ping.

I’m going with ArcTic on this one.


  1. Bad sportsmanship is nigh intolerable. 


  1. Calling your team, or the enemy, for that matter, nubs because they can’t fly straight with 300+ ping (especially with large amounts of packet loss… 20% is about the time where you cannot fly properly even in a frigate) is not, in any sense, a smart thing, to say the least. (btw, most of us on the u.s server side who get a good 90 ping, or even in the 40’s, tend to get packet loss as of late, while those with 300+ ping connecting to the server seem to get no lag/packet loss… there is something seriously wrong with this picture. On the flip side, the Russian servers are as terrible as always. The servers over there fluctuate ping from 270-700-2k+ constantly, With loss at 2%-20%+.  It’s like the people running the servers are intentionally giving the Russians the advantage.)


  1. Lag is one thing, but when you teleport from one place to another and start getting 4 second screen freezes because the game is trying to figure out where you actually are… I’ll leave that to your imagination.


As of current, the European servers are the most stable with around 220 ping and hardly any noticeable lag.

If Russia had a stable connection along with no packets lost and with no high fluctuations in ping, they’d have bearable servers. 

If the US server/s had no packet loss, they’d be perfect.

This is embarrassing to read. Be more respectful to other users please.

It’s not disrespectful.

It’s informative.


The only people who would think it’s disrespectful are those who feel that they have something in common with those who are being informed.

In other words, it’s only going to hurt if you’re one of those on the other side of the teacher’s cane. i.e Caning.

I’m going with ArcTic on this one.


  1. Bad sportsmanship is nigh intolerable. 


read my first post, read it well and than tell me where is badsportmanship.

read my first post, read it well and than tell me where is badsportmanship.


You’re comparing oranges to apples there.

You’re also using the picture as a sign that using the tacklers as such is bad when it’s actually a ping/lag/packet loss/etc… problem in that particular game. The way you’re using it is in the sense of your boasting about a win, when the other team likely had the very short end of the short stick of lag in.

You’re comparing oranges to apples there.

You’re also using the picture as a sign that using the tacklers as such is bad when it’s actually a ping/lag/packet loss/etc… problem.

The way you’re using it is in the sense of your boasting about a win when the other team likely had the very short end of the short stick of lag in.

No excuses Wolf, i posted the screen about a match where opposite team played with tackler’s spam. I also stated that that tactic may work against bad team and not vs organized one.


You can blame the ping, i can told you that it’s not that. We have the video, they fired back: they lost. It’s not like we where shooting at sitting target. 


Edit: noone called them nubs. And c’mon are you seriuos about blaming entirely the so called “lag”? Dirkdecent on that server have high ping and pck loss, and he is the first on the board…

And I’d imagine he doesn’t have much actual lag.

Ping is easy enough. if I have 300 ping, I won’t complain,

but if I’m getting any amount of packet loss, It’s hard to play.

In our last game, we were in a us server. I had 2% packet loss, 100 ping. 

That 2% may or may not have been more than what it was showing, but it was pausing my screen for a couple seconds at a time, and it

kept teleporting me small distances from side to side. every now’n then I caught a break, but it’s unbearable. 

Now imagine that on a russian server.


Did you have any packet loss in that match, btw?

And I’d imagine he doesn’t have much actual lag.

Ping is easy enough. if I have 300 ping, I won’t complain,

but if I’m getting any amount of packet loss, It’s hard to play.

In our last game, we were in a us server. I had 2% packet loss, 100 ping. 

That 2% may or may not have been more than what it was showing, but it was pausing my screen for a couple seconds at a time, and it

kept teleporting me small distances from side to side. every now’n then I caught a break, but it’s unbearable. 

Now imagine that on a russian server.


Did you have any packet loss in that match, btw?

No i had them on capture the beacon match (190 ping and pck loss). Lost match cause of brainless team and i made a couple of mistake.

I’m going with ArcTic on this one.


  1. Bad sportsmanship is nigh intolerable. 


  1. Calling your team, or the enemy, for that matter, nubs because they can’t fly straight with 300+ ping (especially with large amounts of packet loss… 20% is about the time where you cannot fly properly even in a frigate) is not, in any sense, a smart thing, to say the least. (btw, most of us on the u.s server side who get a good 90 ping, or even in the 40’s, tend to get packet loss as of late, while those with 300+ ping connecting to the server seem to get no lag/packet loss… there is something seriously wrong with this picture. On the flip side, the Russian servers are as terrible as always. The servers over there fluctuate ping from 270-700-2k+ constantly, With loss at 2%-20%+.  It’s like the people running the servers are intentionally giving the Russians the advantage.)

​Packet loss is a rare occurrence for EU or US servers to give. If you are constantly getting packet loss, it is a problem with your internet not the server. I am in the US, I know what it feels like to get EU and RU servers day after day, but I have adapted and learned to play with high ping and some rare packet loss, as any US player should.


  1. Lag is one thing, but when you teleport from one place to another and start getting 4 second screen freezes because the game is trying to figure out where you actually are… I’ll leave that to your imagination.

A rare occurrence as well. I doubt ArcTic was rubberbanding at all, as no other U.S. players in that match reported any (myself included). Playing with high ping and getting 2-5% packet loss on occasion is something you have to get used to as a US player until the player base in the US increases.


As of current, the European servers are the most stable with around 220 ping and hardly any noticeable lag. The specific ping depends on the location of the player, I personally get between 150 and 200 ping on EU servers.

If Russia had a stable connection along with no packets lost and with no high fluctuations in ping, they’d have bearable servers. I rarely have high fluctuations of ping in RU servers (it stays between 180 and 220). The packet loss on RU servers is horrible though.

If the US server/s had no packet loss, they’d be perfect. I never get packet loss in US servers (and I’m running on ****y dorm internet).

The lag started in earnest after the patch to *fix it* was implemented. 

my internet is fine. It’s something on their end that has changed.

It’s not disrespectful.

It’s informative.

The only people who would think it’s disrespectful are those who feel that they have something in common with those who are being informed.

In other words, it’s only going to hurt if you’re one of those on the other side of the teacher’s cane. i.e Caning.

I dont even play the game I dont know how this could hurt me. His post was stupid and offensive to the other player and there’s no discussion.

Oh wait it’s WolfKhan.

Your statement is flawed, as I was on top of that match, with 200 ping and some occasional packet loss. (And packet loss isn’t always the servers fault, I was loss-free for most of that game. It might be your xxxx internet).


There are two solutions to dealing with lag:

  1. Don’t fly interceptors

  2. Fly interceptors and learn to compensate


Point being, just because you have high ping or packet loss doesn’t mean you can’t win. I played a good 4 games in a row with OWL where the other squad (we were in 2 3-man squads playing against each other in T5) beat my squad when we were in a US server.

I was in one of that games. I had 300 ping and 20% packet loss in US Server. All I could do was rubberbanding all around, trying to stop to fire with a gunship, and suddenly I was in the middle of the enemy team with my hull to 30%.



It’s funny how almost every single thread gets diverted to discussing ping and packet loss on US and RU servers!


It seems to be a major problem…

And I’d imagine he doesn’t have much actual lag.

Ping is easy enough. if I have 300 ping, I won’t complain,

but if I’m getting any amount of packet loss, It’s hard to play.

In our last game, we were in a us server. I had 2% packet loss, 100 ping. 

That 2% may or may not have been more than what it was showing, but it was pausing my screen for a couple seconds at a time, and it

kept teleporting me small distances from side to side. every now’n then I caught a break, but it’s unbearable. 

Now imagine that on a russian server.


No I didn’t have much lag. 2-5% packet loss is nothing. Once you get above 15 or 20% packet loss, that is when lag and rubberbanding happens. High packet loss is a server issue when everyone in that server is having the problem. If only 1 or 2 players in the server are having the problem it is a problem with their internet and/or their location. Don’t blame the server when it isn’t the server’s fault. It is most likely your bad connection or location. (I’m talking about US and EU servers, RU servers have horrible packet loss regularly.)


Also, you can notice when other players are rubberbanding, as they aren’t flying normally or are sitting still. Neither of those things were happening in that game. The other team was flying normally and was never sitting still…

  1. If you wouldn’t download beautiful naked women, your ping would be better.

  2. We won today several games with 20% package loss and 160 ping. Your argument is invalid.

  3. Only interceptors has problems with high-ping. Fighters and frigates are still remain playable.

You would be a perfect bachelor of arts, you trying to prove the dead bird still can fly…

I was not downloading porn and you are sadly mistaken. I had nothing downloading at the time and I checked. 

Hmmmm, really? Try flying an engi (which is what i had) when people around you seem to be crashing in to asteroids and 5 seconds later, with nobody in sight, you explode. 

My argument is invalid? Hmmmm, did you have 20% packet loss the whole time with regular spikes up to 66% and then disconnects 3 times in the game? I don’t think so. 

You are completely correct. You can play frigs with high ping and do well. Just can’t do it with high packet loss and regular disconnects like I had.



I’m going with ArcTic on this one.


  1. Bad sportsmanship is nigh intolerable. 


  1. Calling your team, or the enemy, for that matter, nubs because they can’t fly straight with 300+ ping (especially with large amounts of packet loss… 20% is about the time where you cannot fly properly even in a frigate) is not, in any sense, a smart thing, to say the least. (btw, most of us on the u.s server side who get a good 90 ping, or even in the 40’s, tend to get packet loss as of late, while those with 300+ ping connecting to the server seem to get no lag/packet loss… there is something seriously wrong with this picture. On the flip side, the Russian servers are as terrible as always. The servers over there fluctuate ping from 270-700-2k+ constantly, With loss at 2%-20%+.  It’s like the people running the servers are intentionally giving the Russians the advantage.)

​Packet loss is a rare occurrence for EU or US servers to give. If you are constantly getting packet loss, it is a problem with your internet not the server. I am in the US, I know what it feels like to get EU and RU servers day after day, but I have adapted and learned to play with high ping and some rare packet loss, as any US player should.


  1. Lag is one thing, but when you teleport from one place to another and start getting 4 second screen freezes because the game is trying to figure out where you actually are… I’ll leave that to your imagination.

A rare occurrence as well. I doubt ArcTic was rubberbanding at all, as no other U.S. players in that match reported any (myself included). Playing with high ping and getting 2-5% packet loss on occasion is something you have to get used to as a US player until the player base in the US increases.


As of current, the European servers are the most stable with around 220 ping and hardly any noticeable lag. The specific ping depends on the location of the player, I personally get between 150 and 200 ping on EU servers.

If Russia had a stable connection along with no packets lost and with no high fluctuations in ping, they’d have bearable servers. I rarely have high fluctuations of ping in RU servers (it stays between 180 and 220). The packet loss on RU servers is horrible though.

If the US server/s had no packet loss, they’d be perfect. I never get packet loss in US servers (and I’m running on ****y dorm internet).


See, they made a patch which made everyone else lag, but it fixed mine! They changed it again and I got packet loss again! It’s these stupid updates that screw up my internet. 


The lag started in earnest after the patch to *fix it* was implemented. 

my internet is fine. It’s something on their end that has changed.

Yup. The patch to fix it fixed mine but then everyone else got it so they “fixed it” and screwed it up again. 


I was in one of that games. I had 300 ping and 20% packet loss in US Server. All I could do was rubberbanding all around, trying to stop to fire with a gunship, and suddenly I was in the middle of the enemy team with my hull to 30%.



yeah. That’s what i had except i crashed into a wall and blew up. 


No I didn’t have much lag. 2-5% packet loss is nothing. Once you get above 15 or 20% packet loss, that is when lag and rubberbanding happens. High packet loss is a server issue when everyone in that server is having the problem. If only 1 or 2 players in the server are having the problem it is a problem with their internet and/or their location. Don’t blame the server when it isn’t the server’s fault. It is most likely your bad connection or location. (I’m talking about US and EU servers, RU servers have horrible packet loss regularly.)


Also, you can notice when other players are rubberbanding, as they aren’t flying normally or are sitting still. Neither of those things were happening in that game. The other team was flying normally and was never sitting still…

Hmmm well on this, i have to disagree with you dirk. Russian servers have less packet loss for me than U.S. servers on a regular basis.  European servers are the worse. There are different RU servers and I have found that I will have 200 ping on an ru server and no packet loss and then the next game, I’ll have 300 ping and 30% packet loss with regular disconnects. There are different RU servers and I’m guessing they’re probably in different parts of Russia. 



Playing against a Ace team, we probably would have won, but OWL is no Ace team and dirk is good too. That plus our high ping and packet loss means that it is impossible to win. I don’t think we would have won if we had no packet loss and good ping, but we would have done a heck of a lot better and it would have been a match! 

It’s informative


but this is a spoon



but this is a spoon



Hmmm, you live in the UK. Have you registered that “spoon”? 


I am quite bluntly and rudely informing spongejohn that his opponents were not bad as he had stated, but had bad internet connection. People who brag should be informed rudely that they are sadly mistaken.


Informative, yes.