Speed-Tacklers w/ Drones.... WHY???

Just a quick poll to find out why people fly speed-tacklers with drones. I personally see them as a cowardly way to fly, boring, and stupid…


This is my opinion… and it stays as such. I’m not saying it’s a fact…

I tried Drones + Cruise because I saw SenC using them, it was fun, but after a while, it got old. I dropped Heavy Drone, because it was useless. Then, I dropped the cruise for additional rotation speed. 

What I think about this thing is censored :X

Since when drones are more attractive than target painter?

Real tacklers have buffs :wink:

I use them because it’s tactical, placing drones on beacons to distract people.

I tried flying cruise parallax with gauss and it was surprisingly effective.

To keep energy stability, i switched the target painter for the sentry drone but kept the engine suppressor and inhibitor beam + multipurpose.

I use them because it’s tactical, placing drones on beacons to distract people.


Tactical? All the drones/cruise users are doing this “tactic” only in an attempt to steal a capture or a kill. 

Placing a double autofire turret behind enemy line with the ability of running away undetected and faster than anyone else… IN A SHOOTER GAME? SERIOUSLY? I’m not blaming only the players, i also blame devs that made this.


And before someone start saying that it’s effective let me say this:  it works actually only versus bad team. Whit a little bit of organization your matches will all end (eventually) like this:




Tactical? All the drones/cruise users are doing this “tactic” only in an attempt to steal a capture or a kill. 

Placing a double autofire turret behind enemy line with the ability of running away undetected and faster than anyone else… IN A SHOOTER GAME? SERIOUSLY?



Implying that I can’t capture a beacon all by my lonesome. Implying that all I even, “Placing a double autofire turret behind enemy line with the ability of running away undetected and faster than anyone else”, which I don’t. 

i dont fly them because i have a better way to use my tackler: sniping :slight_smile:

Nice balanced poll…

My Rockwell with Cruise/x2 Vernier/E5 gives me full 700 AB speed with 120 roll/130 pitch, which is very Dogfight capable. And gets best of both, subbing Target Painter for the Sentry Drone and keeping the slows. 


That is how you speedtackle right,



No proton wall? That’s gotta hurt when you get disabled. How energy stable is that build? Don’t have base stats for Rockwell. Also I’d put the Repair Kit M in the second slot for quicker and easier access. The RU wiki is screwed up which is surprising. The modifier layout is off.

Here’s the whole thing


It’s very energy stable, and yeah, Enhanced Scanner could be replaced with Proton Wall, but that’s my personal choice.

Speed tacklers W drone is fun (in invasion). I only use the sentry drone not the guard drone (too slow)

A good cruise tackler is a valuable asset in your team.


A bad cruise tackler is a burden, but they also are any other bad player in any other class (pusing engineering auras anyone?)


I don’t like the cruise engine for PvP, because I have hardwired the afterburner activation to any fighter or interceptor, for maneuvering, for adaptive tanking, for everything, but I’ve seen people using cruise tacker in an effective way. Usually just with light drones. My tacklers are fast but with the old school modules (around 500 m/s for the panther and 460 for the Lion Mk2)


Heavy drones are good for tactical defense and area denial around beacons, but the typical double drone drop cloak and leave gameplay is just useless.

I should make a video… But I wanna do some more CDB tuts… But I wanna download some music… But I wanna get my monocrystals… But I wanna play unturned… But I wanna be the very best like no one ever was. to catch them is my real test. To train them is my cause! I will travel across the land searching far and wide. Pokemon!

A good tackler with Cruise is scary. A good tackler with proper battlefield awareness will be able to move around the battle and assist where lone ships are skirmishing and turn the tide with their support.


A 1v1 dogfight between a pair of inties suddenly becomes a 2v1 with the lone inty’s mobility crippled and with suddenly 3 targets to worry about (inty/tackler/tackler drone) and either has to retreat or gets blown up quickly.


It’s why I like the Enhanced Scanner on my Rockwell. 9.2k is very far out to see and with a full 700 AB speed, I can be anywhere on the map in a matter of 10-15 seconds.


I know for a fact I’m a major pain in the xxxx in small CtB games with my setup.

Speed tacklers W drone is fun (in invasion). I only use the sentry drone not the guard drone (too slow)


I’m not talking about invasion. I’m talking about PvP.



A good cruise tackler is a valuable asset in your team.


Yep, but everyone knows a good tackler uses slows, not drones. (Gene’s build is perfectly fine, but personally I prefer target painter over a sentry drone).

Tactical? All the drones/cruise users are doing this “tactic” only in an attempt to steal a capture or a kill. 

Placing a double autofire turret behind enemy line with the ability of running away undetected and faster than anyone else… IN A SHOOTER GAME? SERIOUSLY? I’m not blaming only the players, i also blame devs that made this.


And before someone start saying that it’s effective let me say this:  it works actually only versus bad team. Whit a little bit of organization your matches will all end (eventually) like this:




Good times…