Speed-Tacklers w/ Drones.... WHY???

Man oh Man I just got to ask the question… 


Why all this HATE and this idea that there is such thing as playing cowardly  (not playing up frontline) or running away…and as always use of SKILLED vs Non SKILLED “gear” to kill an opponent.




 at least for me  … this is not stand toe to toe and shoot it out against your opponent type of game.  :fed015:


Being I consider myself to be at the lower end of the so called skill level I will make use every advantage\tactic\gear to increase my chances of not getting blown to pieces by those who may be at a higher level or those buzzards that are always circling around and will scoop in as they see your health is dangerously low. 


Anyway… I find that the tackler drones are “limited”  as they are not mobile enough.  



So taking Genelari Rockwell “Build”  and now instead of missles add attack drones.  Use the inhibtor and then the target painter and the attack drones are now on the TARGET as you hit them with whatever you are using for main weapon.  


I am rapidly growing fond of the SLOW BEAM.    :006j:     

Man oh Man I just got to ask the question… 


Why all this HATE and this idea that there is such thing as playing cowardly  (not playing up frontline) or running away…and as always use of SKILLED vs Non SKILLED “gear” to kill an opponent.




 at least for me  … this is not stand toe to toe and shoot it out against your opponent type of game.  :fed015:


Being I consider myself to be at the lower end of the so called skill level I will make use every advantage\tactic\gear to increase my chances of not getting blown to pieces by those who may be at a higher level or those buzzards that are always circling around and will scoop in as they see your health is dangerously low. 


Anyway… I find that the tackler drones are “limited”  as they are not mobile enough.  



So taking Genelari Rockwell “Build”  and now instead of missles add attack drones.  Use the inhibtor and then the target painter and the attack drones are now on the TARGET as you hit them with whatever you are using for main weapon.  


I am rapidly growing fond of the SLOW BEAM.    :006j:     


I understand the want to not die, but that doesn’t mean you have to run away all game. A skilled tackler pilot can survive an entire game of capture the beacons without running away with their tail between their legs (so to speak), and still get captures, a few kills, and lots of assists. (Tacklers aren’t designed to get lots of kills, but they certainly can if used correctly). If a tackler stays with their team and uses their slows and target painter, their team will find it much easier to kill other ships (especially inties).


I never said cruise tacklers were bad. My opinion is that a cruise tackler who runs with 2 drones, running around the map, dropping drones and avoiding conflict, is a stupid way to play the game. This tactic is extremely ineffective (points-wise). Sure, you might capture a beacon or two, but you will rarely get a kill or do anything else productive for the team. I have hated that drones were added to tacklers because it is a way to play tackler without being a tackler. The entire point of a tackler (from the game’s definition when you click on the help for that role) is to hunt down enemy recons and covert ops. Drones have very little effect on inties (Heavy drone projectiles are too slow, sentry drone doesn’t do significant damage to be a threat, but is slightly more effective).


Nothing says “inty killer” like running 2 drones that can’t hit anything and avoiding conflict all together. [/sarcasm]


A true tackler pilot will run both slowing modules. The slowbeam is a fantastic weapon, but it only works if you stick around to engage the enemy, not run away from them. Speed-tackler w/ drone pilots will often slap on a gravi-beamer in an effort to be called a true tackler, but a true tackler won’t run away from the enemy team for the entire game. Effective tackler pilots know that slowing an inty is crucial to help the team.

I fly speed tacklers because they’re annoying and i can completely split up the enemy team and distract them while my team takes other beacons. 




btw, terrible pilot will be terrible with bad ping or good ping you know…

yeah but good pilots with terrible ping will be decent/bad. which is how we were.

… Pointless words…


Blame ping, Madonna Ciccone, the weather or whatever: you get slaughtered in your fast tackler swarm.

And please don’t make yourself more ridiculous, we also have a video of that match. 

yeah but good pilots with terrible ping will be decent/bad. which is how we were.

I am sorry, if I can consistently win games being at the top of the leaderboard  efficiency  with 350-400ping, I am going to discount all the blame on connection.


Sure, it is not optimal to fly with high ping w/ packet loss but with any experienced pilots, a specific play style can be adapted to minimize that handicap and still effectively carry.



This is embarrassing to read. Be more respectful to other users please.

This is embarrassing to read. Be more respectful to other users please.


Actually he need more respect for himself. 

Blame ping, Madonna Ciccone, the weather or whatever: you get slaughtered in your fast tackler swarm.

And please don’t make yourself more ridiculous, we also have a video of that match. 

Not seeing how posting a video of you beating players with high ping makes it any more ridiculous…Feel free to post it.

This is embarrassing to read. Be more respectful to other users please.

Respectful to users or respectful to arrogant and obnoxious braggerts who speak as though defeating a team that has over 2 seconds of delay behind him is a feat? What’s next? Maybe he’ll brag about beating up a 10 year old. Wouldn’t surprise me.

I am sorry, if I can consistently win games being at the top of the leaderboard with 350-400ping, I am going to discount all the blame on connection.


Sure, it is not optimal to fly with high ping w/ packet loss but with any experienced pilots, a specific play style can be adapted to minimize that handicap and still effectively carry.

Being top of leaderboards simply means that you play a lot. SR leaderboards simply mean that you play a lot of t5 and are good. 

Respectful to users or respectful to arrogant and obnoxious braggerts who speak as though defeating a team that has over 2 seconds of delay behind him is a feat? What’s next? Maybe he’ll brag about beating up a 10 year old. Wouldn’t surprise me.


That doesn’t give you the right to break the forum rules and call him stupid or idiot.

Really, i don’t mind being called that way by someone like him. 

But eventually he will screw up with someone that will not tollerate that things and he will be kicked off.

(on russian forums people get banned for less more… just for say)

I never called him stupid or an idiot. I simply said he was spewing out idiocy and that he is stupid enough to think that just because you have high ping, it means you’re bad. He is not stupid. He can type and he can fly a star conflict ship. 


I wouldn’t be angry with him if he had posted the picture and said that speed tacklers don’t tend to work. But nope, he insulted his oponents #BadSportsmanship


People like this irritate me beyond all reasoning. 

It looks more like this: You’re mad because he posted a pic showing how bad you performed on a match and got it personal.


MILF(he is from US) with engie and wingman can take down ESB squad on RU servers so… ping is nothing!


Sorry for the low quality. Fixing OBS. anyone know any good settings for low spec comppopers?


this is with average of 11 fps

It looks more like this: You’re mad because he posted a pic showing how bad you performed on a match and got it personal.

Nope. See if i called OWL a group of nubs because we beat them when they couldn’t fly straight due to ping, I would be seen as an idiot, correct? He also discounts ping completely. Perhaps he should try flying vs me when he has 20% packet loss and 300 ping while i have good ping and no packet loss. 



MILF(he is from US) with engie and wingman can take down ESB squad on RU servers so… ping is nothing!

Milf is a freaking boss lol. Also, I doubt milf would be able to fly if his internet crashed every few minutes. 

Nope. See if i called OWL a group of nubs because we beat them when they couldn’t fly straight due to ping, I would be seen as an idiot, correct? He also discounts ping completely. Perhaps he should try flying vs me when he has 20% packet loss and 300 ping while i have good ping and no packet loss. 


Milf is a freaking boss lol. Also, I doubt milf would be able to fly if his internet crashed every few minutes. 

  1. If you wouldn’t download beautiful naked women, your ping would be better.

  2. We won today several games with 20% package loss and 160 ping. Your argument is invalid.

  3. Only interceptors has problems with high-ping. Fighters and frigates are still remain playable.

You would be a perfect bachelor of arts, you trying to prove the dead bird still can fly…

Time for a little education.


Ping is basically how good your connection is. Ping is like golf. The lower the number, the better. Your 70 ping in that game was much better than my 300 ping because low ping = good and high ping = very bad.



Your statement is flawed, as I was on top of that match, with 200 ping and some occasional packet loss. (And packet loss isn’t always the servers fault, I was loss-free for most of that game. It might be your xxxx internet).


There are two solutions to dealing with lag:

  1. Don’t fly interceptors

  2. Fly interceptors and learn to compensate


Point being, just because you have high ping or packet loss doesn’t mean you can’t win. I played a good 4 games in a row with OWL where the other squad (we were in 2 3-man squads playing against each other in T5) beat my squad when we were in a US server.