Spatial Jumper Module

Works like Reverse Thruster but is uncontrollable and jumps you 2500m in a completely random direction.

Name: Spatial Jumper

Type: Active Multipurpose module

Stats: Teleports the user instantly 2500m in any direction. Use this to escape sticky situations.

Works like Reverse Thruster but is uncontrollable and jumps you 2500m in a completely random direction.

Name: Spatial Jumper

Type: Active Multipurpose module

Stats: Teleports the user instantly 2500m in any direction. Use this to escape sticky situations.


LOL  you must not have enough THUD medals. 

I like it :smiley:

LOL you must not have enough THUD medals.

And you must have ZERO experience with the Reverse Thruster. It does not -warp- you. It teleports you.

And you must have ZERO experience with the Reverse Thruster. It does not -warp- you. It teleports you.


Righty oh…  I still have not obtained one of those RFs. 


 So given the the current method of BLOCKING RFs from initiating by placing your self right on the REAR of a LRF you version would not be BLOCKABLE.   

long live the crash medal

Righty oh… I still have not obtained one of those RFs.

So given the the current method of BLOCKING RFs from initiating by placing your self right on the REAR of a LRF you version would not be BLOCKABLE.

Well that’s because it’s an escape method. Just for everyone. And it would still be blockable if you tele’d in to the enemy. But the un-blockable-ness would be countered by the low distance.

long live the crash medal

Please take the time to read the above comments. Teleport does not mean warp. There will be no crash. Ever.

Darkfox we know what teleport means. The thing is though that nobody should have an instant get-out-of-jail card. That’s why the Reverse Thruster is now balanced. No escape module has no counters. Even the orange ECM bubble has a counter.

IMHO this idea is absurd. I used to be you and in some respects I still am. I don’t know why I have learned more about game mechanics and balance than you in a shorter period of time. Teachers tell me that I grasp ideas faster but hey, what do teachers know?

Works like Reverse Thruster but is uncontrollable and jumps you 2500m in a completely random direction.

Name: Spatial Jumper

Type: Active Multipurpose module

Stats: Teleports the user instantly 2500m in any direction. Use this to escape sticky situations.

Reverse thruster minus the resist malus and directional control, plus multipurpose-ness.


To take full advantage, you must be in a completely open area - any cover, and you may teleport out of it, or have it block your teleport. Particularly useful for interceptors that have an engi - quick getaway plus tackler immunity, but have to drop an active module to make room. Also useful for people who have no idea how to position themselves.


I think this is your most balanced suggestion yet, Fox.

SoL has swayed my opinion. I like it.


I studied from the best! (I think!)

… Now let’s get this thing pushed! Someone tell Gek that Fox actually had a sound idea. XD

Erm… What about the anomalies on certain maps?

I hate "what if"s. They only serve to find stupid problems that aren’t even worth talking about. You shouldn’t be in anomaly affected space in the first place. If you manage to land inside an anomaly than that’s on you, not the module.

Erm… What about the anomalies on certain maps?

It’s up to the user to make sure they won’t warp in to an anomaly or a minefield or something.

Teleport right?

Autocorrect made it into tepeppeper

Not a bad idea.  I might like to see this.  But would it be a random distance, too?  Like within a certain range, not too close, sometimes very far?

It’s up to the user to make sure they won’t warp in to an anomaly or a minefield or something.


How, when it’s random??

Make sure you aren’t near one. Besides what are the chances when you have 2500 at all angles to teleport to.

Where is the poll to vote?

Right up top. ^^^^^^^^^^^^