Spatial Jumper Module

i like it. random blink. could be fun moments.


i think the balancing (energy cost, cooldown, warmup, resi malus etc.) could be done later.


only counter thought: well, LRF with both modules could do “start reverse thruster”, “hit the blink button”, “rotate for upcoming RT and gtfo”. but that still sounds like fun.

only counter thought: well, LRF with both modules could do “start reverse thruster”, “hit the blink button”, “rotate for upcoming RT and gtfo”. but that still sounds like fun.

What do you mean?

And warmup would probably be a quite short period. Maybe 0.8-1.2 seconds. And resistance nerfs would either be low or non-existent. Because it is meant to be a “get my ship out of here fast” button, but not too OP.

I see RT as more of a strategic positioning module, or a sneak-attack module. I have no idea why people think it’s an escape module. Why would you want to reduce your resistances by 60pts in battle???

Well, it would be noticeable by the sounds and 2.5km isn’t far enough to escape an Inty gun. It’s just something to make yer attackers go “where tf did he go?” “Oh nvm there he his.”