sniping vs all


im after another fight, and to be honest with you i think that sniping is OP why ? each fight, i can see 50% players in frigates sniping to others rest in interceptors and fighters.

honestly, sniping is killing joy from playing smaller craft, you cant event do a dogfight cuz always you will find someone ready to snipe you.

im writing it, waiting for respawn, 7 deaths all from sniper.

Use the asteroids or structures to hide and always try to fly in curves. If you fly linearly you’ll get sniped sooner or later since you’re calling for it. I myself fly only an interceptor for now and I have no such big problems with sniping frigates. Attack and then get out quickly once you either destroyed your target or your hull integrity is too low. Try to fly near the asteroids, curve around them, and go into places other larger ships can’t access as easily as you can.

p.s. only imperial frigates can snipe as far as I know.

Use the asteroids or structures to hide and always try to fly in curves. If you fly linearly you’ll get sniped sooner or later since you’re calling for it. I myself fly only an interceptor for now and I have no such big problems with sniping frigates. Attack and then get out quickly once you either destroyed your target or your hull integrity is too low. Try to fly near the asteroids, curve around them, and go into places other larger ships can’t access as easily as you can.

p.s. only imperial frigates can snipe as far as I know.

yes, they have a sniping mode, but when i have got killed by jericho or federation frigate from 9k distance, its something wrong here.

thanks mate but im a veteran of this game from very begining, and at the begining sniping was ok, powerful but possible to avoid with interceptor, right now when there is 12 players in team 6 flies frigate, and always but always frigate players has most kills and points and assists. and ofcuz there is some nice maps where i can fly my little “fly” without fear that i will be snipied, but still too less. anyway even when im in full speed and making barrels im getting hit. projectiles are too fast (railgun).

not to mention that according to frigate skill tree, they should be a support ships, not doomstars.

May i ask what kind of ships your running? Im curretly maintaining T2-2 Jericho, and i didnt feel the need to go to T3 and higher. The maxed out 4 player squads are way out of my reach. Especially if the run T4-2 with mk3 equip.

About the sniping: Stable rail still misses slow barrel and Uranium Core mod breakes stable rail at all. An addition of 85% of speed by already 4.2km/s is making stable rail an instant hit based weapon, especcialy in close combat. I also hate this mod. Thats actually the only thing that nees to be nerved. Hail and Long range lasers arent that strong on this range. Fit kinetic res on your ship to last a bit longer in space.

My inty is already lvl 5, got extended shields and a good pack of resistances. Im not so easyly sniped down. Also light hull grants me more speed and im mostly dodgeing all kind of hits. Tachion Cocon and adaptive shield is also increasing my surviveabilty. I only need a frigate to support me from time to time and i wont die at all in the most matches. Also a good amount of support from an fighter will help here. Aegis, Pol. coating and Valkyrie are very welcome buffs.


Oooookay if youre not going to dodge hits you will die very quick. I hit you with my hail wihtout target lock. Always ceep moving and as intercepter you should always boosting, circleing around your target.

im t2-1 now after wipe of accounts. maybe i have lack of luck and im getting ppl with higher lvl but you can see here how many snipers is in one game…4/frigates.jpg/

still i think that players are going for frigates and tbh i dont have anyone to dogfight, cuz frigates = outstanding firepower.

EDIT: mate, dodging is a part of being interceptor, i love it while dogfight with others, but still even when you are moving fast in different directions, someone is able to snipe you in two shots… something is wrong for me.

another unbalanced game

We were in the same game just moments ago… :00999: anyway there were 2 sniping frigates. They took me out twice then I micro-warped behind them and unloaded all I had (3 rockets+pulse lasers fire) on one of them. I got it to less than 1/4 hull structure before the other one took me out. If we had an organized attack comprised of 2-3 interceptors they wouldn’t stand a chance. At least they’re weren’t sniping at the rest of you for awhile.

true, but i just noticed one more thing, you can mount sniper railgun on attack ship, so they are camping as well… sniper weapons are killing dogfight, everyone are camping shooting and hiding again. that rly boring

maybe it’s time to add slow barrel on stab railguns too lol

not bad idea, now everyone can hit you from distance, no skill required. i had no problem to kill 9 ppl in one battle with my frigate on low lvl, for me its far too much.

I think slow barrel on stab rails is absolutely neede as soon as possible lol

mate, now enemy team had nearly all with railgun, they just smashed as. not only frigates, but attack ships too, they dont have to fly, just camp and wait. with xxxx speed of barrel, whey will hit even being blind

hail plasma is just as bad, sniping is a problem since CBT and man do i wish it never existed, its a problem thats not even being adressed,good luck.

mate, now enemy team had nearly all with railgun, they just smashed as. not only frigates, but attack ships too, they dont have to fly, just camp and wait. with xxxx speed of barrel, whey will hit even being blind

true u r rihght m8:)

then best thing to do is to decrease fire rate or projectile SPEED* by 40-50%

This Stab Rails are insanely OP.Now i’m seeing lot of interceptors using stab rails too :frowning:


better, im flying interceptor with this railgun, and its easy to kill with this, no dogfight at all

Its not the ship, and its not the set up. Straight up, Sniping needs a nerf bat.

6.5k should be max range on any weapon

5…5k On any main weapon (Laser, rail or plasma).

and all damage needs to be nerfed by 30-40%.

Its not the ship, and its not the set up. Straight up, Sniping needs a nerf bat.

6.5k should be max range on any weapon

5…5k On any main weapon (Laser, rail or plasma).

and all damage needs to be nerfed by 30-40%.

Agree :wink:

Its not the ship, and its not the set up. Straight up, Sniping needs a nerf bat.

6.5k should be max range on any weapon

5…5k On any main weapon (Laser, rail or plasma).

and all damage needs to be nerfed by 30-40%.

5.5k on normal weapons + range mods + range skills will give them far more than 6.5 range (dedicated sniper weapons such as guided torpedos or desintegrators)

as for the dmg nerf, havent try desintegrators in a while but guided torpedos dmg is quite bad when considering their rate of fire plus the time it takes them to get there plus the fact aml screw them hard.

only real problem of guided torpedos is when you have 5-6 of them shooting at the same time, at wich point is not the weapon problem but the playerbase going hard on aoe weapons.

simple solution to torpedos would be to buff their turning and speed, make them inmune to aml aswell as a big buff to dmg but remove the early explosion and AOE so only direct hits do dmg.

You missed the point, With mods no laser should shoot beyond 5 or 5.5k

no rail beyond 6.5k

no missile beyond that. 6.5k should be the absolute max range.

this will force snipers in a little close to close range ships, and it will give them a fighting chance.

the combat will become more heated, as well as more balanced.

on top of these range nerfs, damage nerfs need to go out with any weapon not hitting beyond 250 base damage, in other words nothing should crit beyond 1k or 1.5k.

normal damage of heavy damage variants should be 400-600 dmg per shot

Mid damage guns should be 200-300

and things with rapid fire like rapid-rail, and rapid plasma should be 100-150 per shot.

these should be the damage ratios after resistance is factored (Calculating people having 200 all resistance as a base point).

You missed the point, With mods no laser should shoot beyond 5 or 5.5k

now i get it, but since mods and skills give quite a lot of range this means sniping weapons will probably get olmost as much range as normal weapons wich in turn means normal weapons range would need to be reduced too. will run some numbers later on when i can log into the game but asuming current mods and skill remain the same the distance of snipers and normal weapons wont be that diferent in wich case normal weapons would need to get their range reduced too to keep the concept of guns that trade dps for range.