sniping vs all

The last days I have also noticed that there are a couple of matches with mostly Interceptors on it. The sniping issue has been forwarded, but it also depends on the russian community what happens to the range.


im after another fight, and to be honest with you i think that sniping is OP why ? each fight, i can see 50% players in frigates sniping to others rest in interceptors and fighters.

honestly, sniping is killing joy from playing smaller craft, you cant event do a dogfight cuz always you will find someone ready to snipe you.

im writing it, waiting for respawn, 7 deaths all from sniper.

Hmm, Sniping really isnt op, It only does 2.4 k dmg most of the time and its easly dodges if your in a inter ceptor, Just straife and hold space bar every now and then and you should be able to dodge them

i want to see sniping changed, but i am not really sure hot to go about it.


I will tell you this i have found the following to be true.


It has to be

  • dynamic
  • dangerous
  • not burst-damage related.
  • it needs to be designed to disencourage people from sitting behind rocks, firing then hiding again


The best way i can see it is to make a weapon like plasma, that travels extremely fast. and limit all other weapons to a max range of 4k (modded).

sniping does not need to work like in counter strike, simply have superior range will do. in the end, this is the best balance i have seen for it.


i like the idea of all sniper weapons being impact based, but stacking some sort of debuff (like less shield regen, or burns hull over time).

this will make it dangerous. so i leave it on


Rapid fire 1.6-1.8k

assault 2.6-2.8k

heavy 2.8-3.2

long range 4.0-4.4k


Plasma destabilizes the shield matrix. Reduces shield Regeneration by 10% for 8 seconds. stacks up to 3 times.

Laser heats the hull softening its resistance. reduces resistance to thermal by 10 points per stack. stacks up to 3 times

Rail rounds now contain acid. Deals 10% of damage over 6 seconds. stacks up to 3 times




i have thought long and hard and came up with a very and viable way to rework the frigate abilities.


All abilities charge over time.


Empire (redesigned)

Charges a beam 500 x 500 m in diameter. shoots straight a head, the ship cannot move while channeling.

channel lasts 6 seconds. Deals 50 impact per a charge (up to 5) 200 ROF. 45 second CD. max charge increases

the range from 5.5k to 6.5k


Federation (slight rework)

Every 3 seconds, a drone is made. (up to 5) by targeting someone and hitting f, you command your drones to attack that target

can only have 5 orbiting at a time, but can have a total of 10. hitting f will cycle between the two squads. max charge grants drones a leader who has 3 rockets and 50 hp regen/s (drone only) aura. 5.5k range


Jericho (Redesigned)

Every 3 seconds a missile is made each missile is vastly faster and more mobile then market-based missiles.

stacks up to 7 missiles. if full charge is met, you may focus the missiles on someone, other wise they will

launch and randomly target an enemy in range.

5.5k range.


2250 m/s speed

120 mobility

650 impact