small idea for new vessels

I created this vessel because it lacks a true carrier in games


even if the extension of the hull, is interesting is strongly down the modularity of the vessels or it is installed

I thought was a new type of frigates specialized in transportation, is the defensive Support

well on this ship is not made for the assault but to recover the material in exploration mode


certain portion can be hard to read I’m sorry for the inconvenience



name  : armored transport


a modified vessel for transport in dangerous zone based in very large hull defense


base characteristic :


race : all

class : frigates

type : transport ( is one new support classe based in heal + comand and tackler )

level : 13

cargo slot : 32 ( not extendable by module )


hull points : 50000

hull regen : 0

hull resist cinetic : 70

hull resist EM : 70

hull resist thermal : 70


shield points : 2000

shield regen : 50/s

shield resist cinetic : 30

shield resist EM : - 40

shield resist thermal : 5


energie : 3000 pts

regen energie max : 100 pts/s

sensor range : 5000 meter

target lock speed : 1 sec


base speed   : 100 m/s

back speed   : 50 m/s

lateral speed : 50  m/s

acceleration  : 70 m/s

afterburner    : 300 m/s

afterburner energy drain : 300/s

rolling : 90 deg/s

pitching : 90 deg/s


synergy level 5

synergy bonus :

hull regen +50pts/sec by level


extension slots :

condensator X3

hull X3

ordinator X3


//// weapon /////


gun : this ship not use real gun is remplaced by 3 special drones squads selected in the same way that the guns


support drones laser ( Thermal )

support drones plasma  ( EM )

support drones railgun ( cinetic )


launch 4 drones attacking all enemies threatening the player can such as the escort vessel of npc convoy


missile : none


spécial modules  :

GDO << chameleon >> ( the special module of tackler fighters )


activables modules X4 :

mass shield generator ( heal )

nanodrones fields ( heal )

polarized coating  ( comand )

heavy guard ( tackler )






They are not planning on adding more ship classes, as far as I can tell. Sorry.

Then make us a non-classed ship. Problem solved.

Only problem I see with this is the fact that it uses other class’ modules. Give it original modukes and it will work. I love the idea and would definitely fly one of these. Esp with the special weapon drone things. I like that.

Weirdest balance I’ve ever seen. I’ve no idea if this is a good idea or a bad one.


Either way, as Error has said for the umpteenth time, they’re not planning on adding new roles.

Not new ships, new roles

Not new ships, new roles

… Well I guess I can throw my argument out the window on that basis unless new roles means new ships.

I want this 300 ms empire guard with turning speed of fighter interceptor and camo and drones >:)

Not new ships, new roles


the dev team also was saying that there would be no extension slots cargo at the OBT period

it was to one of my request originally


they can change their opinion if they are asked in the right way

it’s just a question of method and favorable opinion from the player


in a sense it’s just a playable version of npc cargoships




Only problem I see with this is the fact that it uses other class’ modules. Give it original modukes and it will work. I love the idea and would definitely fly one of these. Esp with the special weapon drone things. I like that.


Yes that’s true

but it was just to give a idea of the ability that I wanted above



I want this 300 ms empire guard with turning speed of fighter interceptor and camo and drones >:)


the purpose of this vessel is not to be invulnerable, but do not kill in 30 seconds by a squadron of “predator” of you enters a PVP sector.

certaint points may seem, it is true bizzare but that is done on purpose so that it is not too powerful compared to other ship.




But this is actually a new ship role which is actually not fitting into the game’s principle, and devs stated several times that new ship classes will not happen, and they are determined there. And i just want to clarify that this is not going to happen, even if it’s a nice idea though.

To hell with the “roles and classes” argument. Make it non-classed and with a versatile role and shut the hell up. It’s a ship with limited combat capabilities and a very heavy usage in invasion and that’s okay.

And don’t go complaining about how it’s a matter of adding it and that would take effort. If I had their engine and code I could add this and many other ideas in a matter of days. its not that diffucult

Plus, like any other damn thing in this game; its optional. If you don’t like it, don’t use it. End of story.

I admit the original suggestion is a bit OP with all of the other class’ modules, but this could be easily fixed with creating other simple modules for multipurpose, or simply not allowing it to have active modules. It’s for invasion looting anyways. It’s not exactly meant to be used in other modes, so it doesn’t need all the extra firepower. I say give it a sort of offshoot of the warp-drive and maybe something to deal with aliens, and that’s it.

But this is actually a new ship role which is actually not fitting into the game’s principle, and devs stated several times that new ship classes will not happen, and they are determined there. And i just want to clarify that this is not going to happen, even if it’s a nice idea though.


if there is not a request of the players or that all the world is going in their sense. The devs team have no reason to change their position.

Change only happens when the people speak up. If they fall silent the world will go on without a second thought.

If you want a heavy Hauler take a damn Guard with Extended Hulls.

If you want a heavy Hauler take a damn Guard with Extended Hulls.


except that larger guard are in jericho is that it does can not have the same 16 slots using the cargo hold extension


is that fact that my Orélus ( gunship empire lev 12 premium ) over to the final slots compared to my scimitar ( guard jericho lev12 premium )

You will never need 32 slots, you do you collect random scrap and take everything with you that you can find? Do you?

Most resources are actually worthless in Invasion, the only considerable Credit Object is the Light Cell which still gives you over 1 million Credits.

I suggest you focus more on rare loot, it gives you more money and prevents your cargo room from getting full, few people were pleased with 9 max slots, but many wanted more, 16 is absolutely fine, there is not more necessary. I know you need hull slots, but there are dozens of Ships with Hull Slots, a Leonina is excellent for Invasion, but King Nibelung and Nibelung are nice too, as well as the Viking.

You will never need 32 slots, you do you collect random scrap and take everything with you that you can find? Do you?

Most resources are actually worthless in Invasion, the only considerable Credit Object is the Light Cell which still gives you over 1 million Credits.

I suggest you focus more on rare loot, it gives you more money and prevents your cargo room from getting full, few people were pleased with 9 max slots, but many wanted more, 16 is absolutely fine, there is not more necessary. I know you need hull slots, but there are dozens of Ships with Hull Slots, a Leonina is excellent for Invasion, but King Nibelung and Nibelung are nice too, as well as the Viking.



yes I do it because I want to precisely create the last vessels of the empire “Mjolnir” is am obliged recovered a max ore to create the necessary material.

some materials are less important but even gives credits if not many 1 by 1 is that its takes a long time

It all depends on how you play and why you play. Yes, focussing on larger loot does give a better output for less space, but some people can’t buy spat scanners.

It all depends on how you play and why you play. Yes, focussing on larger loot does give a better output for less space, but some people can’t buy spat scanners.

They can somehow play the game to gain Credits (PvP / PvE), did think about that?

They can somehow play the game to gain Credits (PvP / PvE), did think about that?



for those who want credits, it is true that the PvP / PvE mission is more practical in terms of gain.


but if the purpose is to craft a prototype. the existing vessels does not allow for long remained the recovered material most of the time for lack of space for cargo or the hull is too slight because you have gone in PVP zone recovered for the most materials

I no know. Is what that for?

Grammar aside, some players prefer not to because of the wait times and difficulty. Mainly wait times. 5 minutes of watching a screen for maybe a few hundred thousand credits and no resources, or 5 minutes of instant open space with loot left and right, as well as resources.

I understand salvaging modules, but that’s a very unreliable way to gain resources, unless you just play PvP 24/7 and always win.