small idea for new vessels

without going through a new role


you can do that :


name  : mining fortress


base characteristic :

race : all

class : frigates

type : guard ( armor guard )

level : 13

cargo slot : 32 ( not extendable by module )


hull points : 40000

hull regen : 0

hull resist cinetic : 70

hull resist EM : 70

hull resist thermal : 70


shield points : 10000

shield regen : 50/s

shield resist cinetic : 40

shield resist EM : - 20

shield resist thermal : 10


energie : 3000 pts

regen energie max : 100 pts/s

sensor range : 5000 meter

target lock speed : 2 sec


base speed   : 150 m/s

back speed   : 50 m/s

lateral speed : 50  m/s

acceleration  : 70 m/s

afterburner    : 200 m/s

afterburner energy drain : 50/s

rolling : 45 deg/s

pitching : 45 deg/s


synergy level 5

synergy bonus :

hull regen +50pts/sec by level

scaner range +1000m by level


extension slots :

condensator X3

hull X3

ordinator X3


gun :

mining laser ( thermal )

mining drill  ( cinetic )

mining drive ( EM )


it is 3 gun launches a wide beam of energies

Damage: 300 / sec

range: 5 km


missile :

classic frigates missiles


spécial modules  :

fortress field ( always active )

up all armor resist to 50pts for all member of player team on a area of 6km


activables modules X4  : classic guard modules




Well if you’re going to turn it in to a guard class why not just keep it a standard guard. I personally liked the original idea, but I do like the main weapon ideas.

it is indeed possible of doing a classic guard with just a bigger cargo bay.

except that it is based on a technique to shield a game for which a vessel based on the hull tanking is annoying