Should Reverse Thruster break EM Scattering Field?

right now, LRF come, kill people with their superior firepower until someone sees them and warp back to safety, leaving mines and a tachyon torp/disintegrator where they were. oh and just to make it fun, they’re cloaked during the entire thing, making pinging them, locking them, stopping them and most other means of actually fighting back impossible).

combine that wth skill and/or a squad, they’re near undefeatable = imbalanced/overpowered


I’m confused there’s a discussion about this module. it’s extremely overpowered and needs either removal or at least a serious nerf.

  • the cooldown has to be WAY larger (im talking 120secs+ here)

  • a charging up time has to be added, deactivating everything for a second before the jump (yes, that includes cloak)


ship can move while cloaked = broken module.

ship is slow but can get out INSTANT = broken module

it is funny tho when they don’t realise there is a wall 1km behind them and then suddenly think “oh sh_t” as everyone shoots them

Microwarp isn’t a TP because recon can stop it when they want which is a GOOD thing.

The 1 sec before activation is nothing.

You don’t crash with RT, because you can’t stop it, and can’t really decide where you go.

Engi can choose where they go, plus all the team can use it too.

RT isn’t maneuverable at all. And for a sniper, it’s really, really a bad thing.

If you use RT to escape, you will probably end alone somewhere with a rock in your back.

You will also have to reposition, witch take a lot of times

You won’t be able to fire, because if the enemy is near, you will probably die if you do so.

Microwarp isn’t a TP because recon can stop it when they want which is a GOOD thing.

The 1 sec before activation is nothing.

You don’t crash with RT, because you can’t stop it, and can’t really decide where you go.

Engi can choose where they go, plus all the team can use it too.

RT isn’t maneuverable at all. And for a sniper, it’s really, really a bad thing.

If you use RT to escape, you will probably end alone somewhere with a rock in your back.

You will also have to reposition, witch take a lot of times

You won’t be able to fire, because if the enemy is near, you will probably die if you do so.

If your positioning is bad… you end up just like that


But if you know where you are and know how to use RT it’s OP :slight_smile:

Then, dont say that LRF are “noskilz”.

I know what can be a good player using that module, but hey, every ships are OP in right hands. We are talking about average players, and this thing isn’t OP with them.

Then, dont say that LRF are “noskilz”.

I know what can be a good player using that module, but hey, every ships are OP in right hands. We are talking about average players, and this thing isn’t OP with them.

It’s annoying and it give +100pts to “not gonna die now”

 in slow ship you won’t be able to get close to that LRF and if you have fast ship… beams probably will kill you


in good hands it’s 2x OP…

Come on, I saw many good players that know how to counter it.

Ask to summit or Omega, they are doing it fine. It’s not like if it was hard to kill them once you are in front of them.

If they flee, just break lock/cloak and come closer again. He won’t be able to do anything.

Reverse thruster use, should break scattering field.

It’s not like if it was hard to kill them once you are in front of them.

He won’t be able to do anything.

Keeping a discussion going with such obvious nonsense deserves some recognition I guess.

I still find that breaking EM isn’t a good idea.

RT need a nerf, ok. But we could find something else.

There’s not everybody that use EM, it won’t change that much.

I still find that breaking EM isn’t a good idea.

RT need a nerf, ok. But we could find something else.

I suggested something else:


They should just make it a forward thruster, that way you keep the benefits of having LRFs join the brawl but if they want to GTFO they’ll have to turn around first.



There’s not everybody that use EM, it won’t change that much.

Most still use it. Some dropped it because they realized that with RT they don’t even need it anymore because they are invincible regardless.

I don’t like this one too, cause forward means that it become much more maneuverable because you see where you go.

yeah but as someone wanting to kill them I can deal with forward because it brings them into the middle of my team. that makes it a whole different ballgame than currently where I have to fly through the enemy team while getting shot at by them plus the 7-8k dps Mauler that I’m trying to kill. Even if I pull that miracle off before he can jump again I’ll then have to fly back through the enemy team. The chances are low and either way it’s a terribly inefficient use of my time, I could have killed several other non-RT ships in the same time frame without risk of dying.

Still, RT is designed as a survival tool. It completely change its purpose to make it forward.

And the LRF will still be able to turn around and go with their team, so your problem not solved.

And without RT, they are just free kill

Still, RT is designed as a survival tool. It completely change its purpose to make it forward.

And the LRF will still be able to turn around and go with their team, so your problem not solved.

Well, if you think it changes nothing, why oppose it then?

To me it would change everything. The LRF would have to stop shooting me to turn, jump, and would then have to turn again before it can shoot me again (with all guns), whereas currently the LRF shoots me, jumps, and still shoots me the entire time.

Well, if you think it changes nothing, why oppose it then?To me it would change everything. The LRF would have to stop shooting me to turn, jump, and would then have to turn again before it can shoot me again (with all guns), whereas currently the LRF shoots me, jumps, and still shoots me the entire time.

Once you have reached them, they stop shoting at you, because they just can’t.

If they see where they go, they have a much higher capacity to find a cover/teammate.

If it is forward, then the maneuver become too much precise, and giving a sniper the opportunity to move with precision… Not a good idea.

I had to turn around so many time to use RT that I near then hate this maneuver. I saw many LRF totally failing their RT (Of course, me included) because they don’t see where they go. And I used it enough to know that forward won’t be a nerf.

Making it forward to those Empire snipers is a buf to them. How many times I was sniping at 8k range alone, beeing attacked, using RT, and land nowhere? Make it forward, and then I would directly be sent under the cover of my team (Since it is in front of me).

Ok guys, excuse me. Yes, I’m sorry. I’m stressed for some reason since a few weeks. 

I’m earing what you say, just trying to explain my point of view (but badly). 



Let’s speak about RT. 

I’m not a god (but I’m a |GoD| :00555:  ), but here is what I truly  think about this thing. 


First of all : it’s OP (I saw your smile). 

We all know that RT is OP. We all know why (too easy to master, and give too much). And in right hands, it’s a killing machine.  


What I was trying to make you understand is that it should NOT be destroyed.

The mechanic of RT is nice. It have a great synergy with the rest of LRF modules. In fact, it is   too perfect. 


What you guys are requesting is to brake those synergy. And I think it’s a BAD idea. I do love the fact that RT allow to finally plant those minefields into a beacon without dying, or that there’s a way to move under cloak. 


What we need is something that add a true counter. 


Make a 1 seconde before activation? Who will kill the LRF in 1  


Make it so we can crash? 

Then it become too hard to use. 


Make it forward (So that the LRF rush into the enemy team)? 

Won’t work too. 

Forward mean that you know where you go. But also that you choose too. 

And making it forward mean that the precision become suddenly awesome, so you will be able to aim at wall to don’t go too far.


Breaking cloak? 

I use cloak only 1 minute per games or something like that. 

It only break the synergy with EM, nothing more. 


Disabling weapons + special for a few secondes after using it (My idea :smiley: :D)? 

Well, it’s rare to use RT and directly attack. Unless you used it to flee, you won’t fire because will have no target selected. So it is only a nerf when fleeing. 


Make that RT still move you backward BUT turn around your ship when landed (A 180° rotation). 

Why not? 

Allow a better go in, a fewer capacity to flee, and the precision don’t become suddenly OP. 

No, because its a deceptive label in my opinion. Its not functioning as a reverse “Thruster” so much as a Reverse “Jump”


The animation, actions and no-movement action from point A to B makes it just “jump” from where you are, to - and get this - UP TO the allotted distance. In my case its 6km with Implant “WPN-F53” but I don’t “move” with use. I just literally Teleport from Point A to B. There is no danger or reason to be concerned with an obstacle behind me as if I can’t jump that far, I stop short.



Unless the basic mechanic of its function changes, I don’t think the non-breaking EM field is really against the concept. I just treat it as a mis-labeled action. 

Besides, Its fun, annoying, and potentially an actual life-saver in the various game modes if the enemy can’t immediately determine where you are. Changing the EM break will drastically alter the use of it as an escape key as it would not do its job very well. 

It shouldn’t break EM scattering because the only things that break it are spy drones, micro locators, and pressing a WASD key.  Movement doesn’t stop EM scattering, only pressing a WASD key.  That allows an LRF to glide while under EM scattering.


Other aspects of the module are a separate issue.

It shouldn’t break EM scattering because the only things that break it are spy drones, micro locators, and pressing a WASD key.  Movement doesn’t stop EM scattering, only pressing a WASD key.  That allows an LRF to glide while under EM scattering.

Spy drones don’t break EM scattering. Spy drones is a targeted debuff and thus cannot be applied to a cloaked ship.

And it’s not only WASD, some of the speed control keybinds do it, too, while not in f-mod view.