Should Reverse Thruster break EM Scattering Field?

Simple Yes/No poll.



Patch Notes v 0.11.3
Fixed a bug with Reverse Thruster not dropping the EM-bomb in Detonation


Did they not actually fix this? I can’t really confirm.

Better poll:


Should Reverse Thruster be removed from the game?

  • Yes.

  • Obviously

Better poll:


Should Reverse Thruster be removed from the game?

  • Yes.

  • Obviously

Better poll:


Should A1MA(aim bot) be removed from the game?

  • Yes.

  • Obviously

this thread speaks so much truth, oh broken invasion modules

Well they kinda got rid of A1MA and plenty of people were complaining about that.


Scrubs will complain about that. We don’t need a module like that. It’s so absurd that it’s stupid to not use it (in some ships). 

Same with Reverse Thruster. They’re completely unnecessary >_<

Tillo, one is the loneliest number. I am undecided but would you like me to join the dark side with you?

Better poll:


Should Reverse Thruster be removed from the game?

  • Yes.

  • Obviously

then long ranges would suck hard nomatter what.


and i dont really see A1MA as a threat annymore since it lasts 2 seconds.

only if it was excluded from t4 long ranges that would be the best to do with it. when its used on gunship i dont really care. i would not waste a slot on that thing. its not that great. 

its not that great. 

It’s amazing how 1 second less changes your opinion. I thought you would be the last person saying A1MA wasn’t a threat after making 2 threads about it lol.

It’s amazing how 1 second less changes your opinion. I thought you would be the last person saying A1MA wasn’t a threat after making 2 threads about it lol.

nja i been fighting enough pvp now and i see ppl with it but they are not doing that great damage annymore.


also try using ecm or white noise to avoid it. i can notice when it happends. usually emergency barrier stops it until its over and then i can heal back. 

due to the 1 slot loss, gunships either skips combat reboot or the (extra speed module) and then i can simply just kill him if he fails using it if i go camo or so. same if i just use white noise before he even uses it, then he cant run. 

just trying to go into battle a little bit less and instead have hull heal ready if i notice enemy goes around with gunship t4 or longrange t4. 

Tillo, one is the loneliest number. I am undecided but would you like me to join the dark side with you?

Dark Side have cookies… so If you love cookies…

Question : Why should it break EM?

Did you even try to use a long range and move with EM thanks to this module?

Positioning when you can only move of 5000 meters is hard. And in some maps, you don’t even know if you won’t be able to shot anymore because of asteroids all the way.

If you use it to escape under EM, then it’s easy to know where you moved thanks to his mechanic.

It’s not that easy to aim to it. You need the key bind to look backward, and a good ship rotation would be better if you don’t want to turn during a loooong time to use it.

It’s countered by all interceptors.

Recon have warp or can place a locator behind the frigate.

Covert Ops can camo and go behind them.

And ECM, well, you know.

Other thing, there’s 2 case where you use it to escape:

-In mid range when you attack with guns and your team. Then, you are moved to long range for sniping, witch is good.

-In long range, when you snipe with your special. Then, you are just moved so far that you have to go back on the field. Where you are now, there’s absolutely nobody of your team to help you. So if somebody decide to chase you, you won’t be able to escape anymore.

Reverse thruster is clearly here because everybody complain that LRF never go with their team.

It’s countered by all interceptors.

Recon have warp or can place a locator behind the frigate.

Covert Ops can camo and go behind them.

And ECM, well, you know.

Don’t be silly, reverse thruster LRF jump at the first indication of trouble, that’s why they fit that module. And ECM does nothing against a cloaked LRF.

(PS: not that I mind the module - it wasn’t worth wasting time engaging a sniping LRF before it was introduced, and still isn’t, you can kill several other ships in the time you try to kill an LRF that is more likely to kill you instead anyway).

And ECM does nothing against a cloaked LRF.

Against a cloaked LRF, yes they can’t do that much. But what the problem? ECM can already kill near then everybody, and without reverse thruster they still can’t do anything to a cloaked LRF.

A LRF that use RT to escape when attacked, under cloak, is a LRF that don’t know where he goes and will probably have to move.

Against a cloaked LRF, yes they can’t do that much. But what the problem? ECM can already kill near then everybody, and without reverse thruster they still can’t do anything to a cloaked LRF.

Why would you be talking about non-cloaked LRF in a thread that is about cloaked LRF?

I listed the way to counter it. Not only under cloak.

As I said before, a LRF that use RT to escape when cloaked will probably have to move if they want to shot again.

Except they don’t have to, even when shooting at the edge of their range, jumping 5k out from Main Weapon range still leaves the sniper within their Sniping Module range. Coil Mortar is 4k range, +5k jump, still within Sniping range at 9k. Same case with Beams and Blaster which are slightly less. Even 7k range Positrons will leave a Emp sniper at the edge of its effective sniper range.


Nevermind the fact that you use it when you have an interceptor pestering you at 1.5k range. You don’t have to move if targets come to you.

Jericho special at 9k range is bad. They must play in mid-range.

Using blaster/coil/laser under EM is stupid since everybody will know where you are.

I use positron on my empire LRF. Don’t think that you can shot at 10/12km.

Everybody complained about LRF that don’t come to the fight.

Now that they are coming because they can flee, peoples complain again.

Don’t forget one thing : The module have 40sec cooldown. Witch mean that they have to choose between flee or moving under EM.

40 secondes is not that much, but it’s still something.

If you need to change something, just add 20 secondes to the cooldown.

Using blaster/coil/laser under EM is stupid since everybody will know where you are.

You’d be surprised. Most people rely on targeting systems, scanners and the HUD. They usually won’t attack unless you are blatantly obvious or you have no allies serving as a distraction. Melting a frigate from behind or below with a laser is funny also. When they turn around I stop firing and they see nothing unless they are observant.

Don’t forget one thing : The module have 40sec cooldown. Witch mean that they have to choose between flee or moving under EM.

40 secondes is not that much, but it’s still something.

It’s 40 seconds without Rapidus which procs under assists as well as kills. You probably didn’t include the -17% recharge implant either. The issue with Reverse Thruster is that it’s instant, unlike Microwarp which can be interrupted. With EMSF and RT 9/10 times the opponent won’t know where you went since there’s no start up time to see where you’re pointed and the effect lasts for barely a second. The module is inherently flawed.