Server related issues.

 I refuse! you don’t take away an addicts crack…

haha.  Indeed true.  well… if I was a crack addict  :lol:

sleep alludes me tonight also -_- insomnia for the win… and you are not alone…

Whoot! I’m not a total nerd if other people are doing it… wait…



Whoot! I’m not a total nerd if other people are doing it… wait…




This is a win

-nods- Addictive game, I’m just as disappointed that I can’t play more right now. Money (and servers) don’t grow on trees though. The queues wern’t bad either, “Estimated time 2 hours” turned out to be 5 minutes, even crack addicts can go 5 minutes without their rocks :stuck_out_tongue:

Whoot! I’m not a total nerd if other people are doing it… wait…



Same here.  I was so ready to play when I saw the horrific message in which I did this—> :facepalm:. Then  I became a sad panda  and I did this → :sad:

Looks as if they’re on top of things, hope it doesn’t take them too long, I have an itchy trigger finger…

-nods- Addictive game, I’m just as disappointed that I can’t play more right now. Money (and servers) don’t grow on trees though. The queues wern’t bad either, “Estimated time 2 hours” turned out to be 5 minutes, even crack addicts can go 5 minutes without their rocks :stuck_out_tongue:

you’ve never met me. im worse than golum, my personality is way to addictive i find something i like -no touchy-…

Today we are going to apply a fix, which should solve our server problems.

Thank you for your patience.

Today we are going to apply a fix, which should solve our server problems.

Thank you for your patience.

Outstanding Error.   Thank you.   Any chances on the relative eta?

Today we are going to apply a fix, which should solve our server problems.

Thank you for your patience.

any estimate on the down time?

Servers still down, 12hours later no update… ETA please?

I think the phrase “When it is ready” is implied there

I think the phrase “When it is ready” is implied there

This is unacceptable do i need to bring out the machete cuz ill do it -_- i swear… huh? yes of course i have a machete why wouldn’t i?

Indeed, more information would be helpful. But the servers have been absolutly hammered over the past day or so (since TotalBiscuit did his WTF is… and gave the game some much needed publicity).


Ether way I hope it get’s sorted soon! I’m dying for my Star Conflict fix XD



Never even heard of the dude doing the report on the game.

Found it looking for a good Space Sim.  I had started looking for one about 3 weeks ago, and a few days ago I found this game on Steam.  Been playing ever since.  All most have my 2nd Tier 2 Ship, I think it will be an intercepter this time, might get another Frigate though.


Another game I found was Wing Commander Sage, its a player made game from several years ago.  Unfortunetly there is no sound in the game that I can figure out.  They based it off the Freespace2 game, then made everything up for Wing Commander.  Not bad, but not as good as Space Confict is.


Wouldn’t mind seeing a few of the things from the Old School Space Sims in Space Conflict though, like channeling power from different systems to others.  And a better Targetting system as well would be cool.  But I do have to hand it to them for this, Finally a game that doesn’t let you target everything in the area or think it has to have a destructable enviornment.  Then again that would make it a little more interesting just to have thta done for 1 map.  Be able to knock off pieces of the asteroids and have to dodge them too when they are hit with a missile.  LOL.

This is unacceptable do i need to bring out the machete cuz ill do it -_- i swear… huh? yes of course i have a machete why wouldn’t i?

Throw it over the internet.  :yes_yes:

Same here i found it on Steam, and looked it the review on soo yeah… VIVA TR!!!

Throw it over the internet.  :yes_yes:

over, thrue, under it will reach its target :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Never even heard of the dude doing the report on the game.

He’s a British guy, hugely popular, does awesome videos… also commentates for some of the big E-Sports events across both sides of the Atlantic.

That maybe the case, but the figures don’t lie… the number of players practically tripped after that video. While it is difficult to attest that to one youtube video it does seem like the most likely cause

I am sad…I want to shoot more :frowning:

I am sad…I want to shoot more :frowning:

don’t we all…  maybe get a gun and go to target practice! might be a good replacement for a few hours ! :smiley:  @ideas   er #ideas idk how twitter works…