Server related issues.

Been in queue for [Fight] Arcade for 41 minutes.  Can we have an update on what’s happening and / or when we can likely expect things to return to normal?

Yeah you can’t take money and not provide a service. btw your servers are down again :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe we should indeed be reimbursed at least 1 day of license time, because so far I’ve had a horrible time trying to play today (random dc’s and rejoining games with 1 opponent and 2 beacons down). -_-

i guess its nice to link us hear for more info, i think thats what you guys should be doing… but wheres the additional info -_- keep up with yourselves.

Indeed, more information would be helpful. But the servers have been absolutly hammered over the past day or so (since TotalBiscuit did his WTF is… and gave the game some much needed publicity).


Ether way I hope it get’s sorted soon! I’m dying for my Star Conflict fix XD

Indeed, more information would be helpful. But the servers have been absolutly hammered over the past day or so (since TotalBiscuit did his WTF is… and gave the game some much needed publicity).


Ether way I hope it get’s sorted soon! I’m dying for my Star Conflict fix XD


Exactly my problem :open_mouth: i genuinely enjoy this game and when i started playing ( like 3 days ago) it worked just fine and now its buggen out and that bugs me…

How do you change your server? 

Just be patient guys, the game just came out on steam and its overloaded right now, if you read the message completely on there login screen it says the servers are under maintenance to increase stability of the game, so tomorrow when they are back up, they should be working and no more of the servers going down… just let them do there work haha ;D


and yah I saw this game on steam and was thinking it would entertain me for a week or so, and now I cant stop playing it, I keep on hitting the fight button after each match, clearly addicted and I think its going to be a lot longer than a week before I give it up haha ;D this game is amazing!

Exactly my problem :open_mouth: i genuinely enjoy this game and when i started playing ( like 3 days ago) it worked just fine and now its buggen out and that bugs me…

Aye, I think the sudden influx of players, I mean there were about 1k-2k Players on before TB’s review, 5-6k+ afterwards and while more players is awesome, for many, many reasons (one of which is the fact the Devs are getting more support). I don’t think they were expecting so many and hence the servers we’re probably at the brink of exploding when they brought the system down.

Aye, I think the sudden influx of players, I mean there were about 1k-2k Players on before TB’s review, 5-6k+ afterwards and while more players is awesome, for many, many reasons (one of which is the fact the Devs are getting more support). I don’t think they were expecting so many and hence the servers we’re probably at the brink of exploding when they brought the system down.

idk knowing the steam community i think they should have expected a big influx but i do also expect them to think for the pop to fall a fair bit shortly after, It is like an explosion it slowly dies off untell the happy reminisce stay. that’s my guss at why they didn’t upgrade servers before hand.

We actually crashed it at one point tonight, the website and everything was gone. It was just a error 502. The million mile an hour chat does not help from all the spammers going absolutely insane and then again neither does there being just a suge of players, but unfortunately that surge of players is costing you players and money. People are leaving because they get a bad taste of the game.

Anyone else think they should be reimburse for a few days of their license during this time of server issues? I purchased a 3 day license over the weekend and keep running into server issues where I couldn’t even play.


Crediting us some of those license days back seems like good customer service even if the game is still only beta.



Isn’t this maintenance thing eating away time for the free licenses though? :frowning:

Isn’t this maintenance thing eating away time for the free licenses though? :frowning:


It is I ASSUME that (insert publishers name here) will give players a 1 or 2 days licence to make up for lost time. if they are mature enough to admit their own mistakes.

It is I ASSUME that (insert publishers name here) will give players a 1 or 2 days licence to make up for lost time. if they are mature enough to admit their own mistakes.

YUPlay is the publisher of this title.

YUPlay is the publisher of this title.


shhhhh i know that :3…



Hopefully soon everyone.  Hang in there  :)wt

Hopefully soon everyone.  Hang in there  :)wt

 I refuse! you don’t take away an addicts crack…

I wonder how many people are doing what I am doing right now… stairing at the login screen - after a night of no sleep, waiting for the devs to fix the servers so I don’t get stuck in the damn cues XD

I wonder how many people are doing what I am doing right now… stairing at the login screen - after a night of no sleep, waiting for the devs to fix the servers so I don’t get stuck in the damn cues XD

sleep alludes me tonight also -_- insomnia for the win… and you are not alone…