Server related issues.

Unfortunatly we have been confronted with unexpected issues on our Login and Game Server during the last days.
When trying to login you may encounter the following message „Invalid authorization data or Connection timed out.“
This issues occur due to the increased load on our Game Servers.
It is recommend to retry to log in for serveral times, this may work after a few tries.


The lost license time will be refunded as soon as possible.

Thanks for your patience.

The server downtime has been extended until 13:00 MSK Standard Time.

The patchlog can be found here on Update #1.

Thanks for the update:)

Any time you think it will be fixed roughly?

Thanks, this is more like it :slight_smile:

Lol, server is full.

Approximated  time left: 2 days 0 hours and 13minutes.

Shouldnt have praised that game so much :stuck_out_tongue:

server is full…can u guys make space for the players please…this game is really picking up now.

think u should have expected this in advance…greate job with the game so far…keep up the good work

Server player caps … brilliant =[ please get more server player space/ use non dedicated servers a.k.a player server

Can we please have more space for players please? Server is always full. :frowning:

 Hey folks they are working on the problem so just be patient. The key word here is PATIENCE. The Dev’s are very active and I’m sure they will get it working soon.

Haha, guess the developer never thought there will be SO MANY new players rush in! :lol:

You would think that the developers would’ve had a plan for this. Just so Everyone knows, Error is a mod and can only report to the developers and then get the info to us. This is not his fault so please no one blame him.

Currently we are experiencing some server related issues.

We hope this issues will be resolved soon and you will be able to enjoy the endless space again.

Endless Space?..Interesting

if you looking for players release a game on steam is awesome the steam community will and get your server stomped ^^ i saw it at stellar inpact and seems here we go again steam for the win

I WAS enjoying the game, against mostly AI, until for no reason the game crashes. Then I try to get back online and I’m chucked in a queue, only to find when its my turn to play, the connection fails. This is absolutely ridiculous.  :facepalm:

Hey guys!

Well it’s true that it’s frustrating not to have enough server resource…

But your game is awesome.

Can’t wait to enjoy it full scale when servers are back to normal! :slight_smile:

Great game, but I cant log in due to server full I’m going back to WOT.

The game was working fine even yesterday when the sed issues started. but today  while playing a match i get booted and by the time i reach the end of the q i get a server error. i know you exspect the pop to fall a bit soon but still . should have exspected this like people are saying.

Same problem here, I was playing and suddently the game booted me out. A buddy told me I’m still connected but I have shut down the computer and restarted.

At this point I find myself in a queue with 7 - 10 hours of waiting…

Hey guys, just wondering if there is an ETA for an up and running server.

Anyone else think they should be reimburse for a few days of their license during this time of server issues? I purchased a 3 day license over the weekend and keep running into server issues where I couldn’t even play.


Crediting us some of those license days back seems like good customer service even if the game is still only beta.