Server related issues.

“today” seems like a decent eta :slight_smile: i’m sure we’ll all be back in there killing each other by tea time  :bomber:

The lost license time will be refunded as soon as possible.

Thanks for your patience.

Any updates on when the server will be up again, mr. Error? since you seem active on the forums now, would be nice if we could have a bit of information so we know to wait or go do other things :wink:

“today” seems like a decent eta :slight_smile: i’m sure we’ll all be back in there killing each other by tea time  :bomber:

hmmm “today” i dont like that eta seeing as for me today counts for all of 19 hours and 7 miniuts

playing it now for two days and loving it , so lets give them the time they need to fix it GOOD , so this never ever ever ever happen again :taunt:

In the meantime im just gonna play… FTL/Kerbal/Homeworld/EVE/Space engine/Galactic civilization…

In the meantime im just gonna play… FTL/Kerbal/Homeworld/EVE/Space engine/Galactic civilization…

Played/Played/No/Interesting requires research/ wut


Space engine is going on my hard drive immediately!!

hmmm “today” i dont like that eta seeing as for me today counts for all of 19 hours and 7 miniuts

perhaps some crack will quell your itches until then  :lol:  (kidding of course ^^)


i’m quite itchy myself :slight_smile: Just unlocked t2 when the servers gave out.  :what:

over, thrue, under it will reach its target :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

obviusly it will reach the target. Its a bloody machete it must reach the target. :learn:

Space engine is going on my hard drive immediately!!

Prepare for best Universe simulator out there… imagine game made out of this.

In the meantime im just gonna play… FTL/Kerbal/Homeworld/EVE/Space engine/Galactic civilization…

Just play kerbal space program  :salute: . You can just explode everything in it.

The servers should be available again at 13:00 MSK Standard Time.

The servers should be available again at 13:00 MSK Standard Time.

:what:  13:00 MSK Standard Time. Still good  :salute: .                                                              :good:

Played/Played/No/Interesting requires research/ wut


Space engine is going on my hard drive immediately!!

Space Engine is bloody beautiful - I’d love to be able to play with the engine code that drives that.

The servers should be available again at 13:00 MSK Standard Time.

so aprox 1 hour? unless my conversion is off

so aprox 1 hour? unless my conversion is off

47 minutes

so you can count down the minutes:  >:)  

so you can count down the minutes:  >:)  

very big +1

Thanks! i was posting that to add to your torture though  :lol:  hehe

in the mean time i’m going to check out that space engine!

Not up yet and its past 13:00 MSK although I guess I can wait a few minutes.