Sector misunderstandings/arguments

I am going to speak from the view of a small corporation owner, but note that this is my view and not anyone else’s unless anyone else concurs.


I would personally have the energy to fight for a sector, because it comes with the guarantor that there has at least been combat involved and, therefore, an exercise of fun. People feel rewarded with the exercise of fighting for something and I’m certainly one of those people who feels that way; sure, there may be other corporations who would rather have their systems hand-served, but then you’re devaluing something and allowing others to think it’s okay to just float systems around as if it didn’t matter.


Here’s the truth. We want to be the ones on top and we want to be the people that are on level with the big people. Alliances with big people tie us down and push us deeper into the pit of low echelon corporations spawning from the midst of Tier 2 players who have no idea what they are doing, how to run or even recruit for a corporation. My approach, to avoid this, has been to give people the push to move up further without the need for politics and with the pure goal of “we want to shoot something therefore we kill”… And it’s a fun state of mind to have. At the end of the day, win or lose, two factions gain something, shake hands and keep battling until there’s nothing to battle over anymore.


So by just granting these small corporations systems and forming so many alliances so quickly, dealing so many favours within just days only to have the same situation come apart the very next day… Are you in this for yourselves or are you in this for the small corporations? Is spoon-feeding these people really what they need? Will these small corporations stay loyal to you while you are performing a Tier 4 dreadnought battle they do not even have the firepower for? Perhaps this is the strategy you need to think of. Not to spit in anyone’s face, but it sounds as if you’re trying to buy these people into your way and not all the time does it work. Most of the time, these people will just lose the assets they have because they aren’t strong enough.


Ultimately, what I’m saying to you is, you’re setting us up to fail. We’d rather you prepare us for future battles against people who aren’t gong to take us so lightly so that we can be prepared for the future. That way, we don’t have to be in a position where we are all going to lose everything because a corporation with completely maxed-out Tier 3 ships with purple upgrades, premium ships and ammunition will slaughter us when we’re still in the middle of growing.


Maybe you should be discussing that.

I guess at this point I should clarify we did attack with the Zerg rush with a full squad of 8 our best, that day we had more than 8 members that wanted to play NASA filled our ranks and we were able to have two attacking  wings. (although the one attacking the gold sector was largely NASA there were active BEASTs along for the ride.

  Now we have a third sector Colon Hub and the xxhts going down.


We will be defending their as long as we can, In an effort to get everyone a game Arch feel free to attack.

 understand this is not an effort to backstab anyone but to give everyone a game we will ask NASA to help us defend if you attack ( TO BE CLEAR THIS IS AN EFFORT TO GIVE EVERYONE A QUALITY GAME OR AS CLOSE TO IT AS WE CAN AND NOT A REHASHING OF PAST EVENTS )

 They have made it clear to us once the sector falls to a point there are enough attackers to take they will attack to capture it.

  HalFast CEO BEASTs

Dirk, are you VP(or higher rank) of Arch?

Or you just kept little BS throwing with kosty for fun?


coz If you r not VP/CEO you have quite little to say in dread matter… other people will make decision what to do not ya  :012j:





@Shadowblade, yes. All the other sectors aside from the 1 or 2 that would be reserved for smaller corps would be fair game to everyone.


@Tillo, no. I am not a VP. I’m well aware that normally I wouldn’t have any say, but this is coming from a pilot who has the backing from his CEO, who has told me to keep being PR for Arch in these disputes (at least on the forums). 



Ultimately, what I’m saying to you is, you’re setting us up to fail. We’d rather you prepare us for future battles against people who aren’t gong to take us so lightly so that we can be prepared for the future. That way, we don’t have to be in a position where we are all going to lose everything because a corporation with completely maxed-out Tier 3 ships with purple upgrades, premium ships and ammunition will slaughter us when we’re still in the middle of growing.


Maybe you should be discussing that.


Fair points, but I think you are missing part of this whole deal. The one or two sectors NASA and Arch would leave alone for small corps aren’t the only sectors we will let you fight for. They would be the sectors where you could fight without worry of Arch or NASA stomping you without being ready to face them. Any of the small corps will be more than welcome to attack any of the other sectors, but NASA or Arch will be able to defend against you.



RadiX gunna attack where RadiX gunna attack. srz 

Dirk, are you VP(or higher rank) of Arch?

Or you just kept little BS throwing with kosty for fun?


coz If you r not VP/CEO you have quite little to say in dread matter… other people will make decision what to do not ya  :012j:






RadiX gunna attack where RadiX gunna attack. srz 





RadiX gunna attack where RadiX gunna attack. srz 


Notice I never said you couldn’t. Just said we can designate 1 or 2 sectors that NASA and Arch will have to stay out of (provided that games actually occur).

Fair points, but I think you are missing part of this whole deal. The one or two sectors NASA and Arch would leave alone for small corps aren’t the only sectors we will let you fight for. They would be the sectors where you could fight without worry of Arch or NASA stomping you without being ready to face them. Any of the small corps will be more than welcome to attack any of the other sectors, but NASA or Arch will be able to defend against you.

Have NASA and Arkhos Core allocated these two positions yet or is this still in talking? What do these two positions offer? If another strong corporation attempts to assume the position, how will Arkhos and NASA enforce the freedom of these positions? Will support be provided by anyone from either corporation should nobody have the necessary firepower? What about corporation owners who are clearly showing an interest in Iridium? I have a lot more questions but this seems to be the most appropriate from someone who would show interest…

No doubt you will have thought these things through, but these are things you need to be discussing now.

I’m not interested in playing galaxy police, I think it will just lead to more crazy drama.


Why don’t we just agree not to be dicks to each other, stay out of some newbie sectors and get back to flying?


It seems like peeps are cooling off and agreeing and stuff already anyways.


We should agree not to use temp-joins and coordinated alliance attacks on each other, stay out of sectors adjacent to the fed station (or something), then feel free to wreck each other and have fun everywhere else. There’s …a lot of sectors, you guys.


I haven’t been a part of whatever’s going on, so please don’t feel like I’m singling someone out. I srsly just want to get back to the game.

I’m an Arkhos VP, if peeps didn’t know.


If for some reason this post enrages you, private message me first, because I didn’t mean it to. I suck at being political.

Why don’t we just agree not to be dicks to each other, stay out of some newbie sectors and get back to flying?


To all corporation CEO’s and corporate political representatves… Can we have a collaborative definition of “newbie sector” please?

Newbie as corporations which aren’t able to put up T4 wing for a dread fight  :012j:

Lots of hate, insults and slander from the NASA guys in this thread, what I find funny, is how they are trying to live off of past glory. Glory rightfully earned by past members.


I see screenshots in my steam friends activity list, from Nasa, Arch and Radix, the Arch and Radix screen shots of games, show no hate, no insults no slander, but the Nasa screenshots, of the very same games and scoreboard show insults and just plain nasty comment made by certain Nasa members, ( in corp chat box ), and encouraged by the rest of the group. 


I think we can all see who has the real noble intentions, and who just gets off on vile and nasty retoric.

Lots of hate, insults and slander from the NASA guys in this thread, what I find funny, is how they are trying to live off of past glory. Glory rightfully earned by past members.


I see screenshots in my steam friends activity list, from Nasa, Arch and Radix, the Arch and Radix screen shots of games, show no hate, no insults no slander, but the Nasa screenshots, of the very same games and scoreboard show insults and just plain nasty comment made by certain Nasa members, ( in corp chat box ), and encouraged by the rest of the group. 


I think we can all see who has the real noble intentions, and who just gets off on vile and nasty retoric.

Coming from someone who “gets off on vile and nasty retoric” himself, I fail to take your words seriously.


Have NASA and Arkhos Core allocated these two positions yet or is this still in talking? What do these two positions offer? If another strong corporation attempts to assume the position, how will Arkhos and NASA enforce the freedom of these positions? Will support be provided by anyone from either corporation should nobody have the necessary firepower? What about corporation owners who are clearly showing an interest in Iridium? I have a lot more questions but this seems to be the most appropriate from someone who would show interest…

No doubt you will have thought these things through, but these are things you need to be discussing now.

I have personally not been in any discussions with Arch representatives, so I have not heard anything further about this proposal. However, I am open (or at least more open than Mustacho) on talking about this. as long as it does not interfere with NASA’s ultimatum.


To all corporation CEO’s and corporate political representatves… Can we have a collaborative definition of “newbie sector” please?

As one of NASA’s VPs (I cannot speak for the other VPs), I propose that a “newbie sector” is one of the T3 iridium sectors, which as Dirk stated, is free from Arch/NASA interference. This sector, whatever it is, will be free from our interference and can provide a sort of “training ground” for the smaller corporations to fight against each other and develop strategies and tactics.


We will not care who that sector changes hands to, nor will we care about the fights that will take place there on a daily basis.


Should one of us get involved in the sector for _any _reason, the other will respond in equal force to “weather the blows”, by facing off against the other so that the smaller corporations do not have to. Sure, the smaller corps can face off against the other if they wish, but they must explicitly state that intent to a representative of both sides.


An exception to this rule will be Russian corporations attacking. I have personally seen Nova Corporation and CSA attempt to take our NA sectors, and I personally do not want them in our zones. Should a Russian corp attack, the owner of the sector is free to ask either NASA or Arch to respond with full force, creating a defensive wing only against the Russians to oust them.

Lots of hate, insults and slander from the NASA guys in this thread, what I find funny, is how they are trying to live off of past glory. Glory rightfully earned by past members.




P.S. i see you keep jumping corps, now i expect you to start telling us about ESB and how they are no where near their old glory, since, you know, they accept people of your level in now.

Hey Mecronmancer, I don’t know anything about an ultimatum, but do you want to just figure out what sector(s) we should collectively stay out of?


The rest of it seems fine. I think this is the discussion.




P.S. i see you keep jumping corps, now i expect you to start telling us about ESB and how they are no where near their old glory, since, you know, they accept people of your level in now.


At least I get invites…


Left Nasty Nasa, (arrogant, nasty, lazy leadership), joined Amiable Arch for two/three days, didn’t agree with it, (Nuclear and Engle know why…), then Invited to ESB next day… hardly jumping Corps, but hey, at least I was wanted…

Who the F*** that knows you, would want YOU ?

I have spoken directly to the acting ceo of arch. Colonization hub and vanguard are now king of the hill sectors. 2 nasa, 2 arch or one of each can hop in wings in those sectors as mentors, while smaller corps are asked to show to learn and take them. The old kingmaker system does not work and has been proven as it usually matches corps together for one battle, and if an expirienced corp shows the odds of that corp winning is very high. With tge new mentor/KOTH system corps will get battles to learn from, and one day they could even become the next Arkhos Core, or NASA. FDEF is very good, but not the best. I do hope ultra can get battles against BEAST with the promise of a training video being tossed around (server screwed up last battle, so… That sucked.)

At least I get invites…

Left Nasty Nasa, (arrogant, nasty, lazy leadership), joined Amiable Arch for two/three days, didn’t agree with it, (Nuclear and Engle know why…), then Invited to ESB next day… hardly jumping Corps, but hey, at least I was wanted…

Who the F*** that knows you, would want YOU ?


At least I get invites…


Left Nasty Nasa, (arrogant, nasty, lazy leadership), joined Amiable Arch for two/three days, didn’t agree with it, (Nuclear and Engle know why…), then Invited to ESB next day… hardly jumping Corps, but hey, at least I was wanted…

Who the F*** that knows you, would want YOU ?

Mods, can you get this imbecile out of here. He’s not contributing anything to this discussion.

Well i think it is oveall a nice touch… but the idea sounds a bit confused still…


If u want to help Ultra, give me one sector and promise me to keep out of it, and i will tell my leaders about it and i am pretty sure they will be happy to have one they can fight for with other weak Corps.


But for this pls give me one clear sector name, and a promise from Nasa to really keep outta it, otherwise this just doest sound pretty convincing and more like some political rambling.