Sector misunderstandings/arguments

Simple, the terms I stated above are only applicable IF and ONLY IF all the corps come to a consensus on what to do about all this.


To me, none of those points are unreasonable, and if everyone can agree to them, they will go into effect, simple as that.


Until everyone agrees on a set of terms (whether it is the ones above or one’s we set as a group), things will play out as they will.


Note: Nuke is on vacation for a few days, so he won’t be here to mess with any of this. I would personally like to get this worked out so that when he gets back, he can be surprised that all of us can be reasonable.

well, I agree with us making vanguard and Colon (for the time being, with this iridium promotion) two KOTH Sec Con locations, where there will be a defence to show to build experience only against 1 attack.

I also agree to stop the attacks on vanguard for the time being since I’d need a full 8 of pure BEAST to show for defence, rather than a mixed wing.

  1. Arch will end its zerg rush on NASA/BEASTS, provided that no more backstabbing occurs, and that no corp will ever throw the good will of another back in their face.

For starters use less hints and half pointed fingers under the squirt, and say it as it is, cause at this moment, i can guarantee that different people would understand this backstabbing you are mentioning quite differently, it wouldn’t hurt you tell everybody what exactly you mean by that, so there is no confusion.

Simple, the terms I stated above are only applicable IF and ONLY IF all the corps come to a consensus on what to do about all this.

and who are these “all corporations”, if there has to be an agreement, there has to be a list of parties.

I can guarantee a NASAless sector, but there has to be a reassurance that there actually will be games held, I am not reserving a sector for 1 figth a week. How many corporations actually want to play dreads AND capable of playing in our time zone?

So… who are confeds and who are unionists? I already brought the popcorn.

BEAST have already seduced me to a few ideas, but I’m only operating this on a strictly personal level as I’m unable to play right now. I overheated my computer and it’s being sent off to be repaired today… One of my VP’s has been assigned to Acting CEO.

I’m glad you guys can finally come to this without the interruption or input of people who clearly want to break everything. For future reference, here’s some advice. If you want something to get done the right way around on the first go, go straight to the source and speak to them. This cuts out the middlemen and the distorted messages, plus gives people time to actually prepare for something. You also remove all the distortion and interference so you don’t get extra crap.

On a corporate note, my people can’t fight in Federation space due to time zone differences. What interested me about this was a certain communication I’ve had recently with Kazumi concerning this subject. It’s entirely fine however you want to think of me personally or as a corporate interest, but my personal bottom line lays on that you understand if I was the type to take a side, you’d know who I trust better.

Speak again soon.

Lol now this is Star Conflict right here ;p


I think you should all just vote for a galactic dictator (me) to rule in your stead, solve all problems and allocate sectors to those corps that deserve them. I will bring justice to tbe galaxy! Vote for me!

@Shotan, in our case at hand, one of the 'sources’had to go on vacation instead )))

It seems so. My guess is he has a good comprehension on just how manu people are mad at him right now. No fault to his corporation though, he’s a powerthirsty individual who knows no better than to run his mouth at wrong turns.

Poor leadership quality and poor show of personality… I certainly won’t be making any deals with Arkhos at any stage as long as Nuke is running their show. Besides, none of this is even my battle, so I’m even offended he would try and drag me to. My corporation speaks for itself and I encourage everyone else of the same seed to follow suit of stronger, better disciplined leaders such as ourselves.

I can guarantee a NASAless sector, but there has to be a reassurance that there actually will be games held, I am not reserving a sector for 1 figth a week. How many corporations actually want to play dreads AND capable of playing in our time zone?



I want some nail biting matches in US time. I’m staying up to 12 EST for matches!


I’m tired of the best opponent being drones.

It seems so. My guess is he has a good comprehension on just how manu people are mad at him right now. No fault to his corporation though, he’s a powerthirsty individual who knows no better than to run his mouth at wrong turns.

Poor leadership quality and poor show of personality… I certainly won’t be making any deals with Arkhos at any stage as long as Nuke is running their show. Besides, none of this is even my battle, so I’m even offended he would try and drag me to. My corporation speaks for itself and I encourage everyone else of the same seed to follow suit of stronger, better disciplined leaders such as ourselves.


nah, c’mon, it’s not that bad.

i do believe that the intentions were good, albeit there is always a component of dazzlement every leader has to overcome from time to time, especially when you carry your own momentum, and you rise fast very early. if you know what i mean.

there is no need to completely negativize one person, and blame him for everything. mistakes were made. it will have repercussions i am sure of. nuke might have to overthink his position aswell, might also need the time to rethink and learn from all this feedback.

after all, you can’t lead solely by charisma and intentions, power always corrupts and nobody is perfect - sentences which sound like wisecracking, but they come from exactly these situations - only good thing, no real harm is done here, since it’s just about a temporary situation (besides, that its in a game, but that actually doesnt make it less real in terms of social-people-emotion-stuff).

there is no natural born leader, except dictators.


the real “fuse” of the whole situation was external, as both parties have admitted. lets just not forget that.


I think you should all just vote for a galactic dictator (me) to rule in your stead, solve all problems and allocate sectors to those corps that deserve them. I will bring justice to tbe galaxy! Vote for me!

so this is how you try to bypass my tyranny…

With all that said and implied, [Arch] is still pushing on [bEAST] sector, not SALT, not FDEF, not NASA, not OWL - they push [bEAST], to me this is an attempt of a said “repercussions” to BEAST’s attempt to stay neutral from your zerg or partially siding with NASA to resist Arch’s threats. That is the thing I was talking about in that wall of text of mine, with all the great intents stated on forums, Arch is still only interested in small personal vendetta and that is how it acts in game.


NASA will help BEAST defend vs Arch wing, while they can focus on games with FDEF on equal ground (last night, as much as I know their final score was +/- 30 points to decide the match)

This whole thing



This whole thing








To clarify things (that Kostyan said needed it):


The backstabbing was something Arch felt when BEASTs allowed NASA to attack with them, despite the fact that HalFfast had agreed with Nuke to help with the zerg rush against NASA (from what I was told by Nuke, and what I overheard in the part of the conversation between the two that I heard).


In Arch, I know me and Nuke felt like our good will was repeatedly thrown back in our faces when we had numerous times offered NASA spots to help us defend, and we made it clear they were guaranteed to get games if they helped us defend, whereas they weren’t if they attacked. When NASA repeatedly attacked Arch instead of taking up our offers for defense, that not only showed us that NASA didn’t care about getting games, it also made us feel as though NASA were blatantly refusing our offers as if they had something to prove. Most of the feeling that our good will had been thrown back in our faces came from when Nuke received PMs from Mustacho in which he said that NASA was more than willing to drive Arch out of fed space and ruin us if we wouldn’t ready up against NASA (despite the fact that we made it clear to other NASA leaders that they weren’t guaranteed games if they attacked).


When I refer to “all corporations involved” in the terms I proposed, I am referring to the following corps:

Arch, NASA, BEASTs, FDEF, RadiX, Ultra, SRO. Basically all the corps that agreed to zerg rush, and the corps on the receiving end of the zerg rush.


I can guarantee a NASAless sector, but there has to be a reassurance that there actually will be games held, I am not reserving a sector for 1 figth a week. How many corporations actually want to play dreads AND capable of playing in our time zone?


I think that is perfectly reasonable. If the smaller corps that the sector(s) would be reserved for agreed to ensure there is at least 1 attack per night (or at least an effort is made), then NASA and Arch should stay out of the sector. Otherwise, if NASA or Arch sees no efforts being made to keep fighting in that sector, the “safety net” will be turned off, and NASA and Arch will be allowed to engage in battles for the sector(s).



So, I think it a good idea if we can have all the corp CEOs (or whatever VP is acting CEO for US timezone), agree to the following updated terms.


  1. Let the smaller corps have 1 or 2 sectors that will be free from Arch or NASA interference. This includes NASA and Arch helping with attacks and defenses, unless the smaller corps on both sides agreed it fair to let them attack or defend with them. (Maybe dedicate Vanguard and Colonization for this, so they have a GS and an iridium sector to fight for without interference). The sector(s) would only have the safety net IF and ONLY IF all the smaller corps involved can agree to ensure that at least one battle per night can occur (or at least have an effort made).

  2. Arch will end its zerg rush on NASA/BEASTS, provided that corps don’t go back on their word without valid reasoning, and that corp members don’t send angry PMs that could be taken personally.

  3. We all realize this is a game, and that we are taking this WAAY to seriously, and need to tone it down, as we all just want to have fun, and get games.

I’ve PMed corps like crazy, I got Ultra and FDEF to show to Colon hub with ARCH showing on their own accord.

ultra failed to produce a wing for unknown reasons.

With all that said and implied, [Arch] is still pushing on [bEAST] sector, not SALT, not FDEF, not NASA, not OWL - they push [bEAST], to me this is an attempt of a said “repercussions” to BEAST’s attempt to stay neutral from your zerg or partially siding with NASA to resist Arch’s threats. That is the thing I was talking about in that wall of text of mine, with all the great intents stated on forums, Arch is still only interested in small personal vendetta and that is how it acts in game.


NASA will help BEAST defend vs Arch wing, while they can focus on games with FDEF on equal ground (last night, as much as I know their final score was +/- 30 points to decide the match)

super close, had we not screwed up (again) with 3 Main Cal Deaths.

In Arch, I know me and Nuke felt like our good will was repeatedly thrown back in our faces when we had numerous times offered NASA spots to help us defend, and we made it clear they were guaranteed to get games if they helped us defend, whereas they weren’t if they attacked. When NASA repeatedly attacked Arch instead of taking up our offers for defense, that not only showed us that NASA didn’t care about getting games, it also made us feel as though NASA were blatantly refusing our offers as if they had something to prove.


We, or at least I was not aware of this offer so we proceeded with attacks.


Most of the feeling that our good will had been thrown back in our faces came from when Nuke received PMs from Mustacho in which he said that NASA was more than willing to drive Arch out of fed space and ruin us if we wouldn’t ready up against NASA (despite the fact that we made it clear to other NASA leaders that they weren’t guaranteed games if they attacked).


Moustacho is gonna be moustacho, you cant really expect him to be diplomatic.


I think that is perfectly reasonable. If the smaller corps that the sector(s) would be reserved for agreed to ensure there is at least 1 attack per night (or at least an effort is made), then NASA and Arch should stay out of the sector. Otherwise, if NASA or Arch sees no efforts being made to keep fighting in that sector, the “safety net” will be turned off, and NASA and Arch will be allowed to engage in battles for the sector(s).


That is reasonable.


So, I think it a good idea if we can have all the corp CEOs (or whatever VP is acting CEO for US timezone), agree to the following updated terms.


  1. Let the smaller corps have 1 or 2 sectors that will be free from Arch or NASA interference. This includes NASA and Arch helping with attacks and defenses, unless the smaller corps on both sides agreed it fair to let them attack or defend with them. (Maybe dedicate Vanguard and Colonization for this, so they have a GS and an iridium sector to fight for without interference). The sector(s) would only have the safety net IF and ONLY IF all the smaller corps involved can agree to ensure that at least one battle per night can occur (or at least have an effort made).




  1. Arch will end its zerg rush on NASA/BEASTS, provided that corps don’t go back on their word without valid reasoning, and that corp members don’t send angry PMs that could be taken personally.


Does this mean other than the sectors set aside for small corps, everything else is fair game?


  1. We all realize this is a game, and that we are taking this WAAY to seriously, and need to tone it down, as we all just want to have fun, and get games.


That is our motto.

Colon hub

That does not sound like a nice place