Sector misunderstandings/arguments

Instead of blabbing on about this issue in several different threads across the forum, I feel like we should all discuss this here, and let those threads be used to discuss the topic of the thread.


Early this morning, Nuke posted in the CDF alliance (link here: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/26122-cdf-alliance/?p=329077)) regarding Arch’s stance on the current issue of sectors in fed space and the arguments and misunderstandings many corps involved have been having.


To briefly recap what Nuke said:

-Arch is trying to better fed space for everyone

-Sectors were supposed to be given to small corps (like the CDF alliance) so that they could fight each other and get practice in, without the worry of facing Arch or NASA and having no hope of winning.

-Arch was being flooded with attacks every night, because of this, the offer was made to NASA to help us defend as they would be guaranteed to get games, whereas if they attacked, games would most likely not happen for them. But NASA refused to help defend and instead decided to pursue the option of taking the sector, regardless of the fact that they had been told they were not likely to get games at all.


With Nuke’s statement in mind, please note that it is our intention for fed space to go back to the way it used to be, but with sectors for the smaller corps to fight each other and practice, in case they don’t want to participate in battles against NASA or Arch, who they know they can’t beat yet.


From what I’ve been told, NASA wants fed space to go back to the way it was as well. So why is it so hard for NASA (and BEASTS) to let the smaller corps have one or two sectors to fight between each other for, and for the rest of us to fight for the other sectors. From what statue told us last night, nobody in NASA knew/understood that that was the intent from Arch, but yes, it is.


I’d say that both sides of this issue are fighting for the same major goal, but both have different ways of reaching that end point. And those different ways do not coincide well.


Personally, I see no reason for the hostilities on either side to continue. It isn’t a hard thing to be reasonable and accept that the smaller corps should be allowed to have a sector or two to fight each other for (as there are quite a few smaller US corps). Once both sides come to an understanding on this, fed space will easily drop back to what it used to be.


Side note: I also feel that part of the problem we’ve been having in fed space recently is that the sectors we are able to fight for has been reduced due to the devs giving more preference to the Russians by giving them a THIRD battle time to participate in. When fed space was two battle times for US/SEA players, none of this was happening. Smaller corps had control of the credit sectors, and NASA/Arch and other bigger US corps were fighting for the iridium/GS sectors as normal. Shrinking fed space has confined our battle ground, which hasn’t helped anyone in the US. But this is a topic for another thread.

then what’s with nuke declaring war on BEAST, and PMing me that he “Lost all respect for me and the corp” when he ragequit after a battle where he defended with radix and FDEF vs my wing full of temp-join NASAs?

And then the constant “We are going to wipe you off the face of the map” deal he has going on with me?

So NASA has one sector and Arch has two.


Mecron & I have helped Nuke in a defense in the past.

THE VERY NEXT day Nuke created some alliance with 3 or 4 corps to spam attack ALL NASA sectors.

Keep in mind, just NASA sectors.


Again, as of last night we had ONE sector.


If Arch wants the small corps to take sectors, why are they DEFENDING AGAINST THEM!!!

We had four nights in a row last week were Arch didn’t show vs us so they could defend against smaller corps.


NASA has given up (GIVEN) two sectors in the last week. Rather than defend we gave them up…


At any rate, I’m not seeing why you are creating a public forum thread to insult us before asking any of us what is actually occurring.

then what’s with nuke declaring war on BEAST, and PMing me that he “Lost all respect for me and the corp” when he ragequit after a battle where he defended with radix and FDEF vs my wing full of temp-join NASAs?

And then the constant “We are going to wipe you off the face of the map” deal he has going on with me?

I agree with you on this. If there is anything to be had, I’d say there is a very small man with a big Napoleon complex on the other side of this title.

From my perspective looking inwards, from as little as I understand, Beasts and NASA are trying to encourage younger corporations to gain from system ownership. Evidently, this means that corporations such as Nova and Arch will be the ones trying to take over - in reality, both sides aren’t trying to achieve the same goal. Clearly, one side of this conflict is trying to gain for themselves and the other for other people. As a CEO of a small corporstion myself, I don’t need to address my political status when I say it is pretty clear who the bad guy is here.

This is all I’m putting in to this thread.

Oh, and something from tillowaty to support my stance.



-Not to mention how nuke was persistent on limiting sectors owned by corps to two.

well, that is, until BEAST got 3.


Also when I attacked Poseidon in the past where we had the better times, I was defended against (this was owned by arch) and I was told

“You are attacking the wrong sector”


At that time BEAST was BOJ, and we only owned Service Shop.


I want to see NuclearHail put up his argument, because currently dirk you make yourself seem like a puppet rather than a messenger.

(…) to spam attack ALL NASA sectors.

Keep in mind, just NASA sectors.


I am on mobile as I have a 6 hour drive to visit family. Thus I have not and likely will not be making a significant response for some time.

What you are failing to see is that this is not an overnight thing. It is not a “next day” one either. Whats changed is that I got fed up with the consistency of my efforts being thrown back in my face, so I decided that I was done trying and started the mass attacks.

Do I regret it? Somewhat. But if you wanted progress you should have worked it out with me directly. NASA management is not consistent about this, some of you wanted to wipe Arch off the map long before I responded in kind.

some of you wanted to wipe Arch off the map long before I responded in kind.


From what I’ve seen and heard, I wonder why they’d want to.


Could you also possibly name these corporations that you formed an alliance with to attack said unspoken Federation sectors in question?

The other thing everyone seems to be forgetting is that Arch was literally giving away sectors to smaller corps. We had already said we didn’t want those sectors and wouldn’t defend them, and would even help them take the sectors off our hands. So when those and other corps came charging in to other sectors, that didn’t exactly sit well.

Could you also possibly name these corporations that you formed an alliance with to attack said unspoken Federation sectors in question?


I will audit my question once more.

Before I go on with blahblahblah wall of text, keep in mind NASA gave away sectors too, one intentional and another passively by choosing not to defend vs weaker attackers at all

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Arch, and the Word was “We will help new corps to develop and get some sectors.”

- 1:1. Star Conflict, Federation Space, American Region

This is where all of this started.

At the beginning, after that word came out, I was like “nice, at-least some one is doing something”, but then “The Patch” happened, some of the sectors were given to Russian and rewards were bumped up to be more iridium based. Both Arch and NASA had sectors were bound to be lost due to activity time zone change, we (NASA) got a little disappointed (ifrc we even had more sectors in that cut off than Arch, but can be wrong on that) but from the side it looked like Arch (or maybe Nuk) did not come to an easy resolve on this, due to multiple things happening around as in game and on forums/reddit:

And all of that be perfectly fine, sectors are sectors, rewards are rewards, but Nuc went ahead on posting in SC forums on how he wants to support and let newer corps capture some sectors for activity, AFTER he stated that on Reddit, I wander if he wanted to give away some one ELSE sectors, not of his own. Same nigh there were 3 attacks on that sector - 2 from those “supposedly in need of help form Arch” and NASA, Arch went ahead on defending vs these 2, and asked NASA to help supply pilots to defend vs them, and got somewhat emotional when we attack as well, since we were under impression you will just let newcomer take it over and we have a good game vs Arch vs NASA (and if Arch would’ve win, sector would’ve stay staid with Arch at that night) and the weaker ones would’ve xxxx it out between each other, but no, You guys went on stomping the crap out of both of them. Next day same thing happens - that sector at 20%, NASA chose not to attack that sector, since we were still under impression of Arch intention of helping (especially after all these big posts on forums form Nuc and Dirk on how you are helping them, that happened exactly at that time), we attacked Arch sector that had 30 (or was it more) defence points so Arch could fight us and let no0bs again fight off and decide who gets the sector, nope, Arch went on stomping them again, and again got emotional that NASA just wants sectors, ok fine.

Next cycle (or was it day after?): Sector is under multiple attacks, can’t remember how many - Arch can only field 2 teams, but sector is a GUARANTEED goner even if they win both games, Arch proceeds to defend vs 2 “newer corporations” stomping them in the process, NASA does last dmg to the sector for simply showing up and we get that sector, that we didn’t even want to get, because, AGAIN, we were under-impression that Arch would give it to newer ones, and if we would’ve win vs Arch in defence stage, we would’ve not show up for capture, leaving it to the winner of no0b vs no0b pair. In the same time there was a single attack on different Arch sector that was not defended against, that did 10%, so that cycle Arch not only pointlessly stomped 2 new corporations with the excuse we are helping them develop and we ignore NASA cause they got greedy (lol), but as well reduced total amount of games held in that cycle instead of 3(possibly 4, if NASA would stay for capture) there were only 2 stomps by Arch vs no0bs. And all of that while being so Noble on forums with those big words and statements.

As I said back then, ill say it again, we don’t care who you stomp, but don’t come around trying to make yourself look good by doing so.

After that we get to the Zerg stage:

We could’ve make 3x 5-6 pilot teams (with asking around from friend lists), that would’ve enough to win (stomp) 3 weakest attackers and delay the capture by 1-2 days, what NASA did? - made 1 wing and went fighting Arch, letting zergs fight it off between themselves.

Another cycle comes, another swarm. We get a message from BEAST that they are litterly forced by Arch to attack us, and they did not want to, instead they wanted to fight FDEF in different place. And yet again, NASA, instead of forming multiple short teams and stomping weakest attackers, effectively denying the capture at that cycle, decides to go with BEAST and, as expected and promised by Nuc, opposition was supplied with Arch pilots to take on “easy opponent”, ha, most of you know the result of that. (You can say all you want, but Nuc had a melt down after that)

Another cycle comes, NASA let all these Arch’s allies stay safe and fight themselves for our sector, if Radix wouldn’t show up, we would’ve defended vs Arch wing, but Nuc was not fortunate enough to realise that we have a long standing friendship with ArcTic and he would be very disappointed if we would’ve left his efforts slide without our respects. :slight_smile:

Which brings us all to the time when our 2d sector was given to OWL,

MEFF came, OWLs cam (duh), CSA came - total 30% dmg for capture and obviously sector is open for grabs - Arch attacks BEAST (without knowing we were going to fight as OWL) meaning they purposely left MEFF to fight NASA all by themselves, so much for a support of the ally. Thanks to OWL providing logistics, we kept the sector from being obtained by whoever, and we gave it to OWLs, because they are cool. We don’t even consider it as a lost sector.

All of this lead us to this point, and here is what is the current situation is:

  • The moment ANY sector in NA Federation space is pushed through for capture, NASA will be there, and we will try our best to bring our A game to that, numbers are irrelevant, if you cant beat us, you aren’t getting the sector.

  • If that to be a NASA sector to fall, we will be there, and we will give it to OWLs, again, because they are cool, if you can’t beat us, you can’t get the sector.

We don’t care how many people or how fast you are going to push trough defence points with your numbers, at the end, it is that one game that will decide it all.

Here are your option from now on:

a) you zerg as much as you want, we get the sectors, as long as we on-line.

b) you focus on making a strike team that will reliably beat us, and not once in 3 weeks.

c) all activity in NA Federation space dies off.

d) Arch straight up their mind on what they actually want to do and actually do it, without all this blabbering on forums.

If you chose (d) - here is what we will accept as a plan of developing NA Federation Dreadnought space:

  • You make a list, and define who (corporations) are who, who is a new ones, who is not

  • what are the prerequisites to be in what group of “skill”

  • who allowed to fight who is not,

  • who is allowed how many sectors,

  • what sectors are allowed to be attacked

Practically you will draw the new map of the Federation space

Until then,

We will beat your little zerg and Arch coalition to pulp, the more zerg you bring, the more pulp there will be.

How it feels reading xK’s wall of truth:



As I said back then, ill say it again, we don’t care who you stomp, but don’t come around trying to make yourself look good by doing so.

This is my main problem with this little clusterfvck that’s been happening lately. We will continue handing off sectors to OWL until there is a  genuine interest in helping the little corps expand. As it is right now, there’s a whole lot of blustering going on the forums and flag-waving, with only NASA being the actual corp that has been going around and helping other corps like BEAST.


We don’t care that we lose sectors. We can get them back at any time. We can also expand into EU territory if we wish.


We have literally sacrificed our sectors for the sake of activity, and yet Arch is incapable of coming to terms with it. Instead, a little smear campaign is starting on the forums, attempting to spread lies about NASA’s intents. 


Let all of you be aware of our ultimatum:

All of this lead us to this point, and here is what is the current situation is:

  • The moment ANY sector in NA Federation space is pushed through for capture, NASA will be there, and we will try our best to bring our A game to that, numbers are irrelevant, if you cant beat us, you aren’t getting the sector.

  • If that to be a NASA sector to fall, we will be there, and we will give it to  OWLs, again, because they are cool, if you can’t beat us, you can’t get the sector.

This is the _only _way that we can improve the small time corps and increase activity in the NA timezone.

Let me remind you Arch people that for the longest time, we could not beat your wings. Until we decided “screw that, it’s time to actually start trying”. I stepped up as wing commander with Kostyan as my senior advisor and we have developed strategies, counterstrategies, and practices to enhance our NA wings with input from all of our corpmates. And look at us - we have now beaten Arch multiple times in succession.


Let this be a message to small corp CEOs: With a little planning and coordination, even the biggest titans can fall. Exploit weaknesses, coordinate attacks, and be cohesive and organized. In the end, we are all pilots. And with a little coordination, anyone can be taken down.


That is all I have to say on this matter. Continue your little squabbles with us if you wish, but in the end if no one decides to get good, we will all still have this problem. The only corp that is genuinely trying to do something about this problem here is NASA.

Well i have a suggestion for u. If u really want to help the smaller corps, why dont u do that:


Take on of your sectors. Announce on the forum that u want this sector to belong to one of the weak Corps. Defend it against strong Corps, so that they cant take it, and let the small Corps take it. If a strong Corp takes it, attack them and through them out.


This Process allows you to help without bothering about anyone else. Its your sector. U hold it-u defend it. If you want to give it to a weak Corp you can do that also. I do not really see your problem. After all you claim to be so strong-so you should be able to fend off any attacker you do not want to give your sector.

This whole problem has been brought to a head by a small playing field.

  in my opinion we need

  A an earlier game split from Jericho sectors.

  B a common area we can all attack,

       I would suggest it be the gold sector who ever has it tries to defend it as long as they can with no hard feelings

  C   realize this a game played for enjoyment!!! all the drama and backstabbing can stop if you all understand until the gold sectors gets 8 attackers

  we should not be attacking each other, in force with blended teams  the game will be for the gold sector played as king of the hill  stay on top under as many attacks as come as long, as you can.


As the current holder of 3 sectors I understand at some point we will come under attack, I would request that if you want smaller corps have a iridium sector let them attack us with out assistance and we will defend as best we can our 3rd sector with out assistance from NASA or Arch  unless they are asking in general chat to help defend because they are not attacking in the gold sector, If we accept help it will be a mixed squad of BEASTs and other defenders ( that way we benefit from your experience as well ) We will not use wings of an officer and a 7 man wing from either of the Big Boys




   HalFfast CEO BEASTs

No one speaks for me except me!!

Let this be a message to small corp CEOs: With a little planning and coordination, even the biggest titans can fall. Exploit weaknesses, coordinate attacks, and be cohesive and organized. In the end, we are all pilots. And with a little coordination, anyone can be taken down.

That is all I have to say on this matter. Continue your little squabbles with us if you wish, but in the end if no one decides to get good, we will all still have this problem. The only corp that is genuinely trying to do something about this problem here is NASA.

I’m going to religiously quote that xxxx.

Ideally, I used to think of NASA as a big power-oriented corporation of nerds and villains, but from the more I’ve read of and conversed with both NASA and BEAST, you’ve definitely gained my personal trust. I’m going to sit as far back from this whole deal, but I do certainly hope that the Federation stays under your grip.

And a wonderful comic to sum up how I view Arch as of now:


BEAST still is “small” in dreads, hell, we hardly held off Arch at one point.

Attacking FDEF we failed to punch through an all FDEF Defense with a flawed defense and some unusual use of kites on behalf of FDEF.

Currently we are still not a “Big, strong top-tier corporation” as one could see Arkhos, NASA, Evil Space Bears or Rage as.

We merely got lucky, played our cards right, and picked our attacks tactfully with the idea of avoiding major losses in mind.

Now I can hardly sleep needing to stay up to help form the next defense wing because now I don’t even know if Arch wants Colonization Hub back for their gain, or to just auction it off again to spite us (BEASTS).

I’m going to religiously quote that xxxx.

Ideally, I used to think of NASA as a big power-oriented corporation of nerds and villains, but from the more I’ve read of and conversed with both NASA and BEAST, you’ve definitely gained my personal trust. I’m going to sit as far back from this whole deal, but I do certainly hope that the Federation stays under your grip.

Honestly I’ve been thinking of giving Colon hub to you, but I am not sure if you could even show for those times.

So, for now, Colon hub is in a sort of power struggle between BEAST, Arch, and a want to help smaller corps.

This whole problem has been brought to a head by a small playing field.

  in my opinion we need

  A an earlier game split from Jericho sectors.

  B a common area we can all attack,

       I would suggest it be the gold sector who ever has it tries to defend it as long as they can with no hard feelings

  C   realize this a game played for enjoyment!!! all the drama and backstabbing can stop if you all understand until the gold sectors gets 8 attackers

  we should not be attacking each other, in force with blended teams  the game will be for the gold sector played as king of the hill  stay on top under as many attacks as come as long, as you can.


As the current holder of 3 sectors I understand at some point we will come under attack, I would request that if you want smaller corps have a iridium sector let them attack us with out assistance and we will defend as best we can our 3rd sector with out assistance from NASA or Arch  unless they are asking in general chat to help defend because they are not attacking in the gold sector, If we accept help it will be a mixed squad of BEASTs and other defenders ( that way we benefit from your experience as well ) We will not use wings of an officer and a 7 man wing from either of the Big Boys



   HalFfast CEO BEASTs

No one speaks for me except me!!


My respect for you just went up tremendously. Many of these points are exactly what I feel. Although, I don’t think we need a split from Jericho space, I think fed space just needs to be reverted back to either 1 battle time, or 2 US/SEA battle times. Having almost half of fed space be given to Russians is just bull, and is extremely unfair to the US corps (of which, more and more are finishing dreadnoughts and being able to participate).


Now, in point B you made, was that intended to be a sector for the small corps to fight for? If so, that is what Arch was intending Vanguard Outpost to be, a place for the smaller corps to fight each other without the worry of the big boys (Arch and NASA) stomping them and taking the sector from them.


Also, Kazumi_, your opinion of Arch is skewed. We are not trying to stop the smaller corps for competing for sectors that the bigger corps have. All we want is to give a sector (or two) to the small corps that they are free to attack without worry of Arch or NASA interference. Think of it as a safe zone, whereas the other sectors are dangerous. All the small corps are free to attack wherever they want, we can’t stop you from doing that, but Vanguard was intended to be shielded from “big boy” interference. The other sectors, NASA or Arch would be free to defend against you.


Now, so far as the disputes/arguments between Arch and NASA, I know I personally would like to see them stop and for us to reach some common ground. Like I’ve stated above, When we gave Vanguard to FDEF, we were intending for that to be a small corp battle ground, free from big corp interference. If that can be allowed to happen, everyone can go back to business as usual.



My thoughts on a starting point for reaching common ground among everyone:


  1. Let the smaller corps have 1 or 2 sectors that will be free from Arch or NASA interference. This includes NASA and Arch helping with attacks and defenses, unless the smaller corps on both sides agreed it fair to let them attack or defend with them. (Maybe dedicate Vanguard and Colonization for this, so they have a GS and an iridium sector to fight for without interference)

  2. Arch will end its zerg rush on NASA/BEASTS, provided that no more backstabbing occurs, and that no corp will ever throw the good will of another back in their face.

  3. We all realize this is a game, and that we are taking this WAAY to seriously, and need to tone it down, as we all just want to have fun, and get games.

My respect for you just went up tremendously. Many of these points are exactly what I feel. Although, I don’t think we need a split from Jericho space, I think fed space just needs to be reverted back to either 1 battle time, or 2 US/SEA battle times. Having almost half of fed space be given to Russians is just bull, and is extremely unfair to the US corps (of which, more and more are finishing dreadnoughts and being able to participate).


Now, in point B you made, was that intended to be a sector for the small corps to fight for? If so, that is what Arch was intending Vanguard Outpost to be, a place for the smaller corps to fight each other without the worry of the big boys (Arch and NASA) stomping them and taking the sector from them.


Also, Kazumi_, your opinion of Arch is skewed. We are not trying to stop the smaller corps for competing for sectors that the bigger corps have. All we want is to give a sector (or two) to the small corps that they are free to attack without worry of Arch or NASA interference. Think of it as a safe zone, whereas the other sectors are dangerous. All the small corps are free to attack wherever they want, we can’t stop you from doing that, but Vanguard was intended to be shielded from “big boy” interference. The other sectors, NASA or Arch would be free to defend against you.


Now, so far as the disputes/arguments between Arch and NASA, I know I personally would like to see them stop and for us to reach some common ground. Like I’ve stated above, When we gave Vanguard to FDEF, we were intending for that to be a small corp battle ground, free from big corp interference. If that can be allowed to happen, everyone can go back to business as usual.



My thoughts on a starting point for reaching common ground among everyone:


  1. Let the smaller corps have 1 or 2 sectors that will be free from Arch or NASA interference. This includes NASA and Arch helping with attacks and defenses, unless the smaller corps on both sides agreed it fair to let them attack or defend with them. (Maybe dedicate Vanguard and Colonization for this, so they have a GS and an iridium sector to fight for without interference)

  2. Arch will end its zerg rush on NASA/BEASTS, provided that no more backstabbing occurs, and that no corp will ever throw the good will of another back in their face.

  3. We all realize this is a game, and that we are taking this WAAY to seriously, and need to tone it down, as we all just want to have fun, and get games.

As the current holder of 3 sectors I understand at some point we will come under attack, I would request that if you want smaller corps have a iridium sector let them attack us with out assistance and we will defend as best we can our 3rd sector with out assistance from NASA or Arch  unless they are asking in general chat to help defend because they are not attacking in the gold sector, If we accept help it will be a mixed squad of BEASTs and other defenders ( that way we benefit from your experience as w


Explain this.

Simple, the terms I stated above are only applicable IF and ONLY IF all the corps come to a consensus on what to do about all this.


To me, none of those points are unreasonable, and if everyone can agree to them, they will go into effect, simple as that.


Until everyone agrees on a set of terms (whether it is the ones above or one’s we set as a group), things will play out as they will.


Note: Nuke is on vacation for a few days, so he won’t be here to mess with any of this. I would personally like to get this worked out so that when he gets back, he can be surprised that all of us can be reasonable.