Second inter-corporate championship! (Discussion)

Hiding in a tunnel is not a “tactic”

Any conscious movement taken by the team is a tactical movement, especial if it is planned and calculated for.

Any conscious movement taken by the team is a tactical movement, especial if it is planned and calculated for.


Anyone have the recordings of the WPK/DEFT games xD

Any conscious movement taken by the team is a tactical movement, especial if it is planned and calculated for.

When I was with XofJSA, I said that was amazing to see something like this because it has been prepared and that  was not just a “Frigball”.


I was laughing because I was knowing what kind of reactions were happening at the same time xD

Remind you about tomorrow matches

KIEV corporation has officially refused to play vs WPK, means a technical win for Wolfpack.

KIEV corporation has officially refused to play vs WPK, means a technical win for Wolfpack.



That’s kinda sad. 

That’s kinda sad. 

You didn’t even hear the sad announcements yet… You’l see…

Pilots! Let’s watch today tournament matches on this channel :arrow_right:

ok arctic fucked up and posted us the wrong times so the team didnt show up online at the right time.  can anything be done please?

ok arctic fucked up and posted us the wrong times so the team didnt show up online at the right time.  can anything be done please?

Sorry, but no

“ArcTic, you had 1 job!”

“ArcTic, you had 1 job!”

yeap im not used to this european stuff. 


if everyone used pacific time, there would be peace. i mean it’s called pacific time for a reason.


Also i think we should get the will to win reward. There was quite a long (1 hr) conversation today so that’s definitely a tough one lol. 

if everyone used pacific time UTC, there would be peace. i mean it’s called Universal Time Coordinated for a reason.


if everyone used pacific time, there would be peace. i mean it’s called pacific time for a reason.



question about today’s Finals, when are they? we are getting mixed responses some say 18:00 Moscow time (1 hour from now), others say 5 minutes from now…

And what’s up with this: ? Why don’t we have access to all this info in English and why does every post contradict the previous one?



So we just lost vs DESU because we didn’t have the people, because they all thought the tournament was supposed to be one hour later, due to the shift of time last night, which apparently Russia doesn’t give a xxxx about. Actually 15 mins before the tournament actually started (or 1 hour and 15 minutes before it was supposed to start, if you will), we were already certain it would be an hour later, but then Charlie got PM’ed with the pass and we had to go with whatever we had. No commander, no pilots who mained the right ships, and very limited tactics since we had 2 mins of preparation instead of an hour.


When Lezort and FifthRom entered the room, we told them about our confusion, got entirely ignored and then they talked in Russian with DESU for a few minutes. I think the only sentence in English that either of them uttered was ‘go’. 


So yeah, right now the rest of WPK are fighting for bronze, while the people who were supposed to play today are just logging in. Great organisation right there, gg.

And what’s up with this: ? Why don’t we have access to all this info in English and why does every post contradict the previous one?



So we just lost vs DESU because we didn’t have the people, because they all thought the tournament was supposed to be one hour later, due to the shift of time last night, which apparently Russia doesn’t give a xxxx about. Actually 15 mins before the tournament actually started (or 1 hour and 15 minutes before it was supposed to start, if you will), we were already certain it would be an hour later, but then Charlie got PM’ed with the pass and we had to go with whatever we had. No commander, no pilots who mained the right ships, and very limited tactics since we had 2 mins of preparation instead of an hour.


When Lezort and FifthRom entered the room, we told them about our confusion, got entirely ignored and then they talked in Russian with DESU for a few minutes. I think the only sentence in English that either of them uttered was ‘go’. 


So yeah, right now the rest of WPK are fighting for bronze, while the people who were supposed to play today are just logging in. Great organisation right there, gg.

they thought about the time shift;thats why they made it one hour later/coz time shift the same time for the most players

Once again, language and time barriers causing problems…




In what “Units/time zone” have you had your Games scheduled (as what time you were told by organisers it would happen?)?

In that link you posted, it is in Moscow time.