Second inter-corporate championship! (Discussion)

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What are the prohibited “new engines”?

Are all combat drones prohibited, or just the monocrystal ones which aren’t usable in t3 anymore anyway? You mean the same thing with Team Battle and Team Deathmatch, right? Clarification on said “new engine” too, pls, I’ll assume you mean cruise engines. Also, sure you wanna forbid them and heavy guard drones?

 I’ll assume you mean cruise engines. Also, sure you wanna forbid them and heavy guard drones?

yes to both questions 

Great stuff right there, very generous rewards.


But why is it always T3? Such tournaments would give massive incentive for pilots to get better gear in higher tiers, and higher tiers allow more diverse builds which work better in advertising videos…


Also, unless I’ve missed something, when is it anyway? I can only see that registration ends on October 7th.

Yes I would also like to know when, so I can keep time for it :slight_smile:



But why is it always T3? Such tournaments would give massive incentive for pilots to get better gear in higher tiers, and higher tiers allow more diverse builds which work better in advertising videos…


Probably due to purple modules, I believe most non-elite pilots don’t have all purple gears for their 4 ships in T4, therefore creating an unfair environment against those who do.

Doomb0t, do you happen to know the dates for this event? I will be out of country on the 8th for 2 weeks so I can let my corp know I won’t be attending, thanks.

Doomb0t, do you happen to know the dates for this event? I will be out of country on the 8th for 2 weeks so I can let my corp know I won’t be attending, thanks.

The first stage will be at 10th/11th of October.

The first stage will be at 10th/11th of October.


Wow, they definetly dont like long range harassing tacklers. I dont really know why. It should be pretty easy to counter them, just apply Spy Drones and kill them with some interceptors.

And who would want to play the Silent Fox anyway?

Wow, they definetly dont like long range harassing tacklers. I dont really know why. It should be pretty easy to counter them, just apply Spy Drones and kill them with some interceptors.

And who would want to play the Silent Fox anyway?

If you mean by that a cruise engine tackler which poops drones, no. I am by no means an enemy of cruise engine gameplay, since I think it can be done in a qualitative manner (without drones) or the pooper is also nice for open space farming, but I think the amount of trolls, or people who rather learn that style instead of mastering the tackler as a tackler first, or any other troll style strategy like one kill cruise-wolf-m rush and then constantly running away, would kind of be not the battles most people are hoping for, when it is about a tournament of this sort.

I think they just want to prevent (obvious) cheeze. And I find that okay.

Gravis are still there so no problem “harassing” in the good old ordinary way.

Vets are not allowed to bring their double TTC eagle-bs and stuff either, i think the prohibitions are a balanced solution.


Miss Summer guns is also understandable, since not everyone has them.

What time will these take place?

*deleted* see xKostyan reply below.

Milf, read rules again,usage of half of these modules will get your team banned

nice FPS.

What time will these take place?

First stage - 10/11 October. About particular time - no info for now.

5% reward bonus for teams which will be registered till 30 September

5% reward bonus for teams which will be registered till 30 September


Interesting… :012j:

  1. Each team plays 2 battles with each other team.

  2. Game modes: Team Battle and Capture the Beacons

Do you mean 2 of each of these battles. or 1 of each of these battles?


  1. Victory in every battle is awarded with 3 points. 1 point for a draw.

So is it 1 win = 3 points, or 2 wins = 3 points?


  1. The 2 best teams that scored the most points in the group advance further.

So it’s like an everyone faces everyone kind of thing?


  1. Maps of the group stage: ‘Devil’s Jaw’, ‘Ancient Ruins’.

Is this random? Or is the beacon capture for one, and Team Battle for other?  Or is it both for each? 



EDIT:  Additional question…why no reverse thruster and yes to Mk. 5 Weapons?  They’re both craftable, and both attainable by anyone who grinds it out?  What’s the difference between the 2?  Is it just too cheaty or something?