Second inter-corporate championship! (Discussion)

Huh, that makes no sense??


Deft I understand, but why are WPK in 1/32?

Agree, that thing doesn’t make sense :D, either it is totally random or that is a preliminary table and there will be a “proper” draw.

Agree, that thing doesn’t make sense :D, either it is totally random or that is a preliminary table and there will be a “proper” draw.


Yeah I just went to RU forums and read three pages of google translated BS. It seems that is a preliminary draw, but that there are still discussions between corps that tied or something? Meh. I asked Doombot for more info.


They should just do it like in sports world cups, where the 1st fights a 2nd place from another group, and vice versa. It would make it so much easier.

Guys, the fact is WPK and GoD had technical wins against Ultra and JAT corps, means that they played less than other teams, that’s why they have to play in 1/32 (i don’t think it will be hard for them)

Ok I understand now!

Don’t worry. That enemy for WPK just a dust on their boots.


Have you seen the Pirates draw ?

It was amasing. :005j:

I really happy this tournament table. SYN have a real chance to get 3-th place.

I hope we can.

Have you seen the Pirates draw ?

It was amasing. :005j:

The video has more than 2000 views for now ^_^. Pirates is a finding of the tournament

Have you seen the Pirates draw ?

It was amasing. :005j:

Too bad I did not understand a word. It sounded like a football broadcasting.

This is one of the best Uses of cover i every saw…just saying…



Have you seen the Pirates draw ?

I am quite disappointed in ESB’s reaction post match

No Hard feelings, but I am betting on [Deft] in your pair.

P.S. Serax roch



I am quite disappointed in ESB’s reaction post match

Which was?

Which was?


They probably cried

That was geniusly broken ^^

That was geniusly broken ^^

Not broken,the tools to get them out of there are in the game,ESB just did not have the load out to handle that…

Yeah, had ESB had an EM torp frig or two, the pirates would have regretted so much using that tacitc ^^

Yeah, had ESB had an EM torp frig or two, the pirates would have regretted so much using that tacitc ^^

Missile Shield :slight_smile:

The only 2 solutions were Anomaly Generator with 1 sec CD and Nukes from Covert Ops

I dont mind playing vs KIEV but this is wrong the way its done. Waste of time… and outside normal tournement playtime. it all looks fabrikated and poorly done. what happened to 1st spots vs 2nd spots like any other tournements. whats the point of being 1st in your group ? why did we even play vs deft …

That was geniusly broken ^^

Well you can start from not LOLOLO in and die within a minute on a frig ball without any coordination, ESB set themselves back 2 kills out of nothing, they had like one Bubble gunner, and ECM’s system hack is viewd like a Ace useless module by majority of ESB too, so yeah.

ESB plaid like they always do, same setup year after year, mass gunships+command+heal+optional ECM so now everybody must play the same setup cause that is “skill”, honestly mass gunships is not really a piloting skill, you tiem your teams CD and you run in on 1-2 targets, it is more of a team coordination and expiriense to play together. Look everywhere “hurr durr, interceptors is life interceptors is skill”, and how many interceptor heavy teams managed to accomplish anything in tournament setting, why wont “skilled” pilots play so called “most skilled” ships?

Props to ESB to adopting with what they had and pulling off the Draw on a last second, which was more of the out of luck than skill, but the fact is they were caught with their pants down and pirates did not just went derp frig ball and do w/e, you can clearly see they invested a lot of time into practising it.

Instead of admitting own mistake of not preparing for such situation and simply overlooking a remote possibility that some Aces can come up with some kind of a plan they went on regular rant on forums “frig Aces and xxxx”

Hiding in a tunnel is not a “tactic”

I dont mind playing vs KIEV but this is wrong the way its done. Waste of time… and outside normal tournement playtime. it all looks fabrikated and poorly done. what happened to 1st spots vs 2nd spots like any other tournements. whats the point of being 1st in your group ? why did we even play vs deft …

Kurdi, you know that it’s not fabricated, it happens because of the number of teams, some teams should play these matches and your team has less battles than other corps, we want to to organise these two matches before saturday to make weekend games (including yours if you proceed KIEV) more smooth. Sorry that we are ‘forcing’ you to play before weekend, but I hope you understand.


P.S. Your victory-game vs deft was very entertaining, i love this match, especcially what Omega did.