Second inter-corporate championship! (Discussion)

i heard that owl and RadiX tied. that means rematches when im on! looking forward to it and wanna see vids!

No there are no rematches. Well we won the first match (ctb) by far (capped two beacons to 0 and had a kill lead. Team battle was a lot closer and radix won by one point! Good games though!

I had such a laugh against czr also! They brought out 8 tacklers for team battle XD Thanks guys, you made my day!

RadiX won by one point against CzR (Monolith Remains - Team Battle)  :005j: My respect.

RadiX won by one point against CzR (Monolith Remains - Team Battle)  :005j: My respect.


Actually we did the same against Italy XD  They went frigball and we went frig/fighter ball, and it was a stalemate right until the end. Then we pushed and got one kill XD


Nah but seriously, they had two styxes, Two BTs, a crus s and an anaconda. All with torps/mines. Had we dived with gunships we would never had got an engi without losing two or more gunships and having to regroup. So we decided to counter derpiness with derpiness

ESB plaid a draw vs [nupat] in tdm

ESB plaid a draw vs [nupat] in tdm




Wow I didn’t notice!! How did that happen?

can the organisators post more of the matches please?



Wow I didn’t notice!! How did that happen?

i did not see the stream

 ESB vs nupat

Today matches

Lezort: group I:  A: niji no ressha [Deft] - Jericho Air Force [JAT], С: Dead Space [DS]- niji no ressha [Deft], E: niji no ressha [Deft] - The WolfPack [WPK]

Moya: group I: B: The WolfPack [WPK] - Dead Space [DS], D: The WolfPack [WPK] - Jericho Air Force [JAT], F: Dead Space [DS] -  Jericho Air Force [JAT]

 ESB vs nupat

it was amazing game, praise the pirates!

 ESB vs nupat


HAHAHAHAH XD Brilliant!!! We actually discussed this as a tactic and decided it would be easy to counter by just putting EM torps into the tunnels, so we didn’t go with it!  Seems ESB had no EM torps due to friendly fire though XD

Ello all,Been gone for a bit,But back at it.Will be posting Videos that i recorded/Streamed here today as go through them.And will be reworking one match that was really,well,it was one of the best uses of cover and well thought out plans i have seen in sometime…

RadiX won by one point against CzR (Monolith Remains - Team Battle)  :005j: My respect.

Lol dem Ace radix.

They needed me and base. But ofc I wasnt there and base…well…quit sc.

Im looking forward to seeing who we vs next.

And also doom, no russian servers for us plz. Our team is usa, eu, and south america so rus server means 200-500 ping for most of us and 10 ping for enemies.

And also doom, no russian servers for us plz. Our team is usa, eu, and south america so rus server means 200-500 ping for most of us and 10 ping for enemies.

we will sort it out, don’t worry,

yes I think EU server is the best for everyone :slight_smile: We also have a mix of EU and US

What happens now btw? Since radix and owl tied on points, do we both go to 1/16?

2 teams advance from the group anyways and 1/16 games are random draw as well (no predetermined thing where 1st plays with 2d form other group and stuff)

2 teams advance from the group anyways and 1/16 games are random draw as well (no predetermined thing where 1st plays with 2d form other group and stuff)


But what about that thing that doombot posted about 1/32 or something? I didn’t really understand that part

its not random worst 4 x 2nds goes to playoffs to get into the last 16 teams right now there is 1 team with 9 and points and 5 teams with 12 points. This is what doombot announced before tourney.

its not random worst 4 x 2nds goes to playoffs to get into the last 16 teams right now there is 1 team with 9 and points and 5 teams with 12 points. This is what doombot announced before tourney.

Ahh then it all make sense



i guess WPK is one of those 4 “worst” teams