Russian lag servers


so can you fix it?

well my network is fine for every other game, so i guess its mostly your end. But what can I or you do for this problem. It is very anoying playing on russian servers and seeing 90 percent of my games are on the russian servers this has quit a lot of impact. More then that, this is game breaking, the constant battle with lag, delays, rubberbanding, the unfair advantage for russian players is unacceptable.


So I want a straight answer;


Are you going to do something about this? When can i expect improvement? (a date, not just ‘soon’)

well my network is fine for every other game, so i guess its mostly your end. But what can I or you do for this problem. It is very anoying playing on russian servers and seeing 90 percent of my games are on the russian servers this has quit a lot of impact.


I would argue that this problem is mostly, if not entirely server-side. My internet quality has only improved in the past few months. Now I am playing on a LAN connection via a powerline adapter, when before I was on wifi, but I made that change before the servers started giving me higher ping and packet loss. And when the problem is as wide-spread as it is, there is no way it can be client-side, as there are too many people experiencing the issues for that. 


I get the feeling that this problem will be treated like the rubberbanding when players join mid-game. Completely disregarded and always given the response of “there is no issue, it is on your end”, despite constant bug reports and complaints from all over the globe.

I would argue that this problem is mostly, if not entirely server-side. My internet quality has only improved in the past few months. Now I am playing on a LAN connection via a powerline adapter, when before I was on wifi, but I made that change before the servers started giving me higher ping and packet loss. And when the problem is as wide-spread as it is, there is no way it can be client-side, as there are too many people experiencing the issues for that.

I get the feeling that this problem will be treated like the rubberbanding when players join mid-game. Completely disregarded and always given the response of “there is no issue, it is on your end”, despite constant bug reports and complaints from all over the globe.

Care to back up your words with actual data, like you were asked milion times before?

You complain the xxxx out of the forums on how servers are terrible, yet you refuse to run a simple test when the issue is present, and provide actual data.

Care to back up your words with actual data, like you were asked milion times before?

You complain the xxxx out of the forums on how servers are terrible, yet you refuse to run a simple test when the issue is present, and provide actual data.


I’ve said it before on this thread. I will gladly provide my logs if I am placed on a Russian or European server, but I’m not going to go out of my way to try to get an RU or EU server, as that will prevent me from having fun, and why play a video game if you don’t have fun while playing it? This isn’t refusing to provide actual data, this is refusing to put myself in a position where I won’t have fun. If I could be guaranteed with 100% certainty that if the data and logs we provide were being used to actually find out what is wrong, I would definitely try to get EU/RU servers as I know that my logs and data would be helping. But I can’t be certain. The devs have never made it clear that they are actually trying to help, they have never shown any progress in this matter, no matter how much data we give them. THAT is why I refuse to go out of my way to get data for this issue.


I’m also not the only one complaining about servers being sh*t recently (the whole 6 pages of this thread have many people complaining about this issue).


I can also say the same thing in reverse to you and the devs. You constantly say it is our connection and our internet, and not the servers, but yet we NEVER have been provided actual data or tests to show that it isn’t the servers. 


If nothing was changed with the servers and it was my internet that just suddenly started giving me far higher ping and lots more packet loss, I would see that on every game I play, regardless of the server location or server quality, but yet, my internet connection to every other game I play has remained the same, and even my connection to US servers on this game has remained the same. That isn’t my internet, that is one of three things. 1) Server location was changed. 2) Server is having issues. 3) Server routing somewhere on the line is having issues. None of those 3 things are controllable by the player. The first 2 are completely controllable by the devs, and with the third, the devs can do more than the players can.




This is why we can never have an actual discussion or debate. Any time I use valid reasoning and logic in my statements, you say nothing about what I said. You just facepalm or ignore it without even saying what you disagree with or what I missed.

This is why we can never have an actual discussion or debate. Any time I use valid reasoning and logic in my statements, you say nothing about what I said. You just facepalm or ignore it without even saying what you disagree with or what I missed.

you don’t use valid arguments, and your logic is an elementary school girls level, that’s why. 

you make walls of text that are 90% of pure ignorance, you think i am going to argue with it again and again? i tried before, enough is enough.

you don’t use valid arguments, and your logic is an elementary school girls level, that’s why. 


And what part of my argument isn’t valid?


Nothing I said is invalid. To simplify what I said in case you didn’t actually read it: I play video games to have fun, and I won’t go out of my way to provide logs to maybe fix a problem that I have absolutely no guarantee that anything will be done or is being done, especially when it means I won’t have fun in the process. 

most your arguments are based on assumption, not on the facts, assumptions have no place in an argument and have no valid weight, all you do are re-writing same assumptions over and over, without any data. 


you are connecting to the server, not the other way around, it its your personal rout to the server, that is why some people have xxxx packet loss in game, and others have 400 ping and absolutely stable connection.

you don’t use valid arguments, and your logic is an elementary school girls level, that’s why. 

you make walls of text that are 90% of pure ignorance, you think i am going to argue with it again and again? i tried before, enough is enough.

wow, beautifully said kosty.

And what part of my argument isn’t valid?


Nothing I said is invalid. To simplify what I said in case you didn’t actually read it: I play video games to have fun, and I won’t go out of my way to provide logs to maybe fix a problem that I have absolutely no guarantee that anything will be done or is being done, especially when it means I won’t have fun in the process. 

Proof of your logic: “Well get over it, this same complaint was made about guard Pulsar, but nothing was ever done.” 


In other words, this should not be implemented because something else good was not implemented. Elementary school girl logic and a beautiful example of it too! 

Proof of your logic: “Well get over it, this same complaint was made about guard Pulsar, but nothing was ever done.” 


In other words, this should not be implemented because something else good was not implemented. Elementary school girl logic and a beautiful example of it too! 


Honestly, I am over the issue of bad servers, I’ve found my way to avoid them. Does that mean I don’t want them to be fixed? Absolutely not.


Also Kost: The only thing on this thread I have assumed is that the devs aren’t doing anything about this issue, and so far I haven’t been proven wrong on that assumption (just like I haven’t been proven wrong with many other issues I’ve voiced an opinion about). Edit: I have also assumed that there is a possibility that the servers aren’t performing the same as they used to or have been moved or changed in some way, which I also haven’t been proved wrong on.


Last thing I’m gonna say with this: until I am given evidence that this issue is being looked into and until I am given data backing the claim that the servers haven’t changed, I will continue to believe that there is a possibility that the servers aren’t performing as well as they used to, and I will continue to believe the devs aren’t doing anything about this.

Every time i assume that someone cant possibly be more ignorant, they come and “nope, never assume things!”

I ve run the test some days ago and now I would like an answer of the devs or even better the promise of a solution with an exact date when this solution will be implemented.


If they say its all at my end, so be it, then it might be time for me to move to another game that doesnt have this many connection issues. Also after playing the 20st game in a row on a russian server I m starting to think a lot of european players are thinking the same. Selecting europe region only increases queue time, ending in a russian server either way after 5 minutes.


Also no one of the devs has said to me yet it s at my end. So i m still hopefull some solution will be presented.

so can you fix it?


? there’re no any network issues 


on both ends

Are you going to do something about this? When can i expect improvement? (a date, not just ‘soon’)


Yes, we do constantly monitor and instantly anailze all of the pilot’s reports. And after the deep-deep-deep issue inspections, the huge and enormous number of tests, the carefully-balanced solution borned.

And the thing is that there is no solution that 100% satisfies every and each being of the universe. There will be always opinions like “no good” “playable” “perfect”.

So we try to keep balance somewere in the middle. And im not talking about just networking. You even not imagine how hard every decision arise.

The greatest and bravest pilots just squeezing out every juice till the dry of their ships. They play smart, and win by the talanted leader tactics.  They adopt their strategy to the conditions, and they win! And they are highly respected and remembered lifetime and afer.

 So when one ask of how we can make his life easier, he have to remember of the universe’ infinitive nature, and understand that it cant be “perfect” for everyone and for him in particular, and  then, either whine on the none-perfect-life, or be strong for himself and win against the conditions. And only then the world of SC be yours.


I get the feeling that this problem will be treated like the rubberbanding when players join mid-game. Completely disregarded and always given the response of “there is no issue, it is on your end”, despite constant bug reports and complaints from all over the globe.


  1. When someone enters in the already created game, there is a lag for everyone. It is a know issue, and we are working on it. expect to have fixed the bug @nearest patches.

  2. If there no networking issues seen in the attached screensoots/logs, then there no any networking issues. But this does not mean that there are no any issues at all with some other component of the whole system chane. We do constantly watch out after all our servers (CPU/RAM/Disks/Bandwidth/Ping losses/and the dozen other in-game statistics). So we can truly know were is the problem - our side or not. And if its our blame, we  admit it aloud and create a bug ticked to work on



If by some miracle I bring 250000 more players, will the servers hold all of them, or will you need to expand your servers?

I want to know, if you’re ready to get 1000 times more players!

Yes, we do constantly monitor and instantly anailze all of the pilot’s reports. And after the deep-deep-deep issue inspections, the huge and enormous number of tests, the carefully-balanced solution borned.

And the thing is that there is no solution that 100% satisfies every and each being of the universe. There will be always opinions like “no good” “playable” “perfect”.

So we try to keep balance somewere in the middle. And im not talking about just networking. You even not imagine how hard every decision arise.


I’m pretty sure we are all aware of that. My only question, was there some major change or location change in the servers (EU and RU)? Cuz if there was, it seems to me that more people were satisfied before that change or move, than there are now.


I’m sure you understand this, but just in case, when you are working with such a small playerbase in an international game, you can’t move servers to change them to optimize them for the region they are located in. They must be optimized for all the players in the game.

If by some miracle I bring 250000 more players, will the servers hold all of them, or will you need to expand your servers?

I want to know, if you’re ready to get 1000 times more players!

our server farm is scalable to as support as much gamers as needed. And if we’ll need another 1000x servers we bring em to live in about 5 minutes.