Russian lag servers

What is wrong with your russian servers today? Got a 0.5-1 second delay! which makes this game unplayable at the moment. This is a new issue, russian servers were ok for me before today.

How is this even possible? And no I’m not the only one, 2 other guys also quit because the lag made it unplayable. And no fault is not at my end, every other game work fine.


And why are 95-100 percent of my games on russian servers today? And i played a lot of them, Are the europe servers broken?


I would appreciate an answer;

I was in the same squad as Erador, and experiencing the same issues as him at the same time. Please sort out your xxxx and don’t tell us it is on our side. Sorry if I’m mad but this has been going on for too long now.

I only get such problems when I play at EU/RU primetime, to me it looks like the server/servers connection can’t handle that much games.

[Info: connection losses, high ping and related issues](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25324-info-connection-losses-high-ping-and-related-issues/)

For me, in any game I play, if I choose Russian servers I lag like hell. :confused:

Same again this evening. Here is the stuff.






I have no idea what it means, but there you go.

not surprising - its almost all the way packet losses…

not surprising - its almost all the way packet losses…


So what does this mean? Sorry I have no idea how this stuff works. I had trouble following Error’s instructions even.

  you live in EU and playing on US server. It is obvious to expect some lags.

you live in EU and playing on US server. It is obvious to expect some lags.

I thought that was a Russian server?

Anyway, lags, yes. But my problem is ping spikes. On Russian and sometimes EU servers my ping varies from 100 to 250 every five seconds or so, sometimes spiking up to 600-1000. This is not normal and didn’t happen before. American servers are (funnily enough) the most stable for me, since I get high ping, but it doesn’t vary so much.

Had lots of packet loss on russian servers; 2-4 percent average. Played at least 50+ games, almost every single one of them on russian servers (at europe prime time). Set it to europe, 5+ minute wait, still puts me on a russian server…

What bothers me that I didnt have this delay, rubberbanding, high average ping a week ago on the russian servers,… Something has changed and it is not at my end. Doesnt explain a lot of other people having the same issues. Doesnt explain having less issues a week ago.

Yes that’s another thing I’d like to insist on sgdmitry: At the time we made this thread, there were three of us in a squad, all from Europe, and all having the same issues on a Russian server. Is this a coincidence? I think not.

have moved most of RU servers into another more stable Tier-III certified datacenter. this should solve all and every problem on earth…

have moved most of RU servers into another more stable Tier-III certified datacenter. this should solve all and every problem on earth…


Once again I have no idea what that means, but I’ll take it that it means it is not your problem.

  you live in EU and playing on US server. It is obvious to expect some lags.

Lag is expected, and nobody complains about that (nobody with more than two functional brain cells)


The problem is rubberbanding and packet loss spikes.


We hope with the new datacenter things will go smoother.

have moved most of RU servers into another more stable Tier-III certified datacenter. this should solve all and every problem on earth…

Why the sarcasm ?



Also Mill are you on wireless ? 3ms to reach your default gateway is pretty bad.  Also you were pinging a US server.



Name SoftLayer Technologies Inc. Handle SOFTL Street 4849 Alpha Rd. City Dallas State/Province TX Net Range -



Its SC’s hosting :  hope they do virtual servers.  (I asked that question they didn’t answer)

Yes I’m on wireless and no possibility to wire it. Is that my problem? Is that causing all the other packet losses further along the line?

Nope not at all.  I was just asked if you were on wireless.  There are many issues you can see in this trace, 


As for the actual issue, solving packet loss on your first hop would definitely assist connections going to SC Servers.  If there is any way you can do a wired connection that might help alot as 5-6% packet loss first hop will compound wan issues.  Most protocols can correct with a 2-5% packet loss and will not impact your experience significantly.  But as soon as you go over that you will start to experience issues.  Packet loss is almost always bad when it occures at the final destination however,In this capture the end system is not the problem.  The connections between hop 6-7 and especially 13-14 are the issue.  


Whats funny is:

Star conflict uses softlayer for their server hosting.  And Softlayer owns networklayer owns hops 13-14 out of dallas.  So possibly SC admins could contact Softlayer and ask why they are seeing issues between : and 


And even in my trace we are seeing the same thing.  Issues between 14 and 15 in my trace.  Same ip’s (well probably could be in the same LB cluster of )



sgdmitry what are you seeing when you do a trace ?

well, if you ask, here is my path from Russia, Via Europe and to US server:





still got issues with russian servers, still nothing changed, please look into it