Russian lag servers

Dread fight yesterday. Defenders didn’t show up. Match against bots. All our players were from US and Europe and server was - Asia. Ping - 350 and more. Why Asia for God’s sake :fed014: ?

 at least game.log of the game in question needed to initiate investigations

Sry sgdmitry, next time this happens i will attach logs. Currently I m not at home.

Different day same problem

I’m pretty sure the patches have screwed something up with RU servers. After 1.2.3 and 1.2.4 were implemented, RU server quality went down the tubes for a few days. My norm for RU servers is 180 ping and 0-5% loss. The few days following these patches, my ping was 220-250+, and my loss was 10-20%. This was not my internet, as my internet connectivity to every other game and non RU servers stayed the same, but RU server connectivity tanked.

i can not get into the game and this sucks, i am directed to a 3-d client icon that wont let me play.

I’m pretty sure the patches have screwed something up with RU servers. After 1.2.3 and 1.2.4 were implemented, RU server quality went down the tubes for a few days. My norm for RU servers is 180 ping and 0-5% loss. The few days following these patches, my ping was 220-250+, and my loss was 10-20%. This was not my internet, as my internet connectivity to every other game and non RU servers stayed the same, but RU server connectivity tanked.

Let’s keep in touch about this matter. Could you please check it again tomorrow and write here or in my pm?

Let’s keep in touch about this matter. Could you please check it again tomorrow and write here or in my pm?


I’ll try to check when I get home. But the time I normally play SC is during US primetime, so I rarely see RU servers.


Me and some friends did some customs last night and accidentally picked RU servers, but they seemed to be slightly better than previous days, but I’ll check again.

I’ll try to check when I get home. But the time I normally play SC is during US primetime, so I rarely see RU servers.


Me and some friends did some customs last night and accidentally picked RU servers, but they seemed to be slightly better than previous days, but I’ll check again.

We will change the servers in 12 hours, would be fine if you can check it after this.

I dont know if you changed anything yet but i got a higher average ping on russian servers 87 now, lots of delay, uncontrollable flying into things. Another problem I only get russian servers even tho i put it on europe. The only thing that changes is the waiting time. My gauss tackler is useless like this as are all fast ships, more so all fast targets are unhittable.

I dont know if you changed anything yet but i got a higher average ping on russian servers 87 now, lots of delay, uncontrollable flying into things. Another problem I only get russian servers even tho i put it on europe. The only thing that changes is the waiting time. My gauss tackler is useless like this as are all fast ships, more so all fast targets are unhittable.

Hmm. Thank you for the information. Let us think about it.

I dont know if you changed anything yet but i got a higher average ping on russian servers 87 now, lots of delay, uncontrollable flying into things. Another problem I only get russian servers even tho i put it on europe. The only thing that changes is the waiting time. My gauss tackler is useless like this as are all fast ships, more so all fast targets are unhittable.

87 is good ping…


I play with 230 most games. I’m happy with 170… 

We will change the servers in 12 hours, would be fine if you can check it after this.


Patch messed up the servers again. They were fine when I checked yesterday, but today, they are back to giving me higher than normal ping and loss (the Russian servers).


Instead of getting my normal 180 ping and 0-5% loss on RU servers, I got 220-250+ and 5-10% loss in all 3 games I played, at which point I stopped playing. The EU servers I got games on seemed to be fine, I’ll have to see if US servers give me any higher ping later today.

Guys, could you please provide more information about this.


1)Please specify your location (city would be nice)

2)Do you choose russian server/any server/your local server?

3)Do your issues correlate with a join-in-progress thing? For example, more lags when you connected to battle which was already in progress. Please be as much detailed as possible.


Thank you and looking forward for your feedback.

  1. Denver, Colorado (nearest major city)


  1. I normally have my server preference set to “US”, but sometimes I will change it to “any region” if I don’t feel like waiting 5 minutes in queue


  1. The higher ping and packet loss I’ve been experiencing has occurred on Russian servers at any time of day, regardless of when I join the game (this is not the same lag as what occurs when people join in progress. It will occur throughout the entire game. My normal ping levels on RU servers are 180-200 with 0-5% packet loss. After the last few patches, it has been consistently 250+ ping with 10%+ packet loss.


This isn’t my internet, no one try to tell me it is. Don’t send a link on “how to improve your connection” there is literally nothing wrong on my end that I can do anything about. All the recent lag has been caused by server side issues.

Detailed report as requested:


  1. Sacramento California (nearest major city)


  1. Any region. It won’t launch with USA only. (I have a video on youtube of it)


  1. Nope higher ping is stable throughout the game. 


Back when i started the game, ping was good. that’s all i remember. 

With recent changes:

  • Ping to RU is about the same, sometimes 10ms worse. Used to get 150-170, now usually it’s 165-180. Not too much worse, but something to note. Servers were probably moved, further distance means higher ping.
  • I have yet to experience packet loss.  This was especially common on RU servers, now it isn’t happening at all. I haven’t played that many games yet, so I’ll be sure to report if I experience any later on, but for now, all is well. Still hard to play high-rotation builds on RU servers, as was always the case. Still, no packet loss is a plus. Kudos.
  • Rubberbanding issue persists. Still a major issue and needs to be looked into. I guarantee you this is not caused on our end.  It’s likely a code issue somewhere in how new players are added to matches in progress. Not a dev, but if I can offer any advice, I’d say to start looking there.

Getting ping spikes on RU server again this evening.


Had several matches on EU that were fine: 60 ping, no lags, no packet loss. Got onto a RU server and I get ping spikes up to 1600. Logs atttached. I will not post that connection thing again because you will just blame me for playing on wifi, like last time. I know my connection is bad, but I am able to play other games without problems. Why is this one such a problem?


Lags occured in the last match played. After that I left the game for this evening.

[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10182)

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10183)

[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10184)

Getting much higher ping to EU in Open Space than before. Packet loss as well. Didn’t have this issue in PvP.

please, [check the route hops to the server](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25324-info-connection-losses-high-ping-and-related-issues/?p=301106)to know were is the troubling point while being in game or just after you’v played.