Russian lag servers

Like ArcTic said, this really doesn’t work for US players. The US playerbase is far too small to get US servers outside of US primetime (and a lot of the time, it’s pretty damn hard _ in _ US primetime).


That is the downside with only having region preference settings. But, as I’ve said numerous times before, the player base is far too small to support region selection.

yeah well from what i understand, USA queue doesn’t look for existing games. What it should be is a list of U.S. games that aren’t full and then it adds you to them. I have a hard time believing during USA primetime that there are no U.S. games for 10 minutes so that’s why i think that the mm functions this way.


For coding purposes, perhaps if you added the game to a list and had the matchmaker only search in that list, it would work better. Remove the game from the list when it’s full.


What i mean is something like this:


if (serverlocation == USserver) 


     usaservers.addlast(gameID); #not sure how you do it, but i’m assuming each game has it’s own ID.





You guys are the coding masterminds, not me so you have to figure all that out :smiley:

yeah well from what i understand, USA queue doesn’t look for existing games. What it should be is a list of U.S. games that aren’t full and then it adds you to them. I have a hard time believing during USA primetime that there are no U.S. games for 10 minutes so that’s why i think that the mm functions this way.

For coding purposes, perhaps if you added the game to a list and had the matchmaker only search in that list, it would work better. Remove the game from the list when it’s full.

What i mean is something like this:

if (serverlocation == USserver)


usaservers.addlast(gameID); #not sure how you do it, but i’m assuming each game has it’s own ID.



You guys are the coding masterminds, not me so you have to figure all that out :smiley:

To me it sometimes looks like you can only get matched vs someone who has set the same Server location(i get fast er EU games when i have no Region specified&i had yesterday some corpmates who found a game in an EU Server and the Bad no Region set and i had started searching before them and wasn’t getting into the match)

please [use the script](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25324-info-connection-losses-high-ping-and-related-issues/?p=301106) while playing on the russian server (or being in hangar just after you’v played on ru server), and bring to crowd its results. 


and to all US pilots: please give us your[game logs](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/) of the game on the RU server.


and also please check your region preference and set it to USA, then report if you have still get matched to RU servers  (with game.log attached)



Guys, please pay attention to this. We need logs

I don’t get matched lol. And I cancel every 3 minutes so i don’t get a rus server. 

please, attach your game.log whith ANY result. The one thing: region preference set to USA.

2all: MM logic is muuuuuch more complex then you think guys. The reason of asking you to have reg.pref ==USA is to have more chances to keep you off being matched to RU servers.

In more detail:

In conditions of the lack of US gamers there is no chance to match you ( create the game) on US server. So MM (among other parameters) uses your region preference to match you into another region. And it uses weight for RU, EU. If you has reg.preference== any, the weight for US,RU,EU is equal.

If you has reg.pref set to US, the weights are: US: maximum pref, then EU, then RU. 


If you has reg.pref set to US, the weights are: US: maximum pref, then EU, then RU. 


Interesting. I’ll set it to US, but it will take a while to get into each game in RU primetime. XD

Is this inverted for RU? For them - RU maximum, then EU, then US? (Assuming they have RU set as preference)


Will have logs later today - like I said, it will take time to get games with server set to off-hours region. Thankfully I can do work from home. :smiley:

Some more RU logs, queued with USA preference. Some 5-6 games in there, I think.

More later.

[2015.12.07 02.46.22.rar](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10247)

So? Can we expect a solotion soon? when exactly? Had to quit playing agian, seeing shots go trough an opponent without doing damage is really…not fun

So? Can we expect a solotion soon? when exactly?


We need more logs to come up with a solution.

Dont you have testers for this? It is a lot of work for limited returns. I have windows vista btw, might not even work for me.

Sure you have some european testers?

Dont you have testers for this?

It’s impossible for an internal test. 

I’ve entirely stopped playing pvp unless it’s with friends forcing US servers, as the EU and RU servers have become far worse.


My EU ping is now up to 180-200 range, when it was previously 130-140, now with 2-5% loss, when the previous was 0. My RU ping is now 220-250+, when it was previously 180-200, now with 5-15% loss, when it was previously 0-5% loss.


You won’t receive logs from my end (unless I get an RU server in dreads or when we are trying to force US servers) since I am sick and tired of putting up with this bullsh*t. Throughout my time in this game, servers have only gotten worse overall. I don’t know why this is, but it isn’t on my end, as my internet quality has only improved over my time in this game.


In conditions of the lack of US gamers there is no chance to match you ( create the game) on US server. So MM (among other parameters) uses your region preference to match you into another region. And it uses weight for 


Then why don’t you guys do anything to solve this problem. This is the first time I have EVER heard a dev actually acknowledge the fact that the US population is low. If you know the problem exists, why do nothing about it? Why not take the time to solve it? The best way to solve any server issue for a player is make it easier for that player to avoid that server. The more US players you have, the more likely US players are to be placed on US servers, same applies to any region. So, the more balanced the population, the easier it is to optimize servers for their own local region, as that is where the players are most likely to end up. Then you avoid the headache of trying to optimize a server for the entire world.


By recognizing and acknowledging this issue, but doing nothing about it, you are only confirming that you are biased towards the Russian population and don’t care about the rest of your game’s population.

Per request:
game log below has usa queue and russian game on it. it’s a twofer. 
And this is my script thingy.

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
  1     *
  8     *        *        *
Computing statistics for 175 seconds…
            Source to Here   This Node/Link
Hop  RTT    Lost/Sent = Pct  Lost/Sent = Pct  Address
                                2/ 100 =  2%   |
  1    7ms     2/ 100 =  2%     0/ 100 =  0%
                                4/ 100 =  4%   |
  2   24ms    10/ 100 = 10%     4/ 100 =  4%
                                0/ 100 =  0%   |
  3   24ms     6/ 100 =  6%     0/ 100 =  0%
                                2/ 100 =  2%   |
  4   31ms     8/ 100 =  8%     0/ 100 =  0%
                                5/ 100 =  5%   |
  5   36ms    13/ 100 = 13%     0/ 100 =  0%
                               87/ 100 = 87%   |
  6  —     100/ 100 =100%     0/ 100 =  0%
                                0/ 100 =  0%   |
  7  —     100/ 100 =100%     0/ 100 =  0%
Trace complete.

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10259)

You won’t receive logs from my end (unless I get an RU server in dreads or when we are trying to force US servers) since I am sick and tired of putting up with this bullsh*t

Well it’s your choice, you can complain or you can try to help us with logs.


Then why don’t you guys do anything to solve this problem 


Dirk, do you really think that this is so simple? Cause if you really think so, i dunno what to say, maybe you have magic wand?



Russian population and don’t care about the rest of your game’s population.


yeah, as always.

-could you help us with your logs? It would help to solve some problems

-no, I don’t give you my logs, because you don’t care about me


Really? I saw more reasonable and more constructive posts from you. What happened?




Per request:


game log below has usa queue and russian game on it. it’s a twofer. 


And this is my script thingy.


Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops



  1     *







  8     *        *        *

Computing statistics for 175 seconds…

            Source to Here   This Node/Link

Hop  RTT    Lost/Sent = Pct  Lost/Sent = Pct  Address


                                2/ 100 =  2%   |

  1    7ms     2/ 100 =  2%     0/ 100 =  0%

                                4/ 100 =  4%   |

  2   24ms    10/ 100 = 10%     4/ 100 =  4%

                                0/ 100 =  0%   |

  3   24ms     6/ 100 =  6%     0/ 100 =  0%

                                2/ 100 =  2%   |

  4   31ms     8/ 100 =  8%     0/ 100 =  0%

                                5/ 100 =  5%   |

  5   36ms    13/ 100 = 13%     0/ 100 =  0%

                               87/ 100 = 87%   |

  6  —     100/ 100 =100%     0/ 100 =  0%

                                0/ 100 =  0%   |

  7  —     100/ 100 =100%     0/ 100 =  0%


Trace complete.



Thank you, ArcTic.

Well it’s your choice, you can complain or you can try to help us with logs.


The thing is, being able to provide these logs would put me in a situation where I would have little or no fun, and why play the game if you don’t have fun? I did say I would provide logs if I got an RU server in dreads or when we are trying to force US servers.


Dirk, do you really think that this is so simple? Cause if you really think so, i dunno what to say, maybe you have magic wand?


I never said it was simple, but I cannot stress enough how important it is to do something instead of nothing. I’ve said it many times, an advertisement campaign is probably the only way to increase the US player base (or really non-RU) at this point. I’ve been saying it for over a year. This goes for any major issue/bug for this game when I say it, trying to do something productive is always better than doing nothing.


yeah, as always.

-could you help us with your logs? It would help to solve some problems

-no, I don’t give you my logs, because you don’t care about me


That’s not what I meant, nor implied. As I said above, I won’t go out of my way to give you logs, as I don’t want to put myself in a position where I’m not having fun. Regarding my comment about “confirmation of RU bias”, I was referring to how you recognize an issue pertaining to non-RU players, but do nothing about it (or don’t tell anybody you are doing something about it), which gives the impression that you don’t care about your non-RU player base. These two things were not related in my post, so please don’t try to mix them together, as they are separate issues.


Really? I saw more reasonable and more constructive posts from you. What happened?


I still give constructive and reasonable posts. But they have become less frequent as there has been little to no evidence that anything I say in them is passed on, much less even read. I turn to harsh (but still constructive) criticisms because I know I will get a response and be heard. If I knew I could get a response on my constructive, reasonable posts, I would keep writing them.


Believe me when I say, I want nothing more for this game than for it to be a fun and enjoyable experience for EVERYONE. But when nothing is done to help the minority, or nothing is done about major game issues/bugs, it doesn’t give me confidence that my simple desire for this game will be met. While I’m sure this game would be quite enjoyable if you live in or near Russia, I’ve been finding it harder and harder to enjoy, living in the United States. And it certainly doesn’t help that the few things I do still find enjoyable are becoming full of bugs that will not be addressed/becoming full of mechanic abuse but not addressed, or that important mechanics of the game, which can be attributed to why I kept playing after I first joined, are removed.


I don’t mean to be rude in anything I say, but when I become as frustrated (and sometimes pissed off) as I am, it becomes harder to not be blunt.


Edit: Don’t get me wrong. I greatly appreciate that you guys are doing this. But, like the disease analogy I’ve made before, it’s only a medicine with side effects, not a cure. While it is good to make medicines to help alleviate some of the symptoms, it is always in the best interest to be looking for a cure.

just finished a game on russian server, it was not nice, here is what you asked for

[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10287)

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10288)

[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10289)


I am providing my server logs.

Please, check them and let me know, if you can find anything useful out of them!


P.S.: I ran the commands, when I was not playing the game.



there no any network issues 

there no any network issues 


no network issues on our end or on yours? 

no network issues on our end or on yours? 

Probably on my end, or both.
