Ricasso Guide

I also want to know the build :confused:

I also want to know the build :confused:

which one :)?

which one :)?


The one he deleted after your post.

Let him tell you about how bad the build was…he is a troll, and I am sure he will be glad to put a person down again.

Sssssh  …  Dang gone it Residente     you giving away SECRETS… 


“The good thing about Ricasso is that it can attack a guard and completely tank a whole pulsar, it can solo a LRF and tank the minefields, etc”



I’m trying to stay alive if I start seeing more Ricassos chasing my behind…either when I’m in my Guard or LRF 


 I am blaming you !!!   LOL


I also want to know the build :confused:

Here you go buddy


LOL a blank image doesn’t do him any good.

Let him tell you about how bad the build was…he is a troll, and I am sure he will be glad to put a person down again.

This thread is for Ricasso builds, where people share and discuss builds or the vision on the ship, if you scroll up you can see some of them, now you came in, posted your build, that i can guarantee, most of players here will agree that it is very underperforming form efficiency stand point, and this is what i said -maybe it is fun to fly for you, but the build is inefficient, i can elaborate on every point why it is not, where you instead of proving its efficiency via constructive description, just deleting the build, like it never happened.

LOL a blank image doesn’t do him any good.

how about now?

I deleted it because your nothing but a troll. You come in trolling my build just like you troll everything on these forums. You must be a sad lonely little man to troll so hard. I don’t need comments from you, nor did I ask for them. So FuckOff.

I deleted it because your nothing but a troll. You come in trolling my build just like you troll everything on these forums. You must be a sad lonely little man to troll so hard. I don’t need comments from you, nor did I ask for them. So FuckOff.

Instead of childishly call others trolls, you should step back and try to think why your build was called out, and if you can not, either prove your standpoint or ask why, this is how every one in a community benefits, and everyone gets better, every single build i share with newer players i go over in detail why these modules, implants, where is the synergy, where i compensate for cons and so on, if some one ask me a question i will try my best to answer them, if someone has points or better view on my build i always consider and double check it before i reject or accept it. Ability to understand own mistakes, under performances and self reevaluation are the biggest steps towards becoming a better player.

I think threads like these are AWESOME !     There will be different points of views based upon thier style of play. 


No one should be discouraged from showing thier builds the way they may want it to be.


Gives some of us choice(s) to see if this module may work but that one may not have been as good. 

Sssssh  …  Dang gone it Residente     you giving away SECRETS… 


“The good thing about Ricasso is that it can attack a guard and completely tank a whole pulsar, it can solo a LRF and tank the minefields, etc”



I’m trying to stay alive if I start seeing more Ricassos chasing my behind…either when I’m in my Guard or LRF 


 I am blaming you !!!   LOL


sorry, wasnt intended :stuck_out_tongue:


Here you go buddy


I also tested plasmas on ricasso, they can deal tons of damage with orion from long distances, but compared to RFB or Lazors the damage isnt that impressive. 

sorry, wasnt intended :stuck_out_tongue:



I also tested plasmas on ricasso, they can deal tons of damage with orion from long distances, but compared to RFB or Lazors the damage isnt that impressive. 

There is nothing wrong with assault plasmas in itself, but if you run it you might as well take different module instead of Orion, it is not synergizing with it, not at all, - Orion is very good for surprise burst when target is not actively maneuvering and you can pop Orion and have a clean drop for 2-3 seconds on a target, with plasmas you have to “pre heat” them to actually start hitting from distance - effectively letting your target know that he is being focused eliminating element of surprise. Or if you want to start using these plasmas very up close so you wont miss from initial spread you better off with proper close range weapon.

There is nothing wrong with assault plasmas in itself, but if you run it you might as well take different module instead of Orion, it is not synergizing with it, not at all, - Orion is very good for surprise burst when target is not actively maneuvering and you can pop Orion and have a clean drop for 2-3 seconds on a target, with plasmas you have to “pre heat” them to actually start hitting from distance - effectively letting your target know that he is being focused eliminating element of surprise. Or if you want to start using these plasmas very up close so you wont miss from initial spread you better off with proper close range weapon.


yes, but I dont see why you would remove Orion, even if you deny the surprise factor, you can activate it when you have the spread reduced and start hitting hard. But yeah, speed weapons like lasers or rfb are the best to surprise

yes, but I dont see why you would remove Orion, even if you deny the surprise factor, you can activate it when you have the spread reduced and start hitting hard. But yeah, speed weapons like lasers or rfb are the best to surprise

Because i expect that any one in right mind after 1-2 seconds under continuous fire (time to get your spread down on plasmas) will start actively maneuver and dodge or return fire so you will have to maneuver yourself to hit or to dodge, either way you gonna start missing shots, even with high accuracy of plasmas (unless its a frig, but vs frig why would we use assault plasmas :slight_smile:

Because i expect that any one in right mind after 1-2 seconds under continuous fire (time to get your spread down on plasmas) will start actively maneuver and dodge or return fire so you will have to maneuver yourself to hit or to dodge, either way you gonna start missing shots, even with high accuracy of plasmas (unless its a frig, but vs frig why would we use assault plasmas :slight_smile:


yep, but you know, pubs and right mind… anyway I like to focus on frigates with my cov ops and recons, my main objetives are: fed engi, any tackler, fed guard, then whatever I see.

and enigies can maneuver but not properly

anyway Ory, as you insist so much on the effectiveness of a fast Ricasso, I would like you to share your build with us (at least with me) to judge and maybe agree with your points… 

I did, it’s on page one.

I did, it’s on page one.


with build I mean screenshots with the fits (if you want to tell us your secrets)

with build I mean screenshots with the fits (if you want to tell us your secrets)



Here’s my fit. And why do I use those guns? Because 68% base crit is awesome. That, plus a 144% Orion = 7-8k crits. I laugh at your measly 2k RFB crits.



Blind mof.