Ricasso Guide

Need some advice on Ricasso , pls share build and short explanation of why



Speedy. Tanky. Thermal resist. Nuke if you’re grouped, EM missiles if solo. Shrapnel cannon. Actives should be Flares, cloak, Arc and Orion.

Shield, termal resist, speed (Ricasso is not that fast but…) and most important, energy regen > afterburner use, and emergency barrier is a must.


This is my beautiful Ricasso:



Iz k fit. I did try RFBs on the Ricasso, but found them to be lacking, overall…

I’ve used RFB and Lazors but I prefer RFB because plasma base crits are higher… I have 125% crit damage bonus

The Ricasso is actually a lot faster than I initially thought. How do Jericho covops in general fare as compared to their Fed counterparts? 

1ace1 Hit me up on RC, and I can help you with the Ricasso. It is one of my favorite ships to fly.

The Ricasso is actually a lot faster than I initially thought. How do Jericho covops in general fare as compared to their Fed counterparts? 

Slower, lots more tanky (as in not getting 1-shotted by Guided Torpedoes) and hits a LOT harder.

Slower, lots more tanky (as in not getting 1-shotted by Guided Torpedoes) and hits a LOT harder.

What Ory said. Ricasso is the Tank of CovertOps. It isn’t as quick as the Fed COs, but makes up for that in it’s hard punch & ability to take some punishment. I use it for hit & run tactics all the time. Dive in, hit the enemy, get out, recover, and then repeat.

>< The Hawk-M just feels kinda inadequate. Maybe I should leave the damage dealing to the Ricassos and focus on harassing and WNJ debuffs.

Hawk-M is good, but needs to be used for quick Fly Bys, or as a back up to another ship. Ricasso can stay in the mix longer so it can essentially deal more damage. You can’t stay in the middle of things for too long, but those extra couple of seconds you can over the Hawk-M can make a huge difference. Now if your in Detonation, and chasing the bomb carrier then the Hawk-M does have an advantage with speed. 

Here’s my fit. And why do I use those guns? Because 68% base crit is awesome. That, plus a 144% Orion = 7-8k crits. I laugh at your measly 2k RFB crits.



Why the HELL would you use an emergency barrier in a CO!?

Why the HELL would you use an emergency barrier in a CO!?


LMAO yeah why would you? The EB is one of the most worthless modules IMO. 

Why the HELL would you use an emergency barrier in a CO!?

Cuz they (others than some people) die too often.

LMAO yeah why would you? The EB is one of the most worthless modules IMO. 


It used to be useful when it lasted 3 seconds long, cause then that gave you enough time to pop adaptive cameo and escape. Now its just a waste of space, and in a capacitor slot, its useless. 

thanks guys for the help so I see both residente and jphack use adaptive barrier in the capacitor slot and i see alot of crticism, the ship came with it as the default  capacitor module , what would be a better choice>? and Phobias sorry ill catch you on RC later.

I, personally, use emergency barrier, it saved my ship countless times. I guess it is really dependant on how you fly and how aggressive you are. In the same time being on the other end, the one that have killed intys with different meanings, i saw how inty is getting away from death only due to EB, and how many i instagibbed with none.

It used to be useful when it lasted 3 seconds long, cause then that gave you enough time to pop adaptive cameo and escape. Now its just a waste of space, and in a capacitor slot, its useless. 

When you have a spare Shield/Armour slot… dude… it’s like… happy fun times…

It used to be useful when it lasted 3 seconds long, cause then that gave you enough time to pop adaptive cameo and escape. Now its just a waste of space, and in a capacitor slot, its useless. 

and it wasn’t useful it was OP


P.S. Forgot to add, screw Camo, with all the recons around it is like a flare on 2.5x cooldown with no benefits of slow immune.