Ricasso Guide

and it wasn’t useful it was OP


P.S. Forgot to add, screw Camo, with all the recons around it is like a flare on 2.5x cooldown with no benefits of slow immune.


Almost makes you wonder why you have it! 

Almost makes you wonder why you have it! 

Me? Camo? nope, my ricasso is rocking orion+arc+2 restoration modules. Ill post mine when i get a chance.

Can mine include lightweight hulls and submatter shields?

Can mine include lightweight hulls and submatter shields?

I would asume that will be inappropriate, i doubt this guy is lucky enough to have these modules.

Here is my setup:


For those that are lazy to do math

Pulse lazor will do 8826 DPS under Orion (counting crits)

Plasma arc does 6328 DPS

2 Rockets add 4700 kinetic dmg to the burst

At that range you can ignore spread reduction, hit boxes are big enough even for intys to hit all of it.

Cons of this build:

Most of it is the same dmg type thermal

Extremely heavy dependant on ability to evaluate battlefield and your positioning (speed is relatively low)

At big disadvantage vs other intys, unles you have BOT like lazer aim skills, then intys melt

Very Short range with combination of slow speed make it tougher (to bad no Sub-matter shield modules no more)

Susceptible to take dmg from mine fields (rest_surv modules combined will compensate)


Shield, termal resist, speed (Ricasso is not that fast but…) and most important, energy regen > afterburner use, and emergency barrier is a must.


This is my beautiful Ricasso:




~500 shield for a deep cut in acceleration… Is that really worth it?

Imo, it isn’t. COs are about 2 things: Top speed and acceleration. Tank is something secondary for these ships. What matters for them is flying in, dishing pain and gtfo before your shields even drop.



~500 shield for a deep cut in acceleration… Is that really worth it?


ofc it is, the acceleration from 19 to 11 is not that high, I don’t even notice it, but the shield increase with thermal resist makes me very resistant to minefields, mines and pulsars. I only drop 1/3 of my ship against recon mines, and other cov ops would just blow up against that


im flying constantly with afterburners because I dont have energy problems, I understand that you need high acceleration if you have bad regen, but I rarely have to stop afterburning…

Imo, it isn’t. COs are about 2 things: Top speed and acceleration. Tank is something secondary for these ships. What matters for them is flying in, dishing pain and gtfo before your shields even drop.


Are you forgetting that we’re talking about a Ricasso and not about a Kite and a Eagle-B, it only has 1 speed slot, its slow by default, you can use submatter shield, and lightweighning hull (both of them don’t exist anymor eon t3 unless you have them) and you can also use unit conductor


Why I don’t use them:


Light hull: If I use it I will not be able to use Passive Armor, so I’ll have energy problems.

Submatter shield: because from 460 to 490 speed I will not decrease my resists, I better have thermal and a bigger shield.

Unit conductor: because if I use it I will not be able to have EB


Using all that stuff together will give me 580 speed (still waaaaaaay less than Kite or Eagle-B), but, I will have negative regen when afterburning, I will have 250 energy pool, negative resists, 2000 hull and also low shields.


jericho torpedo = death, em torpedo = death, LRF minefield = death if not almost death…



call me crazy but I prefer to run at 460 with emergency barrier and positive energy regen than being a flying piece of paper. If I want to be fast I would go for fed cov ops not for jericho.



so yeah, from my experience, having a huge hull with thermal resist and semi decent speed is worth it, again, if I want a weak fast glass cannon with lots of burst I go for the kite, if I want a stable semi fast with lots of burst i go for Ricasso

The point still remains. The Ricasso is the BEST CO in T3. It makes sense that you just fit it to be as fast and manoeuvrable as possible while, at the same time, make it able to dish out as much dps as possible during the Orion uptime. That’s the way I’ve always flown mine and has worked nigh-flawlessly, so far.

The point still remains. The Ricasso is the BEST CO in T3. It makes sense that you just fit it to be as fast and manoeuvrable as possible while, at the same time, make it able to dish out as much dps as possible during the Orion uptime. That’s the way I’ve always flown mine and has worked nigh-flawlessly, so far.

It is the same as you try ti fit a Desert eagle to match WolfM, you can potentialy fit 5 speed modules on it, it will go almost as fast in straight line but still wont work quite the same.

Maxing out Ricasso speed will kill its possible tank and you still not going to be as fast as Kite/Eagle, I, personally, use 1x submatter shield instead of extra shield pool, but i am compensating with active survival resists module, having 2x submatters will make you die from a random explosion on other side of the map, you still need EB, if you replace EB you better of going Feds right there. Lightweight cant be used due to Energy starving of the ship and if you use lightweight you have to use regen in capacitor->no EB -> better of with feds anyways. and Collision generator(rotation bonus) > max speed any day on 90% of intys

It is the same as you try ti fit a Desert eagle to match WolfM, you can potentialy fit 5 speed modules on it, it will go almost as fast in straight line but still wont work quite the same.

Maxing out Ricasso speed will kill its possible tank and you still not going to be as fast as Kite/Eagle, I, personally, use 1x submatter shield instead of extra shield pool, but i am compensating with active survival resists module, having 2x submatters will make you die from a random explosion on other side of the map, you still need EB, if you replace EB you better of going Feds right there. Lightweight cant be used due to Energy starving of the ship and if you use lightweight you have to use regen in capacitor->no EB -> better of with feds anyways. and Collision generator(rotation bonus) > max speed any day on 90% of intys

You’re still using modules that DO NOT EXIST in T3, anymore. Fix that.

You’re still using modules that DO NOT EXIST in T3, anymore. Fix that.

There are no such modules on my screenshot, and this build completely viable with no submatter shield, I fly both of them.

The point still remains. The Ricasso is the BEST CO in T3. It makes sense that you just fit it to be as fast and manoeuvrable as possible while, at the same time, make it able to dish out as much dps as possible during the Orion uptime. That’s the way I’ve always flown mine and has worked nigh-flawlessly, so far.


The Ricasso is not the best CO in T3, because it’s remotely similar to Kite, they’re 2 different shipws, with 2 different play styles, again, if you want a fast and maneuverable Cov Ops you’re going for the fed line, if you want a slower but tankier Cov Ops you go for Jericho.


It’s the same in the whole game: 


if you want slow but strong engineer you go empire, if you want fast with good positioning but weak engineer you go fed

if you want a flying bunker guard you go jericho, if you want a faster but weaker guard you go fed

if you want a slow but tanky gunship you go empire, if you want a fast one you go fed

if you want a slowe but tanky tackler you go jericho, if you want a fast one you go fed

if you want a slow but tanky recon you go empire, if you want a fast one you go fed


if you’re goin’ to build your ricasso like a fed cov ops why you just dont use the fed cov ops? if ricasso is tanky by default (he has decent shields) why don’t you exploit that fact and make his shields even better?


Kite is fast by default, and what ppl do, add more and more speed, well you can apply that to every ship. 


The good thing about Ricasso is that it can attack a guard and completely tank a whole pulsar, it can solo a LRF and tank the minefields, etc.

There are no such modules on my screenshot, and this build completely viable with no submatter shield, I fly both of them.

Yes, but you did mention them on your previous post, which made me say that.


The Ricasso is not the best CO in T3, because it’s remotely similar to Kite, they’re 2 different shipws, with 2 different play styles, again, if you want a fast and maneuverable Cov Ops you’re going for the fed line, if you want a slower but tankier Cov Ops you go for Jericho.

If I want to fly at 700m/s, I’ll just grab my Wolf-M. Otherwise, Ricasso for CO.

Yes, but you did mention them on your previous post, which made me say that.


If I want to fly at 700m/s, I’ll just grab my Wolf-M. Otherwise, Ricasso for CO.


That doesn’t even make sense, we’re takling about interceptors, specifically about cov ops, if I want to fly at 700m/s on a ceptor, on a cov ops, I go for kite/eagle-b 


Ricasso for not-that-fast but not-that-squishy deadly cov ops :smiley:

Kite/Eagle-B for road runner glass cannon cov ops :smiley:



anyway Ory, as you insist so much on the effectiveness of a fast Ricasso, I would like you to share your build with us (at least with me) to judge and maybe agree with your points… 


Here is my build:



This build has its Pros and cosn:


It is probably fun for you to fly


it its worthless comparing to 90% of builds out there for Ricasso

Should have know the Troll would pop in. 

Should have know the Troll would pop in. 

IT has nothing with trolling, your build is in fact very-very inefficient and contradicting on most levels to the role and available tools and purpose of the ship. The only reason to fly some thing like that when you personally find it fun, that is it.