Reward for long waiting time in MM

Suggestion for developers:

Beeing that many times, players wait too long on battle queue…no matter if they are in SQ or regular PVP queues…I suggest to compensate them for their time lost waiting.

It is normal to wait between 1 to 3 mins …but every 30 s past beyond 3 mins when a player beeing in queue doesnt enter a battle… to be rewarded with 5000 credits…I guess is a way to make people benefit at least some tiny credits for their precious time spent over the normal queue time of maximum 3 mins and to mitigate a little their growing annoyance.

Has been suggested. 


Just needs to be implemented.


Some people need to be compensated. After all this is still a game still in beta and 30 minutes to get into battle is outright dumb

I really like this idea, it will at least help you progress whilst you are waiting. I can see a problem though people building bots to queue waiting the time limit stop and re-queue. this type of bot would not be hard to build. besides that a great Idea.


Will it for work PvE?  Some of the PvE queues when there are 500 players online can be really long.

  1. Queue in t5

  2. Wait for half an hour

  3. profit

In general this idea is nice, but keep in mind that this is a great potential weak spot for afk farmers.

True. I don’t think it’s a good idea. Afk farmers and bots is the last thing this game needs.

I really like this idea, it will at least help you progress whilst you are waiting. I can see a problem though people building bots to queue waiting the time limit stop and re-queue. this type of bot would not be hard to build. besides that a great Idea.

Solution there is to not give a reward if you manually quit out of matchmaking. That way, their bot will be useless… and if they’re afking in match after a 30 minute wait they can be reported and banned for botting.

Solution there is to not give a reward if you manually quit out of matchmaking. That way, their bot will be useless… and if they’re afking in match after a 30 minute wait they can be reported and banned for botting.


Very true, and if they actually get in a match and not do anything, the logs will show they where botting and you can nail them for not participating in a battle. 

To avoid the farmers, it would be better to give the rewards after the match. So let’s say you waited 20 minutes for a PvP, you do it, and in the end you’ll receive the credits from the match PLUS the credits for the long queue waiting time. If you cancel the wait, you lose the possibility to earn any kind of compensation.

To avoid the farmers, it would be better to give the rewards after the match. So let’s say you waited 20 minutes for a PvP, you do it, and in the end you’ll receive the credits from the match PLUS the credits for the long queue waiting time. If you cancel the wait, you lose the possibility to earn any kind of compensation.


+1 to that fail safe. 

What about a synergy-bonus in the following battle (pseudo-buff on fleet-strenght)?

AFK Bots-Farmers wouldnt profit from it.

What about a synergy-bonus in the following battle (pseudo-buff on fleet-strenght)?

AFK Bots-Farmers wouldnt profit from it.


Also a good Idea. So you have to 2 battles to make sure your not botting and are actively participating. 


I mean this game is still in beta, and usually beta games are fun and tailored for the players. Not this game. 

What about a synergy-bonus in the following battle (pseudo-buff on fleet-strenght)?

AFK Bots-Farmers wouldnt profit from it.

That’s a great idea too, +1

Bots or afk-ers can be avoided by developers through monitoring automatically battle logs, plus above suggestions from Deranzeef, JPhack and JasanQuinn.

Plus trading of items in game or money between players are not possible and sinergy/loyalty vouchers cant be bought to unlock better ships/modules…so it will be just fine and a viable way to implement this.

Also it would be a wonderful way to dispel the player’s nervosity, because certainly you gain something in that lost time.

Or we could, force a match, regardless in 5 minutes. 

Or we could, force a match, regardless in 5 minutes. 


Hell yea, I´d prefer that option over the rest!

Or we could, force a match, regardless in 5 minutes. 



Hell yea, I´d prefer that option over the rest!

And then we have people compiling about unbalanced 3v3s

Or we could, force a match, regardless in 5 minutes. 

So if no one queues in five minutes, do I get a 1v0 bot match?