Reward for long waiting time in MM

So if no one queues in five minutes, do I get a 1v0 bot match?

no it will grab a 1 v 1 with 2 bots. Getting you a game. 

no it will grab a 1 v 1 with 2 bots. Getting you a game. 

The problem is a lot of people dislike playing like that, if you check back, there’s a lot of people voicing that they want to play a real MMO where the first word (massive) takes precedence. 1v1 duels ain’t that.

Perhaps with the introduction of “wings” we’ll see a change in the MM, I highly doubt they’re introducing that feature without even touching the mechanics of the MM, because it’ll screw the matches. Right now you need over 5 minutes in the “high russian population” hours to get a match with a 4-man squad, and you simply DON’T get a match during the rest of the hours outside that period. Imagine the waiting time if you’re queueing with 9 other persons in the same squad…

The problem is a lot of people dislike playing like that, if you check back, there’s a lot of people voicing that they want to play a real MMO where the first word (massive) takes precedence. 1v1 duels ain’t that.

Perhaps with the introduction of “wings” we’ll see a change in the MM, I highly doubt they’re introducing that feature without even touching the mechanics of the MM, because it’ll screw the matches. Right now you need over 5 minutes in the “high russian population” hours to get a match with a 4-man squad, and you simply DON’T get a match during the rest of the hours outside that period. Imagine the waiting time if you’re queueing with 9 other persons in the same squad…


Welp, regardless on what we look at it. We need more players. And with the devs with there current BS, I cant recommend this game to others. So thats another problem. QQ

Welp, regardless on what we look at it. We need more players. And with the devs with there current BS, I cant recommend this game to others. So thats another problem. QQ

ikr, I already recommended the game to a lot of my friends, and all of them registered (around 20 or so, we even wanted to start a Corp back in the days) and played the game… For a couple of days, then dropped it out and returned to other MMOs.

The game is great, I think so myself and they think the same, but there are things that are really broken, even if some people insist blindly in saying everything is ok. Perhaps with the official release we’ll see a change, but I don’t know when it’ll happen.

ikr, I already recommended the game to a lot of my friends, and all of them registered (around 20 or so, we even wanted to start a Corp back in the days) and played the game… For a couple of days, then dropped it out and returned to other MMOs.

The game is great, I think so myself and they think the same, but there are things that are really broken, even if some people insist blindly in saying everything is ok. Perhaps with the official release we’ll see a change, but I don’t know when it’ll happen.


Usually the people that are the biggest , ahem, complainers are the losers that stick to T2 and a bit to T3. 


I have one T5 ships, but T4 is where its at, but there is no players. 

Usually the people that are the biggest , ahem, complainers are the losers that stick to T2 and a bit to T3. 


I have one T5 ships, but T4 is where its at, but there is no players. 

Could be, since I reached T3 I sticked to it, but I had no choice but to go further ahead because, well, I’m tired of always being the underdog, and now that I finally have decent ships, I only play 1 on 1 matches all the time, I even had a 8 games in a row streak against the same dude, we ended up becoming friends xD

T4 and up are essentially dead content because this game plays so poorly in low player matches. 6v6 works at a pinch, but even then I’d say that 12v12 is what the game was built for. Hell, in an ideal world I’d like to see even bigger matches! 16v16! 24v24! That would be so fething sweet!


But when you’re in the low numbers the game feels wrong, broken, incomplete. As a result, I have no incentive to try to fly my T4s because I won’t get a good match. This is, of course, a downward spiral. I don’t queue because I don’t think I’ll get a match, meaning longer queues for everyone else in T4, meaning poorer matches, meaning more people tier down, meaning longer queues and poorer matches…


That spiral can be very hard to break, and there is no solution being presented by the Devs. Sector Conquest has, if anything, made the situation worse. Now the T4 / T5 matches are taking place in matches where you can’t earn Synergy, so people will never rank up!


The Dev Team need to sit down and talk with players. Not at us, but with us. As in they listen to what we have to say and act on it. They need an open and flowing dialog where we can all voice our opinions, theories and beliefs as to why T4 sucks so much, why people aren’t playing it and what would make people start playing it.


But that’s never going to happen, so get used to Star Conflict only having three Tiers for the forseeable future.

T4 and up are essentially dead content because this game plays so poorly in low player matches. 6v6 works at a pinch, but even then I’d say that 12v12 is what the game was built for. Hell, in an ideal world I’d like to see even bigger matches! 16v16! 24v24! That would be so fething sweet!


But when you’re in the low numbers the game feels wrong, broken, incomplete. As a result, I have no incentive to try to fly my T4s because I won’t get a good match. This is, of course, a downward spiral. I don’t queue because I don’t think I’ll get a match, meaning longer queues for everyone else in T4, meaning poorer matches, meaning more people tier down, meaning longer queues and poorer matches…


That spiral can be very hard to break, and there is no solution being presented by the Devs. Sector Conquest has, if anything, made the situation worse. Now the T4 / T5 matches are taking place in matches where you can’t earn Synergy, so people will never rank up!


The Dev Team need to sit down and talk with players. Not at us, but with us. As in they listen to what we have to say and act on it. They need an open and flowing dialog where we can all voice our opinions, theories and beliefs as to why T4 sucks so much, why people aren’t playing it and what would make people start playing it.


But that’s never going to happen, so get used to Star Conflict only having three Tiers for the forseeable future.

Last night (UTC -5) 22:00-3:00 T4 games were 12v12 with waiting time of 2-3 minutes (During preparation stages of-course)

How many players online?  Also note that Friday, Saturday, and Sunday have higher numbers of players.


At 10pm CDT, it’s 8am Moscow.  Try 8pm CDT.

How many players online?  Also note that Friday, Saturday, and Sunday have higher numbers of players.


At 10pm CDT, it’s 8am Moscow.  Try 8pm CDT.

Unless you’re able to log in and play at any time in the day, it’s kinda hard xD

In my spare time, I have to deal with the lowest number of people online, I really hope the release date is soon, I’m dying to see more players.