
35 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

A lot of the issues when Windows 10 was released has been fixed and I admit I had a few issues when it was released but nothing like what you were/are having.

As far as driver sig ver that’s obviously so it cant be compromised by malicious intent and also as far as Win Update always reverting the drivers, they added an option in device manager to roll back and don’t allow it to revert which is about the same as what the update tool did. I have custom driver for my graphics which gives me a lot more fps.

As for Linux, I like it too but I do all of my programming in C# and don’t like to dual boot when Linux has most of there Open source software available for windows also like blender and gimp, which I use a lot too. Eventually I would like to get back into the depths of Linux but I’m still learning C#… atm making an overlay for gaming but finding out that I have to make a snapshot and show it all on the fly of any forms within the fps of the game and send mouse input to the form with keyboard hook. WHEW! (over my head but i’ll get it eventually)

I used to use Windows also on my main PC, but since I play only few games and all of them are avaible for Linux I switched to Linux only. Being able to set an own key for drivers wouldn’t compromise security only completely disabling driver signature enforcement would…

For your overlay part: isn’t it just easier to make an overlay with directx/SDL/opengl or whatever would be suited that doesn’t care where and when it is and is independent from the game window and can be enabled/disabled with triggers(e.g. is game window in foreground or so) (I never did anything with C#, my only more or less finished project is my crappy star conflict kd viewer directx overly stuff thingy, where half of the code is copy pasta)

1 hour ago, John161 said:

I used to use Windows also on my main PC, but since I play only few games and all of them are avaible for Linux I switched to Linux only. Being able to set an own key for drivers wouldn’t compromise security only completely disabling driver signature enforcement would…

For your overlay part: isn’t it just easier to make an overlay with directx/SDL/opengl or whatever would be suited that doesn’t care where and when it is and is independent from the game window and can be enabled/disabled with triggers(e.g. is game window in foreground or so) (I never did anything with C#, my only more or less finished project is my crappy star conflict kd viewer directx overly stuff thingy, where half of the code is copy pasta)

DirectX would be most ideal as far as speed but I’m still researching. SlimDX seems like a good way to go to but I like to avoid 3rd party methods and write my own wrappers. Hyjacking the exe in process is pretty easy to do and overlay what you want but like I stated that requires imaging > screenshot the form > save it > copy to temp location > read it > display it > repeat… By the time I’m finished this may not be even close to what I do.

13 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

DirectX would be most ideal as far as speed but I’m still researching. SlimDX seems like a good way to go to but I like to avoid 3rd party methods and write my own wrappers. Hyjacking the exe in process is pretty easy to do and overlay what you want but like I stated that requires imaging > screenshot the form > save it > copy to temp location > read it > display it > repeat… By the time I’m finished this may not be even close to what I do.

What kind of overlay are you trying to do, for just displaying text/graphs/stuff should be doable without knowing its content.

3 minutes ago, John161 said:

What kind of overlay are you trying to do, for just displaying text/graphs/stuff should be doable without knowing its content.

Ultimately i’d like my own version of OverWolf. Start with a music player or a web browser. In the end both of those would be ideal as I like to use them while I’m gaming but don’t want to alt-tab out all the time. With my setup, going through a receiver causes a 5 second delay plus I want to keybind a skip song… learning and just doing this would be great…

31 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

Ultimately i’d like my own version of OverWolf. Start with a music player or a web browser. In the end both of those would be ideal as I like to use them while I’m gaming but don’t want to alt-tab out all the time. With my setup, going through a receiver causes a 5 second delay plus I want to keybind a skip song… learning and just doing this would be great…

Sound like you love exclusive full screen mode xD, aren’t keybinds quite easy with the win API (or as it only Modifier key + key). I would recommend not to start with the webbrowser before the music player is finished since yeah a music player is way easier. My personal preferred way of solving it would be writing an small toggle able interfarface. When you wanna read about how to inject Smith like a performance friendly ui into a game, I would suggest smth  ‘game hacking’ or so.


My personal preferes setup for controlling music is my phone ,while I still have the controls directly above my windows when I don’t have anything at full screen




Yeah Yeah I know a cropped screenshot would have done better then a picture taken with my phone



36 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

Ultimately i’d like my own version of OverWolf.

Heh I tried to play around with that aswell once.

Note however, if you wanna do a browser, you will have to get focus. for the input.

And most likely, you will have to do separate logic depending on the currently used method of output, if you plan to use it like in any game, including making sure you dont trigger any anti-cheat alarms aswell. I found some ppl documented how you can do it in DX, so its definitely out there, but a hard to research topic. In this case, even if the geek in me tells you: go on, find out how it works, my wiser experienced self would tell you: and in the end, use a third party library if you find one which specializes in it, if its available, and safe yourself the time ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) - however solving such stuff basicly is the best drive to learn.

If you code C# it is perfectly understandable you stay in the windows world. I do from time to time take care of some unity3d code in eclipse in linux, if i am bored at work, so coding itself can be done with any editor, really, and most editors support the syntax - c# also went last year to native linux release, so its slowly coming over. You could use Mono, but f* Miguel. Anyway, Visual Studio is better than using MonoDevelop on linux. Unity/C# is basicly the only thing I do on my gaming pc next to gaming. Still, I have to admit, your defense of windows more or less opens your inner struggle of getting to know the real awesome world of unix. Where your overlay is really easy to do, btw. Just joking, it really doesnt matter, whatever makes one more productive. You gotta know your tools to use them.

2 hours ago, John161 said:

but since I play only few games and all of them are avaible for Linux I switched to Linux only.

brave hero, sir. people like you keep the wheel turning. one day, we will conquer the desktop. it will be a glorious year.

to be honest, by now the most important tool i miss on linux is the unity editor itself… and EA games… they challenge everything, but not linux yet.

2 minutes ago, g4borg said:

brave hero, sir. people like you keep the wheel turning. one day, we will conquer the desktop. it will be a glorious year.

to be honest, by now the most important tool i miss on linux is the unity editor itself… and EA games… they challenge everything, but not linux yet.


Can’t they give this forum once a usable editor that doesn’t completely break when you don’t have any white space after an quote.

My complete switch over to Linux was more an accident a month or so ago when I accidentally deleted my Windows partition (everything important was backed up) and there is so much stuff you can do much easier with Linux then Windows, like having and Desktop completely designed for you own need and preferences. I must say I don’t miss anything except Skyrim Special Edition and the blinking SC icon when a match was found xD (I just noticed that I got matched into a Spec Ops and yeah we lost… but I had 7pts for doing nothing)

I never used the Unity Editor, only Eclipse, Visual Studio and a damn ugly noobish Java IDE I had to use in school (it was more pleasant to use with deactivated syntax highlighting), now I’m using Visual Studio Code and vim. 

And yeah EA games… Will be a hard time when Mass Effect will come out, i really loved this franchise. But I can still play the trilogy on my dad’s xbox.

ME is the only space game after Darkstar One that i can play over and over again with no end.

Well, for now I am mostly just learning and make programs to simplify my life and yes, ME series is one of the best games ever including Dead Space series.

58 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

Well, for now I am mostly just learning and make programs to simplify my life and yes, ME series is one of the best games ever including Dead Space series.

Agree I like the 1st one better simply I can land on planets and explore it, looking forward for the new Andromeda game.

Just now, Milfeulle said:

Agree I like the 1st one better simply I can land on planets and explore it, looking forward for the new Andromeda game.

Imo most of the planets lacked a bit detail, but is still better then the annoying search Minerals on Planets Minigame in ME2


4 hours ago, John161 said:

I used to use Windows also on my main PC, but since I play only few games and all of them are avaible for Linux I switched to Linux only.


2 hours ago, g4borg said:

brave hero, sir. people like you keep the wheel turning. one day, we will conquer the desktop. it will be a glorious year.


10 hours ago, avarshina said:




#GNU/LinuxMasterrace (I also accept other userlands)

I do not believe in GNU tho, it definitely is part of the linux world now, but not all linux users are there because of GNU.

16 hours ago, John161 said:

Can’t they give this forum once a usable editor that doesn’t completely break when you don’t have any white space after an quote.

oh i miss that too. especially since the spoiler/endspoiler tag has not been ported correctly, and wont recognize the ending spoiler tag. you can select the outside boundary of the spoiler or quote and press enter, that way you can edit outside tho, just tricky. sometimes you gotta edit if you want complex quotes or spoilers. Definitely whishing raw edit was back. but as long as the spoiler tags arent parsed correctly as block tags, it wouldnt have helped for them… ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

16 hours ago, John161 said:

now I’m using Visual Studio Code and vim. 

vim? Nah, never was a fan. I use kate as editor, and eclipse as IDE. VS-Code I didnt even know, is that some port

16 hours ago, John161 said:

I must say I don’t miss anything except Skyrim Special Edition and the blinking SC icon when a match was found xD

thats interesting. as flashing the icon itself is i thought possible via open-desktop, and works in kde, at least i thought it did. must be whatever signal they are using is windows specific.

As far as website editing or any code that you aren’t compiling atm, notepad++ or its like is perfect due to being fast and not having a load time more than a second. As far as VS-Code, what do you mean? Did did they make visual studio available in Linux or can you run it in wine? Seems unlikely to be runnable through wine though its maybe possible if you install all the prerequisites in the virtual environment but still, unlikely.

Since on the topic, do any of you have a GitHub account? Mine: feel free to snag any code you like. I use it to backup and reference…

notepad++ is also my choice on windows, but i rather just sketch code with it. all web dev for me is done in eclipse or something similar, depends a bit on the project. Also I actually never wanted to do much web dev, so I kinda tried a lot of different IDEs for it - as excuse not to work. Now I find I can at least be flexible about that, and try to get less frontend work, if possible, except working with canvas and webgl.

1 hour ago, xXConflictionXx said:

As far as VS-Code, what do you mean?

I had the same question, so I googled it. It’s a lightweight editor-only IDE for C#:

the FAQ kinda tries to show what its for.

1 hour ago, xXConflictionXx said:

Since on the topic, do any of you have a GitHub account?

I have most of my sources on a private gitolite, and only a few old basic BS on public github, but my account is not hard to guess. Prepare for getting snooped.

2 hours ago, g4borg said:

I do not believe in GNU tho, it definitely is part of the linux world now, but not all linux users are there because of GNU.

Imo one should diver betwenn Linux and Linux, and yeah when you say you run Linux on your PC you can also say that you run Linux (when you have an Android phone) on you phone and probably also on your TV. That smth runs under Linux mostly implies GNU/Linux (and a x86 cpu mostly if it is closed source)

2 hours ago, g4borg said:


vim? Nah, never was a fan. I use kate as editor, and eclipse as IDE. VS-Code I didnt even know, is that some port

I use vim only when I’m already in an Terminal Window and I don’t want to open another window…

VS-Code isn’t a flull-fletched IDE, more like a Editor with Syntax Highlighting, Visual Studio look and some additional features.

2 hours ago, g4borg said:

thats interesting. as flashing the icon itself is i thought possible via open-desktop, and works in kde, at least i thought it did. must be whatever signal they are using is windows specific.

 I don’t know if it worked on KDE, but I don’t have my Exclamation Mark next to my work space number here in i3, but yeah it can also be an issue on my side

1 hour ago, xXConflictionXx said:

As far as website editing or any code that you aren’t compiling atm, notepad++ or its like is perfect due to being fast and not having a load time more than a second. As far as VS-Code, what do you mean? Did did they make visual studio available in Linux or can you run it in wine? Seems unlikely to be runnable through wine though its maybe possible if you install all the prerequisites in the virtual environment but still, unlikely.


8 minutes ago, g4borg said:

I had the same question, so I googled it. It’s a lightweight editor-only IDE for C#:

the FAQ kinda tries to show what its for.

Good to know I never used it for C#…


1 hour ago, xXConflictionXx said:


Since on the topic, do any of you have a GitHub account? Mine: feel free to snag any code you like. I use it to backup and reference…

Yep, completely empty